Teacher: Mrs. M Winters
Social Studies/Individuals and Societies
Teacher Information
E-Mail Address:
Phone: (480) 472-3340
Class Web Site:
Grading Procedures
Students’ grades are the sum of the total points earned in class divided by the total points possible. Semester grades are based off of quarter grades and semester final worth 20%.
Letter grades are based on the district-approved grading scale:
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
0-59% = F
Students’ grades can be monitors online through the parent portal. Grades are updated at least once a week.
Make-up/Late Work Procedures
Make-up work is available to any student who has missed a class due to an excused absence. To receive full credit a student must turn in make-up work/test within the same time frame as the absence after returning to school, unless other arrangements have been made by the teacher. For example, two days missed = two days to turn in make-up work. Any assignments turned after the deadline can only receive a maximum of 1/2 credit. Both make-up and late work will be accepted for the current unit or chapter only. Work not turned in will not be given credit. This includes tests and quizzes.
Assessment Procedures
Project based Learning is a dynamic classroom approach in which students actively explore real-world problems and challenges and acquire a deeper knowledge. It allows students to demonstrate what they know in a variety of situations. Many chapters will have projects.
Occasionally, Chapter/Unit tests will be given. Students will know the test date at least 3 days in advance and should write it in their planners. Students should review notes, vocabulary words, and key ideas and concepts. Each test format will vary slightly based on the material covered; however each test will contain a combination of any of the following: multiple choice, true/false, short answer, identification, and matching.
If absent, the student needs to be prepared to take that exam or quiz in class on the day s/he returns to school.
If a student is absent on the day before a unit test (and most quizzes), he/she is still required to take it on the regular day with the rest of the class. Students need to be responsible for their learning. Information on what the class is doing is found on the online course calendar.
Classroom Expectations
Before the bell rings:
Come in quietly
Prepare all materials, put phones in backpack, take out homework, hook backpack, and write in planner. Have all materials at desk before bell rings. There is no going back to backpacks during class.
When the bell rings:
1. Begin silent sustained writing. Prompt will be on overhead.
2. If you arrive late (that means out of seat after the bell starts ringing), you will receive disciplinary action. Repeat offenders will be subject to additional consequences.
During class:
1. Do not leave your seat during instruction without permission.
2. No food, candy, gum, or beverages (except water in a bottle).
3. When I flip the lights off and on or count backwards from 3, stop what you are doing, be quiet, and face the front of the class.
4. If you need to leave class for any reason other than an emergency, write your pass, wait until I have finished my instructions for me to sign it. If it is an emergency (such as an illness), raise your hand or run to the nurse.
When returning to class or coming late with a note:
1. Bring the note immediately to me.
2. You are responsible for any work you have missed.
At the end of class:
1. Please wait until I tell you to pack up your things and retrieve backpack.
2. When the bell rings you are excused. (This privilege will be removed unless you follow #1 religiously).
If you are absent:
1. Refer to the calendar to find out what you’ve missed.
2. Do the assignment(s) listed on the calendar for the day(s) you have missed.
3. Talk to me before or after school if you have any questions. Don’t ask me during class time.
If there is a substitute:
Act like an angel. Negative comments from a substitute will result in a letter home and two days of after school detention.
Academic Honesty:
Cheating, don’t do it. Turning in work that is not your own is considered cheating.
Student Behavior:
Students are expected to follow directions, be engaged in the lesson, and participate. They are also expected to be respectful, safe, and responsible. The learning enviornment needs to be protected especially with increased number of students within the classroom. If a student cannot or will not follow these expectations, another placement will be found.
Consequences for failure to follow these rules and procedures are at the discretion of the teacher and may include any or all of the following:
· Warning
· Parent letter contact
· Loss of credit
· Detention
· Parent Conference
· Referral to administration
These rules and procedures are subject to change at my discretion. All school and district rules and policies apply, including the dress code.
Students will write the topic and homework in planner every day. Weekly, students will check portal for current class grade. Students will track and record progress in planner. A parent initial is required weekly. Points are awarded for faithfully keeping the planner and grade record.
I expect your student to do well in this class. There are several things you can do to help make this happen. Talk to your student about this class. Encourage them to talk about what we are studying. Check up on your student’s progress by examining his/her planner at least once a week. You should also check his/her grade on the parent portal. The front office can help you set that up if you don’t already access it. I update the gradebook at least every other week.
Thank you for all you do to help your student be successful. Please email if you have any questions or concerns. Typically, I return emails within 24 hours.
This will be a fantastic year!!!