Shuvah Yisrael

Writer’s Group


Jewish Year 5775

2014 – 2015

Yeshua, our Messiah, is the WORD. He infinitely ennobles, beautifies and dignifies the call to write. In Him, at His bidding, writing becomes a holy endeavor. Whenever G-d tickles our souls with an enlivening to words, meanings, metaphor, truth or mystery, He is in fact revealing something of His own nature. He is Creator of holy ideas and vocabulary destined to bear excellent fruit. Whether it be fiction, non-fiction, travel pieces, memoir, letters; brochures; inspirational/devotional writing, journaling, or Bible Study…in Him a passion to write takes on new vibrancy. And, whatever the genre, our personal beginning places and stages, our individual life stories, our unique experience, first make their imprint on our souls, and then give our writing lives breadth, depth, and direction.

Therefore, it is imperative to discern the Spirit’s point of view and interpretation of our life story, our beginning places and our subsequent stages. In ancient days, as recorded by Moses in Numbers 33: the Israelite’s “journeying stages from their starting places” had crucial bearing on individual and collective wisdom. Just so, individually and collectively, it is crucial in all aspects of life, as well as our writing lives, to embrace G-d’s outlook. The Inventor of Language calls us to take His words, ways and wisdom seriously because He is the Author of Life! As Eugene Peterson explains in EAT THIS BOOK, “We must cultivate a participatory mind-set in relation to the Word….We come to understand that language is the primary way in which G-d works. He is Alpha and Omega. He is A to Z. He is the Aleph-Bet. We do not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out the mouth of the Lord. (Deuteronomy 8:3) We are part of a holy community that for three thousand years and more has been formed inside and out by the words of G-d, by The Word, by His intervention.”

The Spirit knows who we are. He knows what He longs for us to write and share. He is our Tutor. He helps us meld life and spiritual experience with writing expertise. He knows what the Body of Messiah needs. He has in mind a specific direction for our writing lives and fruitful service. He opens our spiritual eyes to the wonder of “living in active response to the Living G-d…”

So, we consult Him about everything. We aspire together to serve in union and conformity with our Redeemer, Messiah, The Word. With the roots of our being firmly and deeply planted in Him, fixed and founded in Him, we seek His fullness, love, rich eternal treasures, and His unending springs of Living Water. We anticipate a new dimension in our writing lives filled with surprising creativity and light. As we interact with the Word and with one another, we grow in grace and knowledge regarding Him and His Way. And what a privilege it is to enjoy the fellowship and camaraderie of like-minded sisters within our Shuvah writing community who are called by the Living G-d to serve Him. In Him we cherish glorious purpose. We learn to set forth His wonderful deeds, to display His virtues and perfections using words, language, metaphor, simile and mystery. As we delve into and explore sacred Writings and discern the Word planted within us, we discover anew that our G-d is wonderfully original, inspirational, inventive, eloquent, prophetic, revelatory and wise! In Him we are enabled afresh to obey and write as He directs and savors…

Writer’s Assignments ~ Literary Focus

Write and Share!

We gather once a month to encourage, enrich, inspire; to build one another up in faith. This Jewish year, 5775, we will focus on G-d’s ironical, cheerful outcomes; the joyous consequences of faith; His love as seen through the lens of His ways and purposes; His marvelous surprises; His extravagance; His drastic measures for the sake of His own; the marvels of His grace; the aurora of His holy landscape.

Meeting Dates: Writer’s Assignments ~ *Honing the Craft:

13 September G-d’s Ironic Outcome: Sarai’s Journey With Flawed Abram

*Point of View! First Person & Third: single, multiple, omniscient.

Genesis 12: 1-2, 9 to 13: 1-2 also see chapter 20; Isaiah 60: 1-22

(High Holy Days. Rosh Hashanah, L’Shanah Tova!

Our Jewish New Year begins on 24 September; then Yom Kippur,

times of Teshuvah, turning from old ways to G-d’s ways!)

11 October G-d’s Holiday Spirit: Commemorating the Journey!

At Shuvah *Riveting Flashbacks: Intermingling past with present.

