Learning Objectives

q Are written from the perspective of what the participant will be able to do as a result of the training-What will the attendee be able to tell, demonstrate or explain after participating in this training.

q Are specific - “ Learn about physical development” is too general. “Identify major milestones in fine motor development of children from birth to three years” is specific.

q Are measurable in the training - “Set up a learning environment” might not be able to be demonstrated in a training session, but “list 5 guidelines for setting up a learning environment” could be. Refer to page 13 in Workshops That Work for more information.

q Are attainable -“Learn all about ECERS” would not be realistic in a three hour session. “Describe the scoring process for ECERS” could be accomplished.

q Are relevant - Apply to the age group and job description of the participants. Infant teachers don’t need to be able to list group games with rules. This topic would be for after-school teachers. When training a diverse group. make sure the objectives apply to all participants.

Benefits to Participants

q Clearly shows how training helps participants in their job responsibilities –Example: This training will provide the participant with information about the importance of a daily health check as well as with a checklist to use.


q Is appropriate for the indicated age groups- Content needs to match the development, skills, and goals for each age group that you intend to teach about. The same content is not necessarily appropriate for teachers of infants and for teachers of four year olds.

q Supports each objective with content-Main points for all topics taught

q Is consistent with sound theories and principles of child development-Content can be found in current early childhood coursework

q Considers participants’ previous knowledge and experience-Depth of content is not the same for new teachers as for degreed/experienced teachers

q Connects theory and practical application-Gives teachers an opportunity to see how information would look in practice in a classroom

q It is clear how trainer will distinguish between practices if more that one age group is included-Trainer has information and resources appropriate for each age group included in training

q Reflects a commitment to respect diversity among children and families-Trainer discusses the differences that culture, tradition and individuality make in context of content

q Addresses adaptations for children with special needs- Trainer offers suggestions for application of content with children with differing abilities.

q Is consistent with professional development competencies, quality standards, and licensing regulations-Agrees with DSS regulations.


Instructional Plan

q Is appropriate for amount of time indicated-Make sure you have enough activities planned to cover the time indicated.

q Includes opening/icebreaker activity-Start the training with an opportunity to focus on the training and feel comfortable in the group.

q Presents content in an easy to understand manner-Use easy to understand language and activities. There will be a variety of literacy levels in every training audience.

q Shows a logical sequence of events-Make sure you have taught information before you ask them to apply it.

q Includes opportunities for active participation-Adults need an opportunity to re-focus their attention and learn by doing.

q Provides opportunities for reflection, review and recall-Adults need time to process information and construct meaning for themselves.

q Includes closing activity-This is how you tie together all of the information you have presented and leave them with encouragement to change their practices.


q Include copies of all handouts and transparencies/PowerPoint presentation-Paper copies must accompany outline

q Are related to training content- Make sure handouts connect with your training content. Don’t include a safety checklist with a training on indirect guidance techniques. People tend not to use handouts when they are more than 5-6 pages.

q Use correct grammar and spelling-Use your spell checker! Check your work.

q Include complete reference information on handouts and transparencies/PowerPoint –It is very important to acknowledge other’s ideas and work. If you have created a handout from other’s information, use the term “ adapted from…..”. Be sure you are not using copyrighted information without permission.

q Are professional in appearance-Photocopying pages out of a book is not appropriate. Handwritten pages are ok if they are neat and legible. Be sure to proof your work.

q Training Development Resource List is Included –We honor your knowledge and experience, but it is helpful to check current literature to confirm your information.

q Resource list includes author, title, publisher/producer, and year.

Assessment of Learning Outcomes and Evaluation of Presentation

q States what techniques the trainer will use to measure each learning objective (observation, group discussion, etc.) Look at each objective and build the opportunity for assessment into the instructional plan.

q Provides opportunity for participants to evaluate effectiveness of training in meeting their needs-Give participants an opportunity to express their opinions of the training in writing. This will help you plan and deliver more effective training in the future.

Form TOG-2004