TEACHER NAME / Mrs. Donna Meredith
TELEPHONE NUMBER / (832) 484-5408
Website /
E-MAIL ADDRESS / (best way to reach me)
Contact Time: Conference Period – 3rd period
TEKS FOR COURSE / The link for the TEKS objectives for Spanish II is:

Spanish II is designed for students with one year of study in the language. The basic objective of Spanish II is to help each student continue to attain basic proficiency in the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The focus is on learning the past tense, increasing vocabulary and learning more complex grammar concepts. This course is targeted to the development of novice-mid to novice-high proficiency.

In the Spanish 2 course, students are expected to read, write and speak about their immediate world, which would include their interests, school life, family, friends and self. They will be able to ask for and understand basic information to be able to survive in the language. In addition, this course will seek to enhance an understanding of the diverse cultures of the Spanish speaking world, as well as provide an understanding of the civilization, culture, and customs of the Spanish-speaking people.

GRADING DETERMINATION / MINIMUM of 3 major grades per 6 weeks
MINIMUM of 6 daily grades per 6 weeks
MAJOR – 60%
30% Quizzes/Participation/Listening
10% Homework/Daily Assignments
TEST DAYS / Monday and Thursday
Late Work Procedure / For minor grades: Late one day is 50%, after that, it is a ZERO. For projects-10 points off each day late for 3 days, after that, it’s a ZERO
Make-Up Work
RE-TEACH, RE-TEST & GRADE REPAIR PROCEDURES / When absent, it is the student’s responsibility to request make-up work on the day that s/he returns.
Formal tutoring is available on Wednesdays after school. IF a student gets below a 75 on a test, student must complete teacher assigned task, ie: tutoring session, review sheet & ask for re-test. This must be done within 5 days of notification of the grade.
Grade Repair…if student is unsuccessful on the re-take, the student must again complete teacher assigned task, then grade repair is available. Grade repair offers them another chance to take the test. It will not always be the same test. This does not apply to projects or oral grades.
FALL SEMESTER / We will cover (in the book) Para Empezar – 2A
Grammar: Adjectives, Ser, Present Tense Regular Verbs, Tener + Que + Infinitive, Expressions with Tener, Irregular Yo Verbs, Stem-Changing Verbs, Affirmative & Negative Words, IR, Comparatives, Saber vs Conocer, Hace + Time Expressions, Infinitive Phrases, Reflexive Verbs.
Culture: Fondos Culturales, Nationalities, Texas History, En Busca de la Verdad
Vocabulary: A Ver Si Recuerdas, Classroom, Activities, Grooming
SPRING SEMESTER / We will cover 2B – 4B
Grammar: A Ver Si Recuerdas, Number, Preterite – Regular Verbs, Demonstrative Adjectives, Using Adjectives as Nouns, Telling Time, Direct Object Pronouns, Preterite – Irregular Verbs, Irregular Affirmative Tú Commands, Imperfect, Indirect Object Pronouns.
Culture: Fondos Culturales, En Busca de la Verdad, Viva Texas
Vocabulary: Places & Destinations, Driving, Chapter Vocabulary Lists