West MidlandsCare Assoication

Park LaneHalesowenB63 2XY

01384 637116

Membership of Derbyshire Care Providers Association

As you will be aware, the Care Home sector is facing huge challenges. Increased regulatory pressure, impending living wage implementation and a nurse shortage crisis are amongst the challenges we need to meet. The National Care Association predicts a huge black hole in funding that could lead to a ‘care crash’.

Over the years the Association has been at the forefront of improving quality and leading negotiations with Councils and CCGs. However there is clearly much more to do and it is critical that providers are united in facing the current challenges. More membership and involvement can only strengthen us and give us better and fairer outcomes.

Application Form for Membership

Group or Home Owners Contact details – Group/Owner
Group/ Owner Name
Owners name
Owners email address
Total Number of beds / Mobile Number
Address inc Post Code
Contact Phone Number / Website address
Individual Home Contact details – Home
Home name
Home managers name
Home Managers email address / Number of Beds
Address inc Post Code
if different to above
Contact Phone Number / Mobile Number
If you have more homes please let us have details on a separate sheet or email
No. of Beds / Total (£)
Membership Fee @ £5.50 per bed / £
You are now able to pay you membership by Monthly by Direct Debit for no additional cost.
Send us this form and we will make the arrangements with you.
If you would like to pay by Cheque, please make payment to the address shown above.
Cheques are to be made payable to 'DCPA.
If you prefer BACS please pay to NatWest, Sort code: 60-12-01 a/c 085593788
please quote your home name and then advise us you have paid

The benefits of being a member

The advantages of membership rest with the strength of an Association which represents the interests of residents, the staff and owners. Our strength enables us to continue to be directly involved in the planning and implementation of services by our colleagues in social services and the CCGs, locally, regionally and nationally: so negotiating with one powerful voice. We are listened to and our opinions are sought, valued and acted on.

Rates Negotiation
The executive negotiates with the Local Authority and CCGs and then speaks to members before any decision is made, putting you in the driving seat.

Liaison, Representation and Lobbying
A regular and positive flow of information is maintained between our members and Social Services departments, Members of Parliament, CQC and training agencies. This flow of information is provided with the profile achieved by speaking with a single voice.

The Association is now working with the West Midlands Care Association to be able to offer you advice during working hours. Together with the executive they have answers to many questions both Care and Business related or can signpost you to other members or agencies that can help.

Free Legal Help Line
Unique partnership with Shakespeare Martineau Solicitors, Derbyshire. We can offer a free 30 minutes and they specialised Care Assistance at a special members rate. The phone number is available from the Office.

From our recommended suppliers across a wide range of purchases including food, insurance, vehicles, building, everyday supplies, even signage. There are very few areas we don’t cover and our current members are enjoying the benefits. DCA has worked hard, and continues to do so, to develop a huge range of financial benefits for its members.

Email Newsletter
Free up to the minute news from the sector, backed up with a regular email newsletter to ensure that you’re always up to date with news about the Care industry in Derbyshire from CQC, Local Authorities, Central Government or from many other sources.

Free web site listing
In developing our new website we encourage all DCPA members to fully utilise the FREE listing on the website that your membership entitles you too. Hundreds of thousands of people can access this information from all over the country when looking for a care provider for a relative or friend, just email in your descriptive write up and a photograph to and we'll make sure they can see you. ONLY full members have the enhanced listing.

Dialogue is maintained with all local agencies and fund holders to access training for our members and their staff. The Association also organises training courses which are not available elsewhere.

Online DBS
The Association is now able to offer members access to and online DBS system and specialised Care advice at special members rates

A certificate of membership is sent to members to display prominently in your home

The DCPA is committed to helping care providers to give the best possible service to the vulnerable people they care for – working in partnership with others to make this a reality.

TheDCPA works with the statutory authorities to negotiate economic levels of fees from the government and local authorities.

The DCPA promote the care sector by lobbying politicians for the benefit of members, residents and staff.

We work with Care Quality Commission, the Local Councils and NHS-CCG’s to help members produce good quality care for a fair fee