State of Alabama

Pike County

Brundidge, Alabama

The Council of the City of Brundidge, Alabama met in regular session Tuesday, September 16th, 2008 at 4:00 o’clock p.m. at City Hall at which time and place the following members were present: Mayor Ramage and Council members Bowden, Jackson, Boyd and Griffin. Mayor Ramage called the meeting to order.

The minutes of the meeting of September 2nd, 2008 were presented, and upon motion by Mr. Jackson, second by Mrs. Boyd, with all voting yea, the minutes were approved as corrected as duly noted by the council.

Pastor Mark Pickett appeared before the council and requested that he be granted the use of Galloway Park Community Center for three months, Sundays only in order to start a church. Hours of use would be 10 o’clock a.m. until 3 o’clock p.m.

Mr. Bowden moved the council approve Resolution No. 2008-16 which provides for the city borrowing up to $386,000 from First National Bank of Brundidge based on proposals received from all banks. The motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin and upon the roll being called, the following vote was recorded: Voting Yea: Bowden, Jackson, Boyd and Griffin. Voting Nay: None. Abstaining: Mayor Ramage. Motion carried.

Mr. Jackson moved the council approve the declaration of surplus property for a large transformer the city has had on its books for over 15 years that is not usable on the city electric distribution system, and that same be offered for sale to the highest bidder. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Boyd and all voted yea.

There being no further business to come before the council, Mayor Ramage ordered the meeting adjourned.