St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church

Confirmation 2018

Luc Tran

Confirmation Coordinator

We are happy to assist during this time of preparation as we are able.

Luc Tran can be reached at the parish office at 512-255-1389

Email is the best way of communication:

Sacrament of Confirmation


“Confirmation perfects Baptismal grace; it is the sacrament which gives the Holy Spirit in order to root us more deeply in the divine filiations, incorporate us more firmly into Christ, strengthen our bond with the Church, associate us more closely with her mission, and help us bear witness to the Christian faith in words accompanied by deeds.”

-Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) 1316

Diocesan Pastoral Manual Policies on Confirmation

I.  Those who have been baptized continue the path of Christian initiation through the sacrament of confirmation.

A.  In this sacrament, they receive the Holy Spirit who was sent upon the Apostles by the Lord on the day of Pentecost.

II.  This gift of the Holy Spirit conforms believers more perfectly to Christ and strengthens them so that they may bear witness to Christ for the building up of His body in faith and love. They are so marked with the character or seal of the Lord that the sacrament of Confirmation cannot be repeated (Rite of Confirmation 11, 2).

Diocesan Guidelines for the Preparation for the Diocese of Austin, Pastoral Manual

Sacrament of Confirmation of Adolescents Confirmation, 1/17/14 | Version 5.0

A.  Religious education and faith formation is a life-long process.

1.  The sacramental preparation process is supplemental to regular participation in the parish or school religious education programs.

B.  A minimum of two (2) years of formal religious education in a parish or Catholic school program precedes preparation for the celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation. Many struggles with the attitude of confirmation being the “graduation” sacrament. Confirmation is part of a four-year high school catechetical program and the celebration of the sacrament can take place anytime within that period for those adequately prepared.

C.  Confirmation preparation does not have to culminate in May.

1.  Confirmations may take place from August to May.

D.  Because the primary faith community is the local parish, preparation for the sacrament of confirmation is to take place in the local parish.

E.  Sacramental preparation for confirmation has a distinct catechesis with its own focus and elements.

1.  This study and preparation should take place within a period not to exceed nine (9) to twelve (12) weeks and include the following:

a. The elements of the rite of confirmation

b. The meaning of the baptismal promises

c.  The Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit (Isaiah and Galatians)

d. The meaning of “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit”

e. The action of the laying on of hands and anointing with the Sacred Chrism

f.  The Lord’s Prayer: “because it is the Spirit who prays in us and in the Spirit the Christian says, ‘Abba Father.’”

g. The rights, responsibilities, duties, and obligations of full initiation in the Catholic community: Word, worship, community, and service

Parish Confirmation Catechesis

Sunday Liturgy

At the center of the Catholic Christian faith is the celebration of the Eucharist, the real presence of Christ in the bread, wine and the people who consume His body and blood. It is only fitting for the people of our parish community to celebrate and walk with you on your journey toward being a fully initiated member. Candidates are expected to attend Mass EVERY SUNDAY. Regularly participating at mass is the heart of the Catholic life. It is encouraged that Confirmation Candidates volunteer to be trained as a hospitality minister, lector, or volunteer to bring up the gifts during mass. Taking on one of these roles can assist in growing in a spiritual connection to the Mass.

Confirmation Class Sessions

SVDP will be using St. Mary’s Press Called To Mercy Confirmation program for 2018 confirmation. The program is a hybrid composed of 10 online modules and 5 in class modules. SVDP offers three class times for each of the in class modules; Tuesday nights, Wednesday nights, and Saturday morning. Students must pick one day to attend. Though there are some flexibility, we would like for students to attend the same class time. If students must change class for special circumstances please inform the catechists beforehand. All in-person meeting are at SVDP. The specific room will be listed next to the date. Parents, please note that not all class lengths are the same.

Godparents are encouraged to attend separate online modules only.

Class 1:

Class 2: (Need to have Online Modules 1-3 completed before attending class)

Class 3: (Need to have Online Modules 4-6 completed before attending class)

Class 4: (need to have Online Modules 7-8 completed before attending class)

*** Only one option for this class***

Online Modules 9 and 10 must be completed after Class 4 and before the Rite of Confirmation.