Old Miriam Dancing and Singing ~ Exodus 15: 20-21

Leviticus 23:39-43 ~ Rejoice before the Lord your G-d!

(Sukkot and our meeting today at Shuvah 2:00 PM after

Congregational Celebration and Luncheon. See Marie for details)

8 November G-d’s Joyous Consequences: Honey to My Mouth

*Writing the five Senses: TASTE, smell, touch, hearing, sight

Psalm 19: 10 & 103; Proverbs 16: 22-24

(Simhat Torah: The Word, A Gift Beyond Measure)

13 December G-d’s Effusive Love and Our Response

*Writing the emotions: love, joy, hope; hate, jealousy, sorrow

John 1: 16; I John 5: 1-4; John 14: 21 & 23; Galatians 5: 6

(Chanukah: He Defends His Own; His Light, Never Squelched)

10 January G-d’s Marvelous Surprises: After Somber Loss

*Memorable Scenes and Scenery: Originality, Accuracy

John 11. Mary, “If You had only been here, Yeshua!”

(Celebrating Shabbat: Rest, Restoration, Recovery, Completion)

21 February G-d’s Extravagance: Worlds, Reaches of Space, Ages of Time

(3rd Shabbat) *Mental Images and Imagination: Vision and Imagery

Hebrews 1: 2; Colossians 1: 16 & 17; Revelation 22: 1-4

(Tu B’Shevat: The New Year of the Trees)

Meeting Dates: Writing Assignments ~ *Honing the Craft

14 March G-d’s Drastic Plans for the Sake of His Beloved

*Writing Believable Characters: Complex and Unique

The Megillah of Esther: Ester Escapes Death and Decrees A Holiday

(Purim: Hateful Haman Ends Up Hung! Mordecai is Honored!)

18 April G-d’s Marvelous Grace After It Is Way Way Too Late…

(3rd Shabbat) * A Literary Concern: Truth – Reliable versus Unreliable Narrator

Dead! Then, ATHAI: Alive, Talkative, Hungry, Active, Interacting

An Only Son, Dead ~ Luke 7: 11-16;

Ruler of the Synagogue’s Daughter Dead ~ Matthew 8: 18, 23-26;

Mark 5: 22-24, 35-42; Mark 15; Ephesians 2: 1-6

The King of Glory is Crucified, Dead. Buried. Then Resurrected!

“O death, where if your victory?” I Corinthians 15: 55-58

(Passover-Pesach. Seder. Liberation from bondage and death.)

9 May G-d’s Ravens; G-d’s Donkeys, G-d’s Lions, G-d’s Light

Used by G-d to feed and nourish; Used to dispense wisdom.

Obedience when it is contrary to natural inclination.

The sign of having been with the Lord!

*How Do We Receive G-d’s Instruction for our Writing Lives?

I Kings 17: 2-6; Numbers 22: 21-33; Daniel 6: 11-23

Exodus 34: 27-35; I John 2: 27-29; II Corinthians 3: 6-11

Shimmering, Shine; Shekinah and Light ~ Ephesians 1: 18

(Shavuot: Giving of the Torah to Israelites on Mt Sinai)

13 June Sun, Moon, Stars; Trumpets, Flutes, Harps ~ Praise Him.

*Setting Forth His Wonderful Deeds, Perfections and Virtues!

I Peter 2: 9; Psalm 148 to 150; Isaiah 60: 19; Habakkuk 3: 4

*Tweaking our Writing Perspective…with focus on Yeshua,

Author of Life; the True Light; the Brilliant Morning Star!

(Rosh Hodesh: The New Moon and Renewal)

As we endeavor to write from our hearts, commissioned by heaven to reflect the heart of our glorious G-d, join us! And, together may our writing lives and calling beautifully glorify our Maker, The Origin, Beginning, and Author of G-d’s creation.

Unless otherwise specified, we will be meeting the second Shabbat of every month at: Mimi’s Café, 4030 Barranca Parkway, Irvine.

Marie’s email address: