2/10/15 BOD Meeting APICS St. Louis
In attendance: Linda B., Al D., Tim M., Jeff M., Lou L., Ray S., Theresa S.
Via call: Joe W
Missing: Karen B.,
Jeff Mudd did a score card review
Finance update – T. Scully.
Working on 1746 form now.
Linda B – Campus event update
event update next week: Linda, Lou, Jeff working it.
Lindenwood career fair APICS has been rejected or denied from attending.
Ray challenged the free voucher for students from a financial risk for the chapter. Ray believes that a free membership holds perceived value. Jeff suggests that for this time we have the USB for email sign up and push the free membership. Linda asked about having the calendar of events.
Lou says the supply chain club at Washington University are discussing tomorrow what form of incorporation APICS will have with the club going forward. Supply chain club has about 350 emails on their distribution. Al asks if Washington University can provide a team to the case competition. Lou will talk about it tomorrow to promote it.
Clean tour is extended to 40
ISM joint meeting set for March – ISM is providing the speaker - breakfast
April – joint meeting with ASQ / Transportation Club / ISM at River CityCasino
May 14th – Working in a multicultural environment by Ed Vallorni - Dinner
Need 2015-2016 BOD slate out by 4/1 to be voted on and tallied by 4/30 to announce at 5/15 dinner meeting.
Joe: Education update
Al is in week 5 CSCP – 9 attendees
DSP delayed for SCCC.
Basics proposed to SCCC for Tuesday’s
Con Agra inquired CPIM in house for 5 people. Maybe able to open it up to public for after work or on Saturday’s. Ray is driving the exchange.
Essex series CPIM to begin in May per Al.
Al to check with Nathan on if his response on CSCP experience can be used in the newsletter
Lou is checking with Melissa on survey responses from Monsanto class
Ray working with Karen and Dedra for CPA rewording.
Jeff to follow up on membership automatic updates
Theresa to follow up with Henri on rebates
Committees & Volunteers:
Christine Wojak – programs
Membership – John V
Communications – Mary Ann Downs – social media, Jerry Singh Webmaster, Greg Lawrence – photographer.
Marketing – Qu Jiang, Ke (Cleo) Song
Committee Members:
James McKinney – company coordinator?
Jeff Mishkin –
Reggie Trujilo – Programs or Membership
Gina Wisdowm –
Stan Kolasa –
Rebecca Peterson
Carla Johnson
Steve Mundwiller / Rhonda Garrett – no longer on our member list.
Jeff would have to be the contact for the Taylor Project.
Hussman (Tim M) shared that he turned around the company – may be a good candidate for a PDM. Jeff asked if it could be a tour option.
To Do:
Theresa S to get with Jerry on suggesting a device to use for the chapter
Theresa S to create the district meeting event
Jeff M to create the event on the home pages
Theresa S to send district the URL link for the event
Al D to inquire about campus event at Lindenwood and let the board know
Jeff to make copies of the Student paper competition
Jeff M to make a coupon for a free PDM voucher
Lou will make the flyer for calendar of events for the campus events
Al suggests making student membership a requirement for St. Louis case competition teams
Lou/Jeff/Linda to research membership options to be prepared to recommend membership to folks at the campus event.
Next Meeting 3/11 via Webex