Class 5: May 19, 9-10 am.


Candidates are expected to attend all Confirmation Class Sessions, the Retreat, Rehearsal, and the Confirmation Liturgy. 100% attendance for the Sacramental Preparation Class is expected. 80% of Sunday Youth Night attendance is expected. Students can attend other Youth Ministry functions to replace the Sunday attendance only.

*** In the case of extreme circumstances, please notify Luc well in advance for a possible modified curriculum. ***

Confirmation Retreat

The Confirmation Retreat will be held Feb 17th – 18th at Eagle’s Wing.

Please make plans now to attend. If you are unable to attend, you are asked to attend another Confirmation retreat as a make-up. Talk to Luc immediately if this is the case. The cost of the retreat is separate from the materials fee and will be published closer to the retreat date.

Time leaving SVDP on Saturday: 7:30 AM.

Time returning to SVDP 2:30 AM.


Candidates are expected to arrive on time and to be fully prepared to actively participate in large and small group sessions. Teens are expected to be respectful of catechists and other candidates.

Behavior Policy
We believe that Catechists have the privilege to teach lessons and conduct workshops and students (with their families) have the responsibility to learn and incorporate these lessons into their daily lives in order to grow in their Catholic faith.

Therefore, we expect that our students (and their families) shall:

1. Be on time and ready to participate.

2. Behave in a way that does not disrupt teaching and learning.

3. Respect the safety, property, and rights of themselves and others.

4. Be cooperative and courteous to everyone.

5. Refrain from the use of cell phones (i.e., phoning, text messaging, videotaping) during class time.

Class Materials

There will be a $50 fee for Confirmation classes to cover the cost of materials and supplies. This Fee is due with the sacrament registration. Each student will receive an access code on the first class session.


Each candidate is required to have a short interview with a priest, deacon or the Confirmation coordinator. To schedule your interview please go to and look for the sign up link.

Parish Confirmation Catechesis (Continued.)

Faith in Action

As Christians, we are called to service (Matthew 25:31-46). Candidates for Confirmation are asked to accept their share of this responsibility and participate in three projects to allow them to grow in their Discipleship.

**Service projects may be submitted if the date of service falls between; January 2017 through May 2018.

Students will be required to complete service projects that correspond with two of the Corporal works of Mercy, and one service project of their choice, (does not have to correlate with a work of mercy.)

The Corporal Works of Mercy are:

·  feed the hungry

·  shelter the homeless

·  clothe the naked

·  visit the sick and imprisoned

·  bury the dead

·  give alms to the poor

**Please see Appendix B for a service form due with the Reflection Essay.

Saint Name

Saints are our brothers and sisters in Christ. They intercede for us before God. We cannot refer to the saints without acknowledging the Communion of Saints and our connection in Christ to each other. Candidates will be asked to pick a Saint name for Confirmation and write an essay explaining their choice. As this is a very personal decision, take the time to discern this name in prayer. This is a great activity to share with your sponsor. Candidates are can use their Baptismal saint name and not required to pick a new saint name.

Saint Essay requirements:

·  Name of the Saint chosen

·  A brief synopsis of the life of the Saint

·  “Why” they choose this saint.

·  Essay must be typed, a minimum 2 paragraphs and a maximum of 1 page.

·  Please use an appropriate heading.

The Essay should reflect an understanding of the Saint.

The student may also be asked why they chose this Saint in their Confirmation interview.

Here are some websites to help in your research:

3 | Page (Type “saints” in the search bar)

3 | Page

Parent Confirmation Involvement

Parents are the primary catechists (teachers) of their children’s faith. They should absolutely be involved in the Confirmation Program. This program relies completely on volunteers to make it possible.

With that in mind, we ask that you consider where your talents and time can be utilized to make our Confirmation Program the best! All parent volunteers must be EIM compliant.

Godparents - We are always looking for parents to help with the Confirmation Retreat. Our retreat this year is Feb. 17nd-18th.

Arch Angels - There are a variety of forms and data that need to be entered and reviewed, copies made, papers sorted, etc. These tasks will ask to be completed during parish office hours or class time.

