‘To Reveal Jesus to all people’


Edition 10 – May 2012

Sandwiched between the celebrations in early June, for the Queens Jubilee, and the many services and events over Easter, May has the potential to be seen as a much quieter month – although I am sure many amongst us will disagree!

I am sure we’d all like to join in celebrating and congratulating the ministry of St Mark’s in Bestwood Village, as they reach their milestone of 125 years of faithful ministry to the local community. This occasion will be marked by their annual Fun Day, combined with Jubilee Celebrations on the 3rd June.

I’ve taken the liberty to include the shopping list ideas for FOODBANK, either for the Spring Harvests you may be attending or for potential inclusion in your baskets when next at the Supermarket. A food collection is to be planned at one of the local supermarkets, within due course, when we’ll be asking for volunteers please.

As always, please keep me updated with anything you would like including in REVEAL for June, at any time during the month of May. Similarly, anything that you would like circulating immediately. This could be details of events, services or prayer requests you would like publishing to the ‘Bestwood 6’. E-mail to Information for Edition 11 – June 2012 is required, to me, by the 30th May please.


Saturday 12th May - Mini Fayre/Coffee morning at Bestwood Park Church.Raffle, Tombola (prize every time), Books, Bric-a-Brac, DVD's, Plant stall, Bran tub and more. All proceeds from to the newly formed, soon to be opened, Bestwood and Bulwell Food Bank.

Thursday 17th May 7.30pm – Joint Service at Emmanuel Church, Warren Hill for the Churches of the Bestwood 6.

Sunday 20th May 3pm - Faith and Light Service at Bestwood Park Church. Theme – ‘CreationPartTwo'. Everyone is very welcome to come along. Please visit our website for more information about Faith and Light nottinghamnorthfaithandlight.webplus.net

Sunday 27th May 6.00pm – Joint Service at Rise Park. Timeline event for Bestwood 6 with an opportunity to pray together.

Thursday 31st May 4.30 – 6pm Messy Church at Bestwood Park Church. Subject: Joshua

Jubilee Events

Saturday 2nd June 3.00-6.00pm

Emmanuel Church Warren Hill off Bewcastle Road

The Big Thank You

All -age fun with crafts and activities in connection with The Big Thank You

Approximately 5.00pm BBQ and cream teas and stalls

Sunday 3rd June noon - 4.00pm

The Big Lunch at Bestwood Park Church

Inflatable bouncy castle, surf machine and bungee run. Candy floss and popcorn, craft activities, entertainment, cream teas for the older generation plus lots more – All Free!

Bring along a picnic blanket, food and drink and join your local community celebration.

Sunday 3rd June from 2.00pm

Bestwood Village Community Centre

Jubilee Fun day organized by St Marks

Bouncy Castles, Stalls, Ice Cream Van, BBQ, Cream Teas and many more ….

PLUS displays from local dancing groups.

Tuesday 5th June

Jubilee event at Rise Park 10.00-4.00pm

Combined with community centre and the Church at Rise Park

All sorts of fun activities for all ages,

Food available at the church and quiet areas for spiritual reflection.

June and onwards......

Thursday 21st June 4.30 – 6pm Messy Church at Bestwood Park Church. Subject: David

Sunday 1st July 6.30pm – United Service for Churches of Bestwood at Infant of Prague.

Saturday 30th June 7.30pm – St Leodegarius Church, Church Street, Basford, Nottingham, NG6 0GD. Diamond Jubilee Celebrations featuring THE BLUECOAT SINGERS with a repertoire of music from the last 60 years, concluding with a prom style finish. Tickets £7.00 from Denise on 8770177 or Kate on 9279268. Wine and Soft Drinks available at the Interval.


The Steering Group for the Bestwood and Bulwell FOODBANK have been working hard. They have cleared and installed shelving units in the main storage location for the abundance of food we are hoping to receive as donations. As many of you will be aware, each month fundraising activities are taking place within our Church groups, including Andy Morris (St Matthews and St Philips) cycling many miles to raise funds for the good cause.

In due course a date should be announced as to when an official food collection can take place within one of the local supermarkets but in the meantime any donated food is being stored. Already we are receiving referrals for food parcels, just showing how necessary the depot really is and how important to those in need. So when you are next doing your shopping, if you would like to include items for the FOODBANK, here is a list of suggested items so you can help those in crisis in our region:

·  Milk (UHT or powdered)

·  Sugar (500g)

·  Fruit Juice (Carton)

·  Soup

·  Pasta Sauces

·  Sponge Pudding (Tinned)

·  Tomatoes (Tinned)

·  Cereals

·  Rice Pudding (Tinned)

·  Tea Bags/ Instant Coffee

·  Instant Mash Potato

·  Rice/ Pasta

·  Tinned Meat/ Fish

·  Tinned Fruit

·  Jam

·  Biscuits or Snack Bars

Reveal - May 2012 - Update from Chris Easton

Kids Church at Bestwood Park Church started in January. Each Sunday we have anywhere between 2 - 10 children come along. There is a great team of leaders. During the first term we used Scripture Union materials. From this term we are writing our own materials and working our way through "My First Message" which is a children version of the Message.

