Shipping noise in a U.S. National Marine Sanctuary

Table S. Results from linear regression of average ARU received levels in the 10-400Hz bandwidth on vessels of each type and total number of vessels approaching within 5 nmi (9.26 km) of the ARUs during the months of April and May 2006. Bold values represent p0.05.

Table S continued

Parameter Estimates
Term / Estimate / SE / t ratio / prob>|t|
April / Tug / Intercept / 115.2 / 2.11 / 54.4 / <0.0001
total CA vessels / -0.07 / 0.15 / -0.48 / 0.64
Tanker / Intercept / 109.5 / 1.57 / 69.8 / <0.0001
total CA vessels / 0.23 / 0.07 / 3.46 / 0.01
Cargo/Container / Intercept / 110 / 1.7 / 60.3 / <0.0001
total CA vessels / 0.2 / 0.09 / 2.74 / 0.05
Passenger / Intercept / 114.8 / 1.76 / 65.4 / <0.0001
total CA vessels / -0.9 / 2.4 / -0.4 / 0.73
Service & Research / Intercept / 113 / 2.51 / 44.9 / <0.0001
total CA vessels / 0.38 / 0.61 / 0.63 / 0.55
ALL / Intercept / 108.8 / 2.5 / 42.7 / <0.0001
total CA vessels / 0.1 / 0.04 / 2.3 / 0.05
May / Tug / Intercept / 114 / 2.5 / 45.8 / <0.0001
total CA vessels / 7 / 0.15 / -0.28 / 0.79
Tanker / Intercept / 108.6 / 1.65 / 65 / <0.0001
total CA vessels / 0.22 / 0.07 / 3.3 / 0.01
Cargo/Container / Intercept / 109.7 / 1.65 / 66.7 / <0.0001
total CA vessels / 0.21 / 0.09 / 2.6 / 0.04
Passenger / Intercept / 109 / 1.1 / 100.9 / <0.0001
total CA vessels / 0.6 / 0.12 / 4.9 / 0.002
Service & Research / Intercept / 112.5 / 2.5 / 44.6 / <0.0001
total CA vessels / 0.4 / 0.9 / 0.39 / 0.71
ALL / Intercept / 107.3 / 2.1 / 52.2 / <0.0001
total CA vessels / 0.1 / 0.03 / 3.2 / 0.02