Specific Life Skills: Workforce Preparation
Sample Situation
In, 2006, young adults ages 25-34 with a bachelor’s degree earned 28 percent more than young adults with an associate’s degree and 50% more than high school completers. Additionally, research indicates that education and health are positively related, revealing that young people who remain in school and seek higher education will not only earn more, they will be more likely to take better care of themselves and have reduce health risks. In ________County ____% of youth drop out of school without completing their education. One of the overall youth outcomes identified through advisory teams across staff and program disciplines for of 4-H Extension programs was to increase workforce skills and help youth attain higher education opportunities.
Sample Objectives
X% of # Youth, ages 14-18 will [increase their knowledge of career opportunities and workforces skills of preparing a job resume and interviewing] as a result of [participating in 4-H projects and completing 4-H portfolios] and [completing the 4-H career project and mentoring activities and events] as evidenced by [personal interviews] or [post-reflective evaluation].
X% of # Youth graduating from 4-H membership in 20__ enrolled in post-secondary education degree programs.
Educational Efforts
· 4-H Youth Projects Implemented by various agents
· 4-H community job mentoring program
· Résumé Contest
· Job Poster Contest
· Portfolio Interviews
Evaluation Tools and Methods
· Congress Portfolio Interviews
· 4-H narratives and essays
· Score sheets/ standards (Danish system).
· Tracking the number of graduating 4-H youth that continued their education.
Success Story Sample
High school students often do not have the chance to see firsthand what’s involved in making a career choice [Problem]. _____ County 4-H collaborated with the Lion’s Club [Partners] to conduct a shadowing program in which high school students experienced a day with an adult in a career of their choice [Program]. The day ended with a luncheon to honor the 102 students and recognized the adult volunteers [People]. Each student subsequently wrote an essay on the experience. Comments from these essays revealed such thoughts as “This day helped me decide what I want to go to college for" and “Through this 4-H career program I learned that what I thought I wanted as a career was not really for me. By changing my career plans now I am saving valuable time." [Impact]. The Lion’s Club and 4-H are looking for ways to expand the program to help children begin thinking about careers at a younger age [Conclusion].