December 7th, 2017
BOX TOPS- This year ALL money collected from Box Tops for Education will go directly into the W.E.S Technology Fund to purchase Chromebook computers and computer carts.
TWITTER- Please follow Waterford Elementary School on Twitter @WaterfordESOH. We will be tweeting out news and updates on a regular basis.
P.A.W.S ASSEMBLY WITH STEVE DIXON- On Thursday, December 7, 2017, our students had the opportunity to take part in an anti-drug assembly with Mr. Steve Dixon, which was provided by our P.A.W.S. Program. Please ask your child/children about the program!
CHOIR CONCERT- The Jr. High and High School Choir Concert will be held on Sunday, December 10th, 2017 at 7:00 pm at the Waterford United Methodist Church. Please come out and support the choir!
BAND CONCERT- On Tuesday, December 12th, 2017, the Waterford 5th/6th grade, Jr. High and High School Bands will be holding their annual Christmas Band Concert. It will be held in the Cooper Gym. Please attend and bring in the Christmas Season with our incredible band!
5th and 6th GRADE FIELD TRIP- Recently, the 5th and 6th grade classrooms have been reading the anti-bullying book Wonder. On Monday, December 18th, 2017, these classes will go to the Odyssey Movie Theatre to view the movie Wonder. Following the movie, students will have the opportunity to view the gingerbread houses at the Lafayette and the Christmas windows on Front Street.
WATERFORD ELEMENTARYCHRISTMAS PROGRAM- The Waterford Elementary PreK-4th grade Christmas Program will be held on Monday, December 18th, 2017 at 7:00 pm in the Cooper Gym. Doors will not open for the public until 6:30 to reserve seating. Come ring in the holidays with the wonderful performances of our students!
PTO SECRET SANTA- The P.T.O will be hosting Secret Santa in the conference room across from the front office from December 18th through December 21st, 2017. All items will cost $2.00. Students will have opportunity to attend with their classes.
BUTTER BRAIDS DELIVERY- The delivery of the P.T.O Butter Braid Fundraiser will be on December 20th, 2017. All orders may be picked up after school.
END OF 9 WEEKS AND REPORT CARDS- The 9 weeks grading period will come to an end on December 21st. Report cards will go home on January 5th, 2018.
STUDENT COUNCIL FOOD DRIVE- Student council will be extending their food drive through December 15th, 2017. There will be a pizza party for the winning class with the most donations. Please keep sending items in for donation!
UGLY SWEATER DAY- W.E.S. will have our annual ugly sweater day on Wednesday, December 20th, 2017. Please have your children dress in their ugliest sweaters. They will vote for which teacher is wearing the ugliest sweater.