State Capitol and Executive Residence Board

Meeting Minutes

The Executive Residence, 99 Cambridge Road, Madison, Wisconsin

June 21, 2004 at 1:00 p.m.


1. Call to Order

The meeting of the State Capitol and Executive Residence Board (SCERB) was called to order by the Chairperson, Senator Fred Risser at 1:00 p.m.

2. New Members

Two new members were introduced: Mr. Arlan K. Kay, Architect, Arlan Kay & Associates and Ms. Sally Basting, Public Member.

3. Oath of Office

The new members of the Board signed the Oath of Office.

4. Roll Call

Mr. Michael Stark, SCERB Secretary, called the roll. A quorum was present.

Present: Ms. Sally Basting, Public Member; Mr. Robert Cramer, Administrator, DOA, Division of State Facilities; Mr. David Haley, State Architect, DOA, Division of State Facilities; Mr. Arlan Kay, Architect, Arlan Kay & Associates; Senator Joseph Leibham, Representative Bonnie Ladwig; Senator Fred A. Risser; Representative Carol Owens; Representative Marlin Schneider; Mr. Eugene Potente, Interior Designer; Mr. Anthony Puttnam, Architect; Mr. James Sewell, State Historical Society; Mr. Kent Johnson, Landscape Architect; Ms. Debra Woodward, Interior Designer; Mr. Michael Stark, SCERB Secretary.

Absent: Senator Dale W. Schultz; Mr. Robert E. Lewcock, Interior Designer.

Guests Present: First Lady, Jessica Doyle; Ms. Cheryl Kunesh, Executive Residence Director; Mr. Michael Bath, DOA, Division of State Facilities; Mr. Daniel Stephans, DOA, Division of State Facilities; Mr. Michael Huckaby, Owner/Operator, Capitol Deli & Espresso Bar; Ms. Sarah Briganti, support staff for Senator Risser; Ms. Cynthia Kieper, support staff for Representative Marlin Schneider; Ms. Jacque Dicks, support staff for Representative Carol Owens; Ms. Barbara Nelson, Governor Jim Doyle’s Office; Mr. John Voelker, Director of State Courts; Ms. Roxanne Nelson, Senate Chief Clerks Office; Mr. Ed Hood, staff with Mr. Eugene Potente; Ms.Teri Nelson, DOA, Division of State Facilities; Mr. John Meinke and Mr. Scott Simacek, Student Advisors at Princeton Senior High School; Mr. Josh Brockmann, Ms. Holly Pulvermacher Mr. Jason Calbaum, Mr. Corey Mathei, Mr. Matt Bittinger, students from Princeton Senior High School and Ms. Kim Pulvermacher; parent of Ms. Holly Pulvermacher.

5. Approval of Past Meeting Minutes

Motion #1: Mr. Kent Johnson moved to accept the minutes as recorded from the November 20, 2003 SCERB meeting. Seconded by Representative Marlin Schneider.

Motion #1 approved by a unanimous voice vote.

6. Subcommittee on the State Capitol

A. Supreme Court Drapes: Senator Fred Risser introduced the issue of drapes for the Supreme Court. When the restoration of the East Wing was completed in 2001, drapes were fabricated for all of the windows in the Supreme Court. The drapes fabricated for the ground floor windows were never hung. Mr. Daniel Stephens is aware these drapes are made and sitting in storage. Senator Risser questioned why the drapes were in storage and why they were not hung. Mr. Stephans explained it would only take SCERB approval to install the drapes. Project money would be used to pay for the installation. Several members made positive comments to finish this job and hang the rest of the drapes to complete this project.

Motion #2: Representative Marlin Schneider moved to approve hanging the drapes in the Supreme Court. Motion seconded by Mr. James Sewell.

Motion #2 approved by a unanimous voice vote.

B. National Landmark Plaque and Wisconsin Historic Register Plaque: Mr. Daniel Stephans, Architect with DOA, Division of State Facilities, presented color photos showing two location choices for the National Landmark Plaque and the Wisconsin State Register of Historic Places Plaque. Both locations were at the Martin Luther King Jr. entrance to the Capitol. The main concern was to make sure both plaques would be accessible and visible to the public. There was a discussion to place both plaques on the granite pedestal on the west side of the drive adjacent to the balustrade. Several members felt it would be hard to see this location from the street. Further discussion concluded the Grand Stair location would be the most visible, especially if cars are not allowed to park in this area.

Motion #3: Mr. Kent Johnson moved to approve the installation of the plaques on either side of the Grand Stairs at the base of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. Seconded by Representative Bonnie Ladwig.

Motion #3 approved by a unanimous voice vote.

C. Wall Mounted Signage: Mr. Daniel Stephans, Architect with DOA, Division of State Facilities, presented information on wall mounted signage proposed to be used on the ground and first floors of the Capitol. The signs will be mounted on the marble walls using anchors in the grout joints adjacent to the elevators. The signs are necessary to direct visitors to the 5th level Observation Deck and differentiate between the passenger elevators and freight elevators. Badger State Industries (BSI) will manufacture the signs. BSI is already manufacturing freestanding wood signs to be used in the Capitol. These signs were approved by SCERB at the last meeting.

Motion #4: Representative Marlin Schneider moved to approve the wall-mounted signage for ground and first floors. Mr. Kent Johnson seconded the motion.

Motion #4 approved by a unanimous voice vote.

D. Assembly Gallery Chairs and Carpet – Informational Item: Mr. Daniel Stephans, Architect with DOA, Division of State Facilities, presented information on the cost to recover the chairs in the Assembly gallery (all three gallery sections) and replace the carpet on the gallery floor. The fabric to be used on the chairs was approved at the previous SCERB meeting (November 20, 2003). Badger State Industries (BSI) submitted the low bid to recover the chairs at a cost of $8,865 for the labor. The fabric was purchased directly from the manufacturer at a cost of $8,300 making the total cost of the project $17,185. The cost to install new carpeting on the gallery floor is $12,118. This number includes all labor and material. This work is being paid for out of the Capitol Restoration project.

E. September 11 Memorial: Ms. Holly Pulvermacher, a freshman at Princeton High School and Student Council member represented a student group that would like to design and install a monument in the State Capitol building to memorialize the victims of the September 11, 2001 tragedy. SCERB members were previously sent information on this proposal, including computer-generated drawings. Mr. Jason Calbaum, a Princeton Senior High School student, addressed the group and introduced the other members of his committee. Mr. Calbaum explained the memorial would not have to be permanent in the Capitol building. He suggested it could be displayed for two years, or some other negotiable period, and then moved to another location if SCERB is not happy with the design. He discussed it could be moved to various courthouses around the state in future years. Senator Risser and Representative Schneider expressed concern we are unable to include every memorial we would like in the Capitol building or on the grounds.

Mr. Johnson asked for clarification on the policy SCERB has adapted regarding future memorials. Mr. Stark explained SCERB formally adapted a policy on May 15, 1995 prohibiting any future memorials at the State Capitol unless an existing memorial is removed.

Senator Risser questioned the size and weight of the proposed memorial. Mr. Calbaum explained the tower portion would be hollow and wrapped with a 1” thick (approximate) marble veneer, but he was unable to give any estimate of the total weight. The student group is concerned about the overall weight of the memorial and has taken measures to reduce this number as much as possible. Mr. Stark indicated the State would need to know the weight in order to have engineers determine the safety of the floor load limits in the Capitol. Additionally, we would need to know specifically where the memorial would be placed in the rotunda as the floor loading capacity changes from location to location.

Senator Risser liked the idea of having the memorial start out in the Capitol and then move to other locations around the state to allow all of Wisconsin’s citizens the opportunity to view the monument. Mr. Johnson agreed with Senator Risser and indicated SCERB’s policy on new memorials at the Capitol is very strong and should not be violated.

Motion #5: Representative Owens asked SCERB to delay voting on the 9/11 memorial at this time to allow the group sufficient time to gather additional information on their proposal. Mr. Stark asked the group to provide SCERB with specific information on the memorial including the size, weight and how it will be moved into and out of the Capitol building. Senator Risser moved to table the request and to approve this memorial at a future meeting.

Motion #5 approved by a unanimous voice vote.

F. ATM Machine: Installation of an ATM Machine in the Capitol Basement – Open Discussion. Senator Risser mentioned currently we have seven ATM machines directly on the Capitol Square. Representative Schneider believes an ATM machine in the Capitol would be helpful to better serve visitors and tenants. Representative Ladwig agreed and mentioned it would be very helpful during times of inclement weather.

Mr. Michael Huckaby, Owner/Operator, Capitol Deli & Espresso Bar spoke how helpful an ATM machine would be to the public. He indicated he would own and maintain the machine at no cost to the State. At this time he is not certain what the cost per transaction would be, but this would be open for negotiation. The machine could be located in the basement vending room directly off of the Rotunda seating area. This area is currently monitored by Capitol Police with two security cameras.

Senator Leibham asked for clarification to verify Mr. Huckaby would own and maintain the ATM machine at no cost to the State. Mr. Huckaby agreed this was his intent. Mr. Johnson asked if space was available in the basement at this time for the machine. Mr. Stark indicated the basement vending room could accommodate an ATM machine.

Motion #6: Representative Ladwig moved to approve the addition of an ATM machine in the basement Rotunda vending room at no cost to the State. Mr. Cramer recommended DOA legal council review this request and verify if an RFP is necessary. Mr. Kay seconded the motion.

Motion #6 approved by a 13-1 voice vote with Senator Risser requesting to be recorded as against the motion.

Senator Risser asked DOA to research if it would be necessary to complete an RFP and report back to SCERB at the next scheduled meeting.

7. Subcommittee on the Executive Residence

A. Accessible Restroom: Mr. Daniel Stephans with DOA, Division of State Facilities, presented plans to remodel the first floor restroom facility across from the dining room, in order to make it usable for the disabled. This room is often referred to as the ladies powder room. Mr. Stephans presented plans that would make the room a unisex accessible facility. The double doors opening into the toilet space would be automated, operated by pushing a wall-mounted button. This would require the inner toilet/lavatory room and the outer sitting room to be treated as one room to meet accessibility needs.

Mr. Potente wanted to clarify if the space was being treated as two rooms; a sitting area and a toilet room. Mr. Stephans confirmed this was the intent.

Mr. Puttnam questioned why the space was being treated as two separate rooms. Mr. Stephans explained this was being done to eliminate major changes to the space and allow the outer room to function as a private sitting room when not functioning as a totally accessible facility. Additionally this would have the least impact on the space and would preserve the original design. Mr. Puttnam asked if this was really necessary and suggested the entire space be treated as one room. Mr. Stephans explained this could be possible.

Representative Ladwig questioned why this project was being done and if someone was mandating this work be done. She also wanted to know the cost of the project. Mr. Stephans explained this project was not required, but the building at this time lacks any reasonable accommodations for an accessible toilet facility. Since the project is only in the planning stage, he was unable to provide a cost estimate. Representative Ladwig also questioned if a sitting room was really necessary and if it should be maintained.

Jessica Doyle explained she was very open to the design of the room and did not have a problem if it were to be treated as one space. She did indicate the need for an accessible restroom to accommodate guests and visitors.

Senator Risser believed there was a consensus among SCERB members in that the plans should be redesigned and presented to SCERB at a future meeting. Other members agreed. Senator Risser asked Mr. Stephans to re-design the space treating it as one room and report back to SCERB for approval.

B. Exterior ADA Ramps: Mr. Daniel Stephans with DOA, Division of State Facilities, presented plans to modify the front door of the Executive Residence with two ADA ramps at the front portico to make this entrance accessible. The first ramp, the longer of the two, would be directly below the sunroom and library windows and would lead to the front portico. The second ramp would be directly in front of the main entrance and would eliminate a 2-3” step currently found in this location under the portico.