St. Joseph’s Catholic School PTF Meeting
September 13, 2016
In Attendance: Amanda & Adam Morgan, Jennifer Cole, John Middendorf, Melinda Tarvin, Sandy Busch, Jennifer Hopfinger, DeDee Ross, Kim Walker, Barry Grime, Irene Biver, Jennie Helfrich, Gene Crowe, Melanie Hoerchler, Shelly Fritz, Matt & Renee Moeckel, Tracey Drennen-Alexander, Dave & Steph Wathen, Gregory Kantz, Mr. Correll, Kristi Correll, Angie Menard-Mueller, Melissa Reinhart, Vanessa Alveraz-Biver, Lauren Schafer-Christ, Doug & Kim Esker, Phoebe Ott, Kelly Lubenkov
The meeting was called to order by President, Kelly Lubenkov at 7:20pm with the Hail Mary as the opening prayer.
Officer Election: Phoebe Ott was elected as the PTF Treasurer to replace Jennifer Hopfinger who was hired as the Language Arts teacher at the school. The motion was made by Adam Morgan and seconded by Steph Wathen.
Officer’s Report:
Secretary’s Report – minutes from the May 2016 meeting were approved by Jennifer Hopfinger, 2nd by Shelly Fritz.
Treasurer’s Report – Balance as of September 13, 2016 is $6,422,78 The report was approved by Gene Crowe and 2nd by Angie Mueller. The Budget for the 2016-2017 school was approved. Teacher Start Up funds was set at $3,000 with half being paid now and the remaining to be paid in January 2017.
Together We’re Better:
Lauren gave a brief summary of how to enroll in the online program. New this year for gift cards bought online 75% of the donated amount will apply to you as opposed to the the 50/50 split for regular cards. New order form has been created and will be posted on My Student Progress soon. Tuition credit coming in October. Looking to get rid of Olga’s, Skooters, Circle K and a few more – see Lauren or Angie if you are interested.
Principal’s Report – Mr. Correll
Enrollment – 99 students, 62 families
September – grandparent’s day Friday, September 16. September 18 – Catechetical Sunday – teachers are being recognized at mass. September 23 – PreK – 2 are going on an apple picking field trip. We are now paying 1st Student for bus services for field trips because there is a bus driver shortage at the Freeburg grade school, looking into alternatives. ITBS will be starting soon. Welcome back pizza party was a great turn out. Working on updating software and technology on the machines. Replacing a smart board with new promethean board.
Teachers Report –
Mrs. Hopfinger 3rd – 8th Language Arts - Students are starting book studies and enjoying reading them. They are starting the writing process and will soon be publishing their first writing about friends.
PreK – Mrs. Tarvin – the students are learning about apples
Mr. Middendorf – math – all students are transitioning well.
Computer – Mrs. Biver – The 4th – 8th students are starting with keyboarding.
Committee Reports
Field Day – Kelly Lubenkov - The students participated in competition games at the park. Mr. Correll stated the date for this year will need to be moved due to a conflict.
Parade Float - Angie Mueller – The children all enjoyed riding on the float or walking the parade. The Church that was on the float is still available if anyone thinks they could use it. If anyone wants to take over the float please see Angie.
Church Picnic – Angie Muller - We need people to take over the chairing of the stands – consisting of the set up and tear down for their stand. They will also need to help find workers for their stand. The sign up for the next picnic will be sent out in April. Comments were made that the sign up genius was very helpful so people can see where workers are needed.
Spirit Wear – DeDee Ross & Melanie Hoerchler – Spirit wear will be available for pick up on Friday 9/16.
Family Dinner Night – Welcome Back Pizza Party was a success and made $300. Thinking of doing a similar type event in the spring. The kids had fun and were able to run around and play. This committee is still in need of chair. Several additional options of No-Jacks in Smithton, and selling Chick Fil-A sandwiches were given.
DQ Night – Shelly stated that 10/4 is the tentative date from 4-9. Workers will be needed to clean tables and take out trash. Applies to dine and drive through. If it works well they will be open to doing one in the spring.
Dinner Night in November - Tracey Drennen-Alexander volunteered to pick a location and set up the date.
Spring Dinner Auction – Theme is Gold Rush Soiree and the date is April 22, 2017. The next committee meeting is 10/19 at Skootrs, all are welcome. The committee will be looking for people to take donations from for the Silent Auction. In addition to the auction there is a raffle for a John Deere Gator. Tickets for the raffle will be sent home in December. Tickets are $45, the grand prize is a John Deere gator or $7500 cash 2nd Place is $500. Two hundred fifty tickets must be sold or the raffle will become a 50/50 drawing. There are 1,000 tickets to be sold, if all tickets are sold we will make a great profit. Need not be present to win. There will be incentives to sell tickets early – such as gift cards to TWB. Each school family is being asked to sell 10 tickets.
PTF Volunteer Sign Up Update – The 5/6, 2nd, and K room parents are needed and following committees need help:
Family dinner night
Charity raffle for pull tabs
monthly 50/50 raffle
Student appreciation day
Winter fund raiser
Teacher Birthdays – There are a few spots open for baking a cake on a staff birthday.
Grandparent’s day – Phoebe Ott - There are about 260 people in attendance with grandparents, students, and staff.
Chalk It Up - Melissa R. and Kristen Heap will set up a table with a sucker pull. Event is on 9/17.
Chili Cook Off – Fall Fest – 10/8 (same date as Race Like a Hawk) Anyone interested in hosting a stand. They need Chili Cookers.
Child Care during PTF’s meeting – volunteer for October Mtg – Joe Garland.
Winter Fundraisers
Glo Bingo - Available dates: January and February were available.
Spaghetti Dinner – we need a chair for the spaghetti dinner – duties include advertising get workers for each task – hamburger frying Thursday, Sauce making on Friday, stirring Saturday, Ordering food. Planning has been tabled to the October meeting.
Other Business – Donation from Gene Crowe for Mrs. Cole for supplies. Thank you Mr. Crowe.
Car Wash – Matt & Renee Moeckel won
Closing Prayer – Our Father lead by Kelly
Next meeting is October 11, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.
Meeting adjourned.