Job Order Form State Personnel

Date Posted: JOB LISTING (for Job Mart, newspaper advertisements, and/or internal vacancy announcements)


Job Title:______

Agency/Facility:______Environmental Quality______Location:_____Atrium______

Agency #:____84______Class Code:______Entity & Position #:______

Is this job: Permanent /or/ Temporary? (Circle one) If temporary, list # of months______

Is this job: Full-time /or/ Part-time? (Circle one) If part-time, list hours/week______

Salary monthly*, please): $______ (ifpart-time, use hourly) Schedule to be worked:______

Description of Essential Duties (Purpose or Objective of Job):






Education / Experience Requirements:

Closing Date:

Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H

List the newspapers or other publications where you would like this position advertised: (you will be billed)




Your Billing______NE Department of Environmental Quality______

Address &______P.O. Box 98922, Lincoln, NE 68509-8922______

Phone Number______402/471-2186______

12/92 Printed on recycled paper Page 1


Job Order FormPlease check here if thisDate ListedState Personnel

State Personnelposition was previously re-Previously:Use Only initials

viewed by State Personnel.Approved

______Not Approved

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) directs the reasonable accommodation of employees or job applicants with disabilities, often through restructuring jobs to remove non-essential duties. Our good faith employer effort includes identification of essential and non-essential duties in advance of actions such as hiring or promotions.

VACANT JOBS - Prior to filling a vacant job (including jobs to be filled either internally or externally),

1. this Job Order form must be completed (1:00 pm Wednesday deadline for the JOB MART), AND

2. a Performance Evaluation (listing duties--ratings and comments are not necessary) or Job Description must be attached, AND

3. the supervisor or manager must divide duties listed on the Performance Evaluation or the Job Description into essential and non-essential categories.

4. ask yourself the following questions when you are deciding if a duty is essential: --

- Is this a “core” duty?

- Is an individual with a specialized skill needed to perform this duty?

- Is the time spent doing this duty significant?

- Will there be significant impact if the employee is not required to do the duty?

- Are no other employees available to perform this duty?

5. selection criteria for vacant positions should be based solely on the ability to perform essential job functions. (Remember, non-essential does not mean unimportant -- performance and classification will be based on all duties.)

Agency/Facility:______Department of Environmental Quality______

Job Title:______Location:______ATRIUM______

New /or/ Existing Position? (Circle one) Internal /or/ External /or/ Both Position? (Circle One)

Do you want State Personnel to list this job on the Job Mart? NO YES

Is a screening device already developed for this position? NO YES (Do you want to use it? NO YES)

Do you want State Personnel to develop a selection device? NO YES (developing selection device and scoring will involve additional time.)

Do you want an Affirmative Action Resource Bank file search conducted? NO YES (if yes, circle target groups)

Age 40 and over Minority DisabledFemale

AA Officer:_____Jerry Lee Jensen______Phone:_____471-4368______

Contact Person:______same ______Phone:______same______

Cover letters addressed to:_____same______Title:_____Personnel Manager______

State Personnel Use Only


ad written ___-__ agency/review

assigned recruiter all apps ______E&E (scored from app) ______AA data sent? YES NO

& analyst ad placed ______we do MOs ______Checklist ?aire ______YES or NO original app sent? open-ended ?aire ______DATE sent:______on Job Mart_____ YES NO