SNMMI Board of Directors Meeting

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Grand Hyatt San Antonio, Texas


Members in Attendance: Peter Herscovitch, MD, FACP, FRCPC; Hossein Jadvar, MD, PhD, MPH, MBA, FACNM; Sally Schwarz, MS, RPh, BCNP; Michael L. Middleton, MD, FACNM; Gary L. Dillehay, MD, FACNM, FACR; April Mann, MBA, CNMT, NCT, RT(N), FSNMMI-TS; Hazem Chehabi, MD, FACNM; Vasken Dilsizian, MD; Leonie Gordon, MD, FACNM; Jon Baldwin, DO; Munir Ghesani, MD, FACNM; Satoshi Minoshima, MD, PhD; Helen R. Nadel, MD; Alan Packard, PhD; Todd Peterson, PhD; Aaron Scott, CNMT, NMAA, FSNMMI-TS; Anthony Sicignano, BS, CNMT, RT(N); Virginia Pappas, CAE.

Members Not in Attendance: Cindi Luckett-Gilbert, MHA, CNMT, PET, FSNMMI-TS; Jeffrey P. Norenberg, PharmD, PhD

Guests: Kevin Donohoe, MD; David Brandon, MD; Katherine Zukotynski, BASc, MD, FRCPC, Adam Kesner, PhD; George Segall, MD, FACNM.

Staff in Attendance: Sukhjeet Ahuja; Judy Brazel; Sue Bunning; Bonnie Clarke, Matt Dickens; Ann Latham; Mary McMahon; Rebecca Maxey; Vince Pistilli, CPA; Joanna Spahr; Nikki Wenzel Lamb; Catherine Castrence; Erin Shearin; Helen Leonard

1. Welcome and Call to Order

Peter Herscovitch, MD, FACP, FRCPC, SNMMI President, called the meeting to order at 7:15pm

2. Establishment of a Quorum

Michael Middleton, MD, FACNM, SNMMI Secretary/Treasurer confirmed that a quorum was present.

a. Approval of Agenda and Standing Rules

A motion was made to approve the January 24, 2015 SNMMI Board of Directors agenda.

It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the January 24, 2015 SNMMI Board of Directors agenda.

A motion was made to approve the standing rules.

It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the standing rules.

3. Committee on Finance

Dr. Middleton presented the SNMMI financials for FY14. For FY14, SNMMI achieved an operating surplus of approximately $56,000 compared to a budgeted surplus of $152,284. FY14 revenue and expense were below budget by approximately $566,000 and $281,600, respectively. During FY14, approximately $188,000 of unrestricted net assets was used as seed capital to fund the startup of the Dept. of Evidence and Quality.

a. Approval of Audit Report

Dr. Middleton reported that the audit of the FY14 financial statements has been completed and the financial statements have received a clean opinion.

A motion was made to approve the Audit Report for FY2014.

It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Audit Report for FY2014.

b. Update on FY2015 Year-to-date Financials

Dr. Middleton reported that as of October 31, 2014, SNMMI was at $1,131,239 (revenue) and $641,565 (expenses) totaling a net change of $489,674 compared to a budget of $492,140.

c. Approval of No Dues Change for FY2016

A motion was made to not increase the dues for FY2016

Discussion included the comment that not raising dues was a positive step in membership retention.

It was moved, seconded and voted to not increase membership dues for FY2016.

4. Report from SNMMI-TS President

April Mann, MBA, CNMT, NCT, RT(N), President, SNMMI Technologist Section (TS) reported on the Joint Commission proposed revisions to diagnostic imaging services and how the SNMMI is most concerned with Standards 19 and 21 of the proposed revisions related to CT exams and SPECT. . In addition, the Technologist Section is excited to announce a new ARRT/SNMMI-TS Grant to support nuclear medicine technologists pursuing additional educational opportunities. The grant consists of thirteen, $500 awards for each of the SNMMI Chapters. This grant is funded by the American Registry for Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) and will launch in February 2015 for four weeks. Finally, the Technologist Section continues to plan for the 2015 SNMMI Annual Meeting and, for the first time, the SNMMI-TS will partner with ASNC to host a full day session entitled, Nuclear Cardiology in 2015: Achieving Quality, Safety and Dose Optimization. Rosemary Gibson, MS., will be the plenary speaker.

5. Report from House of Delegates Meeting

Leonie L. Gordon, MD, SNMMI Speaker of the House of Representatives, spoke about the new online reporting form that each council and center used to report their goals as they relate to the SNMMI strategic plan, and progress to date.

6. Report from Guidance Oversight Committee

Kevin Donohoe, MD, gave a brief report of the Guidance Oversight Committee. The Committee is tasked with researching and writing its own appropriate use criteria for the guidelines document (four appropriate use criteria in the next 6-9 months). As of now, the committee needs to look at how to incorporate the current guidelines into clinical support tools This is a very important business decision as the Secretary of Health and Human Services will be involved in deciding which guidelines are accepted if there are competing guidelines.

7. Alternate Nuclear Medicine Training Pathway Proposal from ABR

Dr. Herscovitch informed the board that the alternate pathway proposal will be discussed during an Executive Session towards the end of the meeting.

8. 2022 Annual Meeting “Narrowing Down” Resolution

Alan Packard, PhD, General Program Chair gave a brief background for this resolution to approve the cities of Phoenix, Arizona and Vancouver, BC (vs. San Diego) as the final two cities to be considered for the 2022 SNMMI Annual Meeting.

A motion was made to approve Phoenix, Arizona and Vancouver, BC Canada as the final two cities to be considered for the 2022 Annual Meeting.

It was moved, seconded and voted to approve Phoenix, Arizona and Vancouver, BC as the final two cities to be considered for the 2022 SNMMI Annual Meeting.

9. Membership Committee

Vasken Dilsizian, MD, Chair of the SNMMI Membership Committee explained that the Membership Committee would like to offer in-training residents and scientist students a tiered dues structure. The reason for the resolution is because residents in training are having difficulty finding jobs. The new dues structure will allow in-transition residents and scientist students to pay dues via a yearly tiered dues program based on the regular dues rate that is in effect. During the tiered dues period, the member will continue to receive an online subscription to the JNM. The resolution was previously approved by both the SNMMI Membership Committee and Finance Committee.

A motion was made to approve the Tiered Resident Dues Structure Resolution.

It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Tiered Resident Dues Structure Resolution.

10. Membership Task Force Report

Munir Ghesani, MD, FACNM and Helen Nadel, MD, Co-chairs, SNMMI Membership Task Force presented the report. The Membership Task Force had several working groups : full SNMMI members, ABNM certified, young professionals, international, scientists, radiologists, annual meeting attendees, women in nuclear medicine, and cardiology. Each of these groups were surveyed about SNMMI membership and some common themes and issues were: pricing of the annual meeting vs. membership dues, the need to re-evaluate the dues model, perceived value and benefits, limited funds, personal connection with SNMMI, job market, annual meeting, and aging membership.

The overarching discussion in all groups surveyed focused on membership dues and annual meeting registration fees. The Task Force recommends reviewing the dues structure to “bundle” costs in various combinations taking into account socioeconomic factors.

The SNMMI Board of Directors agreed to start implementing some of these initiatives now.

11. Education and Research Foundation Update

Hazem H. Chehabi, MD, FACNM, President, Education and Research Foundation for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (ERF), thanked the SNMMI Board of Directors for working hard to maintain positive communication and a respectful relationship between the SNMMI and ERF Board of Directors. A series of joint leadership meetings between the SNMMI and ERF will take place to discuss SNMMI’s Fundraising Plan of Work and ERF’s proposed Joint Communications Plan. The ERF has created the Walter Wolf Memorial Fund to provide grants to young professionals in the field .

12. New Business
There was no new business.

13. Adjourn

The SNMMI Board of Directors went into executive session at 9:02pm.