Board of Landscape Architects
Minutes - 05/09/2006
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Cannon Building / STATE OF DELAWARE / Telephone: (302) 744-4500861 Silver Lake Blvd., Suite 203 / DEPARTMENT OF STATE / Fax: (302) 739-2711
Dover, Delaware 19904-2467 / DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION / Website:
MEETING DATE AND TIME: Tuesday, May 9, 2006 at 9:00 a.m.
PLACE: 861 Silver Lake Boulevard, Dover, Delaware
Conference Room B, second floor of the Cannon Building
MINUTES APPROVED: August 9, 2006
Eric J. Sturm, Secretary, Professional Member, President
Lorene Athey, RLA, Professional Member, Secretary
Paul Westhelle, Professional Member
Ronald Sherman, Public Member
Division Staff/Deputy Attorney General PRESENT
Kay Warren, Deputy Director, DPR
Allison Reardon, Deputy Attorney General
Timothy Oswell, Administrative Specialist
Barbara A. Hanson, Public Member, Treasurer
Mr. Sturm called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.
The Board reviewed the March 28, 2006 minutes for approval. Mr. Sherman made a motion, seconded by Ms. Athey to approve the minutes as presented. Motion unanimously carried.
2006 Election of Officers
Ms. Athey made a motion to nominate Mr. Sturm as President of the Board and was seconded by Mr. Westhelle. There were no other nominations. Motion unanimously carried.
Mr. Sturm made a motion to nominate Mr. Westhelle as Treasurer of the Board and was seconded by Ms. Athey. There were no other nominations. Motion unanimously carried.
Ms. Athey made a motion to nominate Mr. Sherman as Secretary of the Board and was seconded by Mr. Westhelle. There were no other nominations. Motion unanimously carried.
Review of L.A.R.E. Graphics Exam
The Board discussed the responsibility the Board and the Division of Professional Regulation has in the administration of the graphics sections of the L.A.R.E. examination. After much discussion Ms. Athey made a motion that the Board felt that they no longer wished to be responsible for administering the graphics portion of the L.A.R.E examination and that the Division begin the process of transferring the responsibility to CLARB. Mr. Westhelle seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried.
Review of Application for Licensure by Reciprocity – David Cavanaugh
The Board reviewed David Cavanaugh’s application for licensure by reciprocity. Mr. Westhelle made a motion, seconded by Ms. Athey to approve David Cavanaugh’s application. Motion unanimously carried.
Review of Application for Licensure by Reciprocity – Kevin Kester
The Board reviewed Kevin Kester’s application for licensure by reciprocity. Ms. Athey made a motion, seconded by Mr. Westhelle to approve Kevin Kester’s application contingent upon receipt of a verifications of license in good standing from Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Motion unanimously carried.
Review of Application for Licensure by Reciprocity – David Locke
The Board reviewed David Locke’s application for licensure by reciprocity. Ms. Athey made a motion, seconded by Mr. Sherman to approve David Locke’s application. Motion unanimously carried.
Review of Application for Licensure by Reciprocity – Richard Kingsbury
The Board reviewed Richard Kingsbury’s application for licensure by reciprocity. Ms. Athey made a motion, seconded by Mr. Sherman to approve Richard Kingsbury’s application contingent upon receipt of a verifications of license in good standing from Pennsylvania and Maryland. Motion unanimously carried.
Review of Application for a Certificate of Authorization – Wallace, Roberts & Todd, LLC
The board reviewed Wallace, Roberts & Todd’s application for Certificate of Authorization. Mr. Westhelle made a motion, seconded by Mr. Sturm to approve the Certificate of Authorization contingent upon receiving the name(s) of all personnel of the business that act or will act on its behalf as landscape architects in Delaware. Motion unanimously carried.
Review of Application for a Certificate of Authorization – Carter Van Dyke Associates, Inc.
The board reviewed Carter Van Dyke Associates application for Certificate of Authorization. Ms. Athey made a motion, seconded by Mr. Sherman to approve the Certificate of Authorization. Motion unanimously carried.
Voluntary Treatment Option (VTO) Presentation
Ms. Warren presented the board with a power point presentation of the Voluntary Treatment Option available for licensees with substance abuse problems. This program provides an opportunity for regulated professionals to confidentially access professional help for their chemical dependency (alcohol or drugs) impairment. Board members suggested sending copies of the VTO program brochures to its licensees and certificate of authorization holders. Program forms and information are available at Mr. Sturm, as President indicated he would be the VTO designate.
Review of CLARB Disciplinary Action Database Proposal
The Board reviewed a survey from CLARB concerning a proposed disciplinary action database that CLARB would like to post on their website. Mr. Oswell will complete the survey based on the answers the Board gave and send it to CLARB.
Online License Renewals
The Division of Professional Regulations has already started offering online renewals to its licensees. The Board discussed the effect this would have on its renewal procedures. The Board discussed moving to a online renewal process that would use a process for its licensee’s to attest to having completed their continuing education requirements and conduction a post-renewal audit of continuing education. Ms. Reardon will draft changes to the Board’s rules that would be required for online renewals and present the draft to the Board at its August meeting.
Review of Application for to take the L.A.R.E. Examination – Brandon Hartz
The Board reviewed Brandon Hartz’s application to take the L.A.R.E. examination. Ms. Athey made a motion, seconded by Mr. Westhelle, to approve Brandon Hartz’s application to take the L.A.R.E. exam. Motion unanimously carried.
Other Business Before the Board (For Discussion Only)
There was no other business before the Board.
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Next Meeting Date
The Board will hold a meeting on August 3, 2006 at 9:00 am in Conference Room “B” of the Cannon Bldg., 861 Silver Lake Blvd., Dover, Delaware, 19904.
Mr. Sherman made a motion, seconded by Ms. Athey to adjourn. Motion unanimously carried.
There being no further business before the Board the meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Timothy Oswell, Administrative Specialist II
Board of Examiners of Psychologists