Social Studies Department Lesson Plans Course: AP Psychology - Shelnutt 7th Week of Feb. 27-Mar. 3, 2017

Date / EQs / AP Standards / Performance Tasks and Resources / Differentiation / Assessments (Formative/Summative)
2/27 / Classical Conditioning
·  How do psychologists define learning?
·  How do principles of CC work to create learning?
·  In what ways does CC work in human contexts? / Cognition: Learning / 1.  preview UNIT 3 and discuss assignments
2.  powerpoint , interactive notes, discussion
3.  Q &A’s / Ongoing:
·  interactive vocab & notes
·  tutorials
·  test corrections
* / IVN #3 – due by Tuesday 3/14
Suggested timeline:
Ch 8 – Learning 3/3 Fri.
Ch 9 – Memory 3/6 Tues.
Ch 10 – Thinking & Language
3/10 Fri.
Ch 11 – Intelligence -3/13 Mon.
2/28 / Operant Conditioning
·  How do principles of OC work to create learning?
·  In what ways does OC work in human contests? / Cognition: Learning / 4.  powerpoint, interactive notes, discussion
5.  labs-complete 8-4 (future consequences). 8-5 (Reinf.
Schedules), and 8-6(Negative Reinf. Sch) w/ analyses
6.  Rat Game J (experiencing OC w/ reinforcing “taps”)
7.  Video (conditioning) / Ongoing:
·  interactive vocab & notes
·  tutorials
·  test corrections
*All explained to kids* / Unit 3 EXAM - THURSDAY 3/16
3/1 / Observational
·  How do principles of OL work to create learning?
·  In what ways does OL work in human contests?
·  How are the various principles discussed similar and different? / Cognition: Learning / 8.  powerpoint, interactive notes w/ discussion
9.  Q & A’s
10.  PBS Parenting film or article/ discussion / Ongoing:
·  interactive vocab & notes
·  tutorials
·  test corrections
*All explained to kids* / Daily Grades:
1.  Learning pop quiz
2.  Memory vocab quiz
3.  Intelligence Activity
4.  Concept Maps
5.  FRE #3
6.  IVN #3
3/2 / Applications:
·  How does this relate to real life? How do parents teach kids right from wrong? / Cognition: Learning / 11.  Show the Inside/out film
12.  Analyze parenting articles for CC, OC and observational theories noted / Ongoing:
·  interactive vocab & notes
·  tutorials
·  test corrections
*All explained to kids*
3/3 / How do humans:
1.  Encode, store and retrieve info?
2.  Enhance the above processes?
3.  Apply the concepts learned to “real” life? / Memory / How do humans:
4.  Encode, store and retrieve info?
5.  Enhance the above processes?
6.  Apply the concepts learned to “real” life? / Memory