South Dakota State Fair Commission Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, October 20, 2015 (Follows SD State Fair Foundation Meeting at 1pm)

Huron, SD – SD State Fair Administration Building

Conducting: Chairman Warren Lotsberg

  1. Call To Order
  2. Agenda Additions/Changes
  3. Approval of August 18, 2015 State Fair Minutes

1.  Financials (No financials available)

2.  2015 SD State Fair Recap

a.  Measurable Statistics

·  Attendance, camping, carnival, grandstand, sponsors, beer, parking, vendors, etc.

·  Livestock & static exhibitors and entries

·  Horse events

·  4-H and FFA

b.  Operations and Maintenance

c.  Grounds Entertainment & Events

d.  Wrap-up Notes and comments

3.  Off Season Events

  1. WISSOTA 100: Recap 2015

·  Confirmed event for September 2016

  1. SD Women’s Expo – Recap
  2. SD Junior High Regional Rodeo (April 2016): New event
  3. National Barrel Horse Association Regional Show (July 2016): New event
  4. National Junior High Finals Rodeo (2018 & 2019): Status report

f.  American Gelbvieh Association - 2016 AGJA Western Regional Show: Submitted proposal

4.  Infrastructure & Building Improvements/Projects

  1. Dairy Barn Electrical: Completed prior to fair; no electrical problems
  2. Infield Electrical Project: Status
  3. Underground sewer and waterline replacement study
  4. Grandstand
  5. FFA Animal Nursery
  6. Other

5.  Miscellaneous

  1. Minimum Wage Increase January 1, 2016
  2. Strategic Planning Session
  3. Legislation

6.  Executive Session (Move for executive session pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2(3) to discuss contractual matter)

7.  Adjournment

This meeting is being held in a physically accessible place. Individuals needing assistance, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, should contact the South Dakota State Fair at (605/353-7340) in advance of the meeting to make any necessary arrangements.