Social Psych Book Project Signups, Spring 2006

Book / Name of Student (Max 1 per book)
1) Flow (Csikzentmihalyi)
2) The mismeasure of women (Tavris)
3) The pursuit of happiness (Myers)
4) How we know what isn’t so (Gilovich)
5) Mindfulness (Langer)
6) Intuition (Myers)
7) Influence (Cialdini)
8) Emotional Intelligence (Goleman)
9) White bears (Wegner)
10) Survival of the prettiest (Etcoff)
11) Strangers to ourselves (Wilson)
12) Making marriage work (Gottman)
13) The relationship cure (Gottman)
14) Opening up (Pennebaker)
15) Freakonomics (Levitt & Dubner)
16) Paradox of choice (Schwartz)
17) Evolution of desire (Buss)
18) Power of Persuasion (Levine)
19) Emotions revealed (Ekman)
20) Telling lies (Ekman)
21) Evil (Baumeister)
22) The tipping point (Gladwell)
23) Blink (Gladwell)