So far we have had two Messy Church services at Bestwood Park Church. At the first one 47 people came along and the second we had 68. Both sessions went really well and we have a great team running it from the church and some volunteers from other the Bestwood 6 churches. A massive thank you to everyone for getting behind it in prayer and by volunteering. The May Messy Church services will be happening on the Thursday 3rd and 31st May 4.30 - 6pm. We are planning a Messy Church holiday club at Bestwood Park Church between 24th - 27th July. It will be in the afternoons and have an Olympic theme with lots of sport and games as well as a bible theme. After that Messy Church will take place roughly once every three weeks at Bestwood Park. Church on Rise Park are also considering running a Messy Church service. Watch this space for more information.

This coming term I have 28 assemblies booked in so far at Robin Hood, Southglade, Gladehill, Henry Whipple, Westglade, Stanstead and Rise Park Primary Schools. During lunch times I go into some primary schools on a weekly basis to try and build relationships with staff and pupils. On a Monday -Southglade, Tuesday - Stanstead, Wednesday - Henry Whipple and Thursday - Rise Park

On a Thursday morning I have been taking some PSHE lessons at Big Wood Secondary School. The lessons have been about Relationships and Self Esteem.

We have been successful in receiving funding from the Methodist District and Circuit for two children ministry students. The students will be studying at St Johns towards a degree in Children and Family Ministry which will take three years and during this period they will be on placement with us. Their main focus will be at Bestwood Park and Rise Park churches but they will also get involved in the wider Bestwood 6, for example Holiday Clubs and Experience weeks. Please pray that we get the right people as this is a fairly new course and they do not have a huge number of applicants.

Bestwood 6 Youth Discipleship Group - This term the group will be meeting on a Thursday evening, once a fortnight, at Chris and Heather Eastons.

Over the past eight months we have got to know a number of young Adults who are 18 plus who have either loose connection with church or have no connections with a church in the area. We have got to know these young adults and through conversation and spending time with them we started asking them round to our home on Monday evenings for a meal, we chat about life issues and faith and pray together. We are doing this roughly once a fortnight.

Safeguarding Training for the Bestwood 6. On Thursday 6th and Thursday 13th September 7.30 - 9.30 pm we will be having training from the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham. This is for everyone who helps out with children, young people and vulnerable adults across the Bestwood 6. Please put these dates in you diary. Venue will be Bestwood Park Church.

To get involved please contact Chris Easton, 07828970959,

And finally, thanks to Elizabeth, a prayer diary for the coming weeks:

Prayer Diary

Week Commencing 6th May

·  For those who have carried out and are carrying out the Listening Leader interviews in our churches

·  For those on the Partnership for Missional Church Steering group

·  For Nigel Webster Chairing this group and inputting the date onto the Church innovations website

·  For those who will analyse the data at Church innovations and at St John’s College

·  For the advert going out for a New Appointment to the Methodist Post at The Church on Rise Park and Bestwood Park Church

Week Commencing 13th May

·  For our schools and the relationship that we have with the staff and pupils

·  For all children who are taking test and exams over the next weeks

·  For children who will be moving school at the end of this term

·  For those who will be leaving school and going onto further education or seeking employment.

·  For our Joint Service for Ascension Day on Thursday 17th May at 7.30pm at Emmanuel Church

Week Commencing 20th May

·  For our churches

o  St Matthew’s and St Philips

o  Bestwood Park

o  The Church on Rise Park

o  Emmanuel

o  St Mark’s Bestwood Village

·  For those in leadership

·  For the relationship between our churches

Week Commencing 27th May

·  For all the events that are happening across the area in connection with the Queens Jubilee

o  Saturday 2nd June 3.00-6.00pm Emmanuel Church, Warren Hill, off Bewcastle Road ‘The Big Thank You’.

o  Sunday 3rd June noon to 4.00pm ‘The Big Lunch’ at Bestwood Park Church

o  Sunday 3rd June from 2.00pm Bestwood Village Community Centre ‘Jubilee Fun Day’ organized by St Marks.

o  Tuesday 5th June ‘Jubilee event’ at Rise Park 10.00-4.00pm

·  For good weather, for engagement with our communities.

·  For the ordination of the new curate for Emmanuel and St Mark’s at Southwell Minster on Sunday 1st July at 11.00am, and her family as they move into Bestwood over the half term week.

For future additions of REVEAL, please send any prayer requests to , equally if you would like something sending out in the interim for prayer amongst our communities.

‘We are a community united by Gods’ Love. Our values: Caring, Compassion, Consistency, Collaboration’