Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum vitae
Address: University of Alaska Southeast
Department of Natural Sciences
11120 Glacier Highway
Juneau, AK 99801
Telephone: (907) 796-6599
EDUCATION: __________________________________________________________
1993 Ph.D., Endocrinology, University of California, Davis
Thesis title: Regulation of ecdysteroids from the y-organs of the Dungeness crab Cancer magister.
1984 B.S. Biochemistry, San Francisco State University
2010-present Professor of Biology University of Alaska Southeast, Jointly appointed to the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Juneau Center for School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences.
2014-2015 Fulbright Research Scholar, Ben Gurion University, US-Israel Educational Foundation 2014-2015.
2007 Visiting Researcher at the Center for Marine Biotechnology, University of Maryland. Baltimore. (Sