


(Please answer questions 1-4 by highlighting the answer)

1. Layout

Are all the crush barriers on this terrace currently YES/NO

continuous between radial gangways (see paragraph

11.8 and Diagram 11.3 of the Green Guide) ?

Are all points from which spectators may view the YES/NO

match currently within 12 metres of a gangway

or exit along a line of unobstructed travel?

2. Spacing, strength and construction

Do the spacing, strength and construction of all YES/NO

the crush barriers currently conform to

paragraph 11.2 and Table 11.2 of the Green Guide?

3. Height and positioning

Are the height and positioning of all the crush barriers YES/NO

currently in accord with paragraph 11.10 and

Diagram 11.4 of the Green Guide?

4. Level standing

Are there areas of level or non-terraced standing? YES/NO

If the answer to any of the questions 1 to 3 is NO or the answer to question 4 is YES, please provide the information listed overleaf, and attach the appropriate ground plans and/or structural details.



I attach full details of:

· the layout, spacing, strength, construction, height or positioning of the terrace and of each individual crush barrier where this does not comply with any or all of the criteria indicated in questions 1-3 above.

· the location of any level or non terraced standing areas.

Intended action

I attach full details of the nature and timescale of any action that is to be taken to ensure that:

· the layout, spacing, strength, construction, height and positioning of the terrace and of each individual crush barrier comply fully with the criteria indicated above.

· any level or non-terraced standing areas are replaced with terracing on which the layout, spacing, strength, construction, height and positioning of the terrace and of each individual crush barrier comply fully with the criteria indicated above

Ground plans / structural details

I attach the following ground plans structural details







1. The proforma comprises part of the application form and must be returned with it; failure to complete the proforma fully and accurately will delay consideration of the application.

2. A separate proforma should be completed for each standing terrace or area. It may be completed by the applicant or by a professional consultant acting on behalf of the applicant

3. The answers to questions 1-4 should describe the actual state of the standing terrace on the date that the proforma is signed.

4. In the proforma all references to the Green Guide are to the Fifth Edition of the Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds, published 2008.

5. The SGSA reserves the right to check any or all of the information supplied.