After the Exams

Slide 1 — After the Exams

Greetings, AP coordinators!

Thank you so much for being part of this session of the AP Coordinator Tutorial for 2016-17.

My name is Derek Kameda. I am an AP coordinator, and I’ve had the pleasure of doing this for over a decade at one of the top AP programs in the world.

Before I begin, please allow me to provide a quick overview of what to expect from these tutorials.

If you are a brand new or inexperienced coordinator, these tutorials provide a solid foundation.

You will receive a clear description of the role and responsibilities of the AP coordinator.

If you are an experienced coordinator, these tutorials provide the same review.

However, they also feature some best practices to improve efficiency and accuracy.

Thank you again for joining us. Let’s get started.

Slide 2 — Documenting Fee Reductions

There are two steps to documenting fee reductions.

Step 1: Fill in the appropriate fee reduction bubble on the student’s answer sheet. This is done in the “School Use Only” section. Bubble Option 1 for Low-Income Students. Bubble Option 2 for Non-Low-Income Eligible Students. This bubbling only needs to be done once, regardless of the number of exams a student takes.

Step 2: Enter the number of AP Exams qualifying for fee reductions when calculating the total amount due online.

For students taking only Studio Art, Chinese, or Japanese Exams, there is a different process. Detailed information on that is found in the AP Coordinator’s Manual.

For students taking Studio Art, Chinese, or Japanese Exams plus another exam, bubble the correct Option on the answer sheet for the other exam.

Slide 3 — Designating Section Numbers

If a school has more than one teacher for an AP subject, each teacher can be assigned a section number (1 through 9).

Bubble this on the answer sheet in the area titled “School Use Only.”

When exam results are released, reports are provided for the overall exam subject and each section, or in this case, each teacher.

Teachers need to know their section number so they can access the correct reports online.

When teachers sign on during the summer to view their AP scores, they should enter their own section number to see only their own students.

If a teacher enters a different section number, the coordinator is notified via email.

The online system does not prevent a teacher from viewing another section, but it does notify the coordinator.

Slide 4 — Returning Exam Materials

After the exams are completed, all materials containing exam content must be returned.

This includes the separate orange booklets included with some of the exams.

Exam materials must be repacked in the same special cartons in which they were received.

Student recordings for AP world language and culture and Music Theory Exams must be now uploaded through the Digital Audio Submission, or DAS, portal.

This must be completed no later than close of the next business day after your last exam within either the regular or late administration period.

Slide 5 — Returning Exam Materials: Packing List

Before returning the exams, coordinators must create a Packing List. This is done online.

The Packing List is submitted electronically. In addition, a hard copy must be included in the actual exam shipment.

Slide 6 — Returning Exam Materials

Exams must be packed and returned within one business day of the last exam for that administration.

If administering Friday exams, coordinators may return exams on the following Monday.

For split shipments, exams must be returned after the first and second week of testing.

An important note is that schools are billed twice the fee for each exam shipment received after June 1.

More information about returning exam materials is available in the AP Coordinator’s Manual.

Slide 7 — Generating Your Invoice

After returning the exams, coordinators then generate and submit an invoice. This is done online.

Your Packing List and fee reduction information is required to generate the invoice.

Be sure to mail a hard copy of the invoice with the payment as well. Payment must be postmarked no later than June 15. Otherwise, there is a $225 late fee.

As a best practice, when submitting the invoice to your school or district for payment, be sure to make everyone aware of the June 15 deadline. This helps to avoid penalties whenever possible.

Slide 8 — Score Reporting

Each July, AP score reports are provided to colleges, students, schools and districts.

Students log in using their College Board account at They must have either their AP number or Student ID number to access their scores.

For school and districts, reports are available at

A best practice is to strongly encourage students to create their College Board account in advance. This provides the most efficient retrieval of scores. While creating their account, students should use the same email address they will enter on their answer sheet.

Slide 9 — Tell Us What You Think!

Coordinators have the ability to send suggestions and comments online. Comments can be submitted anytime, not just during or after the exams.

Coordinators are encouraged to send best practices for possible inclusion in next year’s AP Coordinator’s Manual.

Slide 10 — End of “After the Exams”

Thank you for joining this session of the AP Coordinator Tutorial.

This is just one of several tutorial sessions that are available.

For more information about the AP Program and AP coordinators, please visit the other tutorial sessions.

As a reminder, all of the downloads referenced in the tutorials are available on (or linked from) the tutorial page.

As an AP coordinator, you have the opportunity to positively impact your school’s AP program.

I strongly encourage you to be organized, secure, and committed to providing a great testing environment for your students.

Strive to give your students the best opportunity to maximize their academic abilities.

Please keep up the great work and thank you for making a difference!