Guardian Angels- Guardian Angels are our Prayer Warriors and we are all called to be a part of this team. The purpose of this group is simply to pray for the teens of our parish. Whether for 10 minutes or an hour, please pray!

Sponsor Confirmation Involvement

Confirmation Sponsors

From the earliest days of the Church, specific people were chosen from the community to support those seeking communion with the Church. At your Baptism, it was your parents and godparents who promised that you would be raised in the faith. Your parents accepted the responsibility of training you in the practice of the faith. Your godparents promised and committed to helping your parents lead and support you in your Christian life. Your sponsor for Confirmation is a person who will support you throughout your preparation and will help you confront the challenge of being a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. They will stand with you and present you to the Bishop on Confirmation Day.

Choosing a Sponsor

The Church requires a Confirmation sponsor to:

·Be fully initiated in the church, meaning they are baptized and have received Eucharist and Confirmation.

·Be a practicing Catholic, meaning they regularly receive communion and other sacraments.

·Be at least 16 years of age.

·Not be the candidate’s father or mother.

Here are a few questions that may help you choose your Confirmation sponsor:

·If your Godparents are available, is one of them a good choice for your sponsor?

·Is the person a good role model for the Catholic way of life?

·Does this person have time to spend with you as you prepare for Confirmation?

·Is he/she available to come to the rehearsal and Rite of Confirmation?

·Does this person live near enough to be able to truly guide and support me?

§  If not, will they be committed to communicating regularly with me despite the distance?

·Would you be comfortable talking about your faith with this person?


A Confirmation Sponsor is expected to:

·  Pray for and with the candidate.

·  Spend time getting to know the candidate personally.

·  Help the candidate choose a Saint name.

§  Support the candidate in living as a disciple of Christ and model a faithful Christian life.

§  Complete the online modules prior to their candidates receiving the sacrament of confirmation.

·  Be present for the Confirmation Rehearsal (TBD) in the Church.

·  Present the candidate during the Rite of Confirmation (TBD).

Appendix A

2017-18 Confirmation Schedule

All Class Sessions are at St. Vincent de Paul in the Parish Activity Center

Day of the Week / Month / Date / Time / Class Title
Monday / Dec / 11 / 6:30-7:30pm / Class 1: Introduction (Parents/ Guardian must come)
Tuesday / Dec / 12 / 6:30-7:30pm / Class 1: Introduction (Parents/ Guardian must come)
Saturday / Dec / 16 / 9:00-10:00am / Class 1: Introduction (Parents/ Guardian must come)
Monday / Jan / 22 / 6:30-8:00pm / Class 2: Called to serve
Tuesday / Jan / 23 / 6:30-8:00pm / Class 2: Called to serve
Saturday / Jan / 27 / 9:00-10:30am / Class 2: Called to serve
Saturday-Sunday / Feb / 17th-18th / Leaving @: 7:30 am
Returning @: 2:30 pm / Confirmation Retreat @ Eagle’s Wings
Monday / Feb / 26 / 6:30-8:00pm / Class 3: Putting into Practice
Tuesday / Feb / 27 / 6:30-8:00pm / Class 3: Putting into Practice
Saturday / Mar / 3 / 9:00-10:30am / Class 3: Putting into Practice
Saturday / Mar / 24 / 9:00-12:00pm / Class 4: Service Project
Saturday / May / 19 / 9:00-10:00am / Class 5: Mystagogia

Appendix B

Faith in Action Service Projects

Candidate Name:

Project 1 Location:

Date / Time In/Out / Check the Corporal Work(s) of Mercy which is/are associated with
the project / Service Project Coordinator’s Signature
¾  feed the hungry
¾  shelter the homeless
¾  clothe the naked
¾  visit the sick and imprisoned
¾  bury the dead
¾  give alms to the poor

Project 2 Location:

Date / Time In/Out / Check the Corporal Work(s) of Mercy which is/are associated with
the project / Service Project Coordinator’s Signature
¾  feed the hungry
¾  shelter the homeless
¾  clothe the naked
¾  visit the sick and imprisoned
¾  bury the dead
¾  give alms to the poor

Project 3 Location: