General Membership Meeting
Hyatt Vineyard Creek
Santa Rosa, CA
Monday, July 23, 2012 and Wednesday, July 25, 2012
1. Call to Order: President Scott Malta called the meeting to order at 4:07 pm and after a count, noted that a quorum was present.
2. Appointment of Casey Denny, Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, to 2nd Vice President: President Scott Malta reported that Carl Newman accepted a position as General Manager of Houston Intercontinental Airport and resigned as SWAAAE’s 2nd Vice President. Malta appointed Casey Denny, which the Board ratified by email vote. Malta asked for a motion to approve his appointment. Barry Rondinella motioned to approve the appointment of Casey Denny as 2nd Vice President. Todd McNamee seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
3. Election of Association Officers and Directors for 2012-2013: Past President Mark Witsoe thanked the members of the Nominations Committee. He explained that because of Denny’s appointment to 2nd Vice President a vacancy for the nomination of the Arizona Board of Directors position was left. Due to the timing another candidate could not be vetted in advance of the election so it was announced nominations would be accepted from the floor of the meeting. Executive members that have been with the organization for at least two years, have an interest and employer support are eligible to be nominated. The floor was opened and Jennifer Maples nominated Gladys Brown-Wiggins. Lynn Kusy seconded the nomination. No other nominations were made and Mark Sapp motioned to close the floor. Mike Dikun seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Witsoe then explained that the Corporate member ballot was not posted in accordance to the Bylaws; two weeks before the election. The correct ballot was posted one day late. The options are to have a vote to waive the irregularity or hold the election during Wednesday’s General Membership meeting. Steve Alverson made a motion to waive the irregularity and hold the election during this meeting. Howard Paige seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Each of the candidates addressed the group, after which Witsoe facilitated the election of Association Officers and Directors for 2012-2013 by paper ballot.
4. President's Report
a. President Scott Malta highlighted accomplishments made throughout the year:
i. Corporate Group membership was initiated; 13 organizations have upgraded or joined at the Corporate Group level.
ii. One additional Airport Group member was secured.
iii. The number of members and certificated members increased this year.
iv. Two profitable conferences were held.
v. The association ended the year $40,000 over the budgeted net income.
vi. The Final Interview Workshop was held at NAC in 2011. Contract with AAAE was finalized to hold the workshop at the 2012 conference.
vii. Past President Witsoe made lots of progress on the efforts to produce a regional Best Practices Guide.
viii. Past President McNamee, along with Conference Chair Smith negotiated a three year contract with the Monterey Plaza for the Airport Management Short Course.
ix. Though not selected this go around, SWAAAE nominated McNamee for appointment to AAAE’s Executive Committee.
x. After being unable to secure new employment, Mike Williams resigned his Board of Directors position and resigned as the chapter’s representative on AAAE’s Board of Examiners (BOE). Three individuals initially showed interest in filling the chapter’s BOE position. An email alert was sent to the membership last week officially soliciting nominations.
b. President Scott Malta thanked his fellow Board members and those who voted him into the SWAAAE officers as 2nd Vice President.
5. Election Results: Eric Peterson was elected as 2nd Vice President of the chapter. Gladys Brown-Wiggins and Richard Smith were elected to the Board of Directors for the first time. Jon Stout was re-elected as a Director. Jon Faucher was re-elected as a Corporate Director.
President Malta recessed the meeting until Wednesday, July 25 at 9:00 am.
6. Call to Order and Verification of Quorum: President Bill Ingraham called the meeting to order at 9:02 am and after a count, noted that a quorum was present.
7. Approval of Minutes of the General Membership Meeting held February 1, 2012 at the Monterey Plaza Hotel, Monterey, CA.
a. McNamee motioned to approve the February 1, 2012 meeting minutes. Dinger seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
8. Executive Director’s Report – Katie Elsberry
a. Membership Report
i. Elsberry reported that SWAAAE memberships expire on July 1, however due to the fiscal year end non-renewing memberships have until September 1 when they are marked as lapsed. There are 392 current members, consisting of 72 CAEs and 62 AAEs. Currently there are 8 Group memberships consisting of 139 individual memberships and 13 Corporate Group memberships consisting of 26 individual memberships. The organization has 23 new executive members that were approved at Saturday’s Board meeting.
9. FY 2011/2012 Financial Reports (Approval Required) – Bill Ingraham
a. Ingraham referred to the financial reports included in the handout packet. He reported that the association ended the Fourth Quarter $40,000 over the budgeted net income; this was in large part due to the expense savings for both the 2011 Summer Conference and 2012 Winter Conference.
10. FY 2012/13 Budget (Approval Required) – Bill Ingraham
a. Ingraham presented the budget, included in the handout packet, for approval. He explained that the income for both conferences was reduced while the budget for some program items were slighting increased. Jon Stout motioned to approve the 2012-2013 budget. Rod Dinger seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
11. Announcement of 2012/2013 Committee Chairs – Bill Ingraham
a. Short Course – Richard Smith
b. Summer Conference – Jennifer Maples
c. Awards – Jon Stout
d. Bylaws – Eric Peterson
e. Credentials – Gary Mascaro
f. Ethics – Casey Denny
g. Finance – Casey Denny
h. Historical – Jessica Mullen
i. Legislative – John Pfeifer
j. Membership – Jennifer Maples
k. Nominations – Scott Malta
l. Policy & Procedures Manual – Eric Peterson
m. Recognitions – Kerry Ahearn
n. Scholarship – Veroneka Reade
o. Technology – Wes Davis
p. Time and Place – Casey Denny
Ad Hoc Committees:
q. FAA Best Practices – Scott Malta
12. Selection of Nominations Committee – Scott Malta
a. Past President Malta announced that the 2012-2013 Nominations Committee will consist of Past President Krys Bart, Past President Rod Dinger, Corporate Member Jon Faucher, Past President Lynn Kusy and Past President Todd McNamee.
13. Bylaw & Policy Statement Amendments (Approval Required) – Bill Ingraham
a. Ingraham referred to the report 2nd Vice President Denny prepared that was included in the handout packet. The General Membership was asked to approve an amendment to the Bylaws which would provide Honorary memberships to the President-Elects at AzAA, ACA, CAC and NvAA. Ingraham noted that in some cases the official titles are Vice-President or 1st Vice President, not President-Elect as listed in the handout. Malta made a motion to approve the amendment, assuming the correction to the title changes is made. Witsoe seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
14. Committee Reports - None
15. Old Business - None
16. New Business
a. Summer Conference Committee Chair Jon Stout asked for a resolution to recognize the hotel for hosting the Summer Conference. It was felt a thank you letter would be sufficient. Rod Dinger made a motion that a thank you letter be drafted to recognize the Hyatt Vineyard Creek. Mike Dikun seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
17. Member Comments
a. Ingraham announced that Long Beach will host the 2014 SWAAAE Summer Conference.
b. McNamee reported that an agreement has been finalized with the Monterey Plaza to host the Annual Short Course until 2016.
c. Mike Dikun announced that the SW Chapter, through Reno, is hosting the 2013 AAAE Annual Conference.
18. Adjourn: Mark Sapp motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:18 am. Eric Peterson seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Katie Elsberry
SWAAAE Executive Director