ValleyView Publishing 12 Mountain Drive Jade Valley Victoria 3999

Phone (03) 9123 4567 Fax (03) 9123 7654

Escape the Norm conference


Title: First name:




Postal address:

Phone: Fax:


How to register

Return registration form together with payment to:

ValleyView Publishing
12 Mountain Drive
Jade Valley VIC 3999
(03) 9123 4567 / Fax
ValleyView Publishing
(03) 9123 7654
Registration fees / Payment method
Full conference
(includes cocktail party, speakers'
papers, meals and workshops)
Individual q $330
Corporate q $275
Additional tickets – Cocktail Party
No. of tickets required @ $80
per person
Total payment enclosed
$ / 1.  Cheque (to follow/enclosed)
2.  Credit card
q Bankcard q Mastercard
q Visa q Amex
Cardholder's name: ……………………………….
Card number: ………………………………………
Card expiry date: ………/…… /……..
Amount authorised: $………………
Cardholder's signature:………………………………..
Date:…../…… /………
Special rates
The following special rates apply for full conference registration:
§  if there are 5 delegates from one organisation, 50% discount for one delegate
§  if there are 10 delegates from one organisation, 100% discount for one delegate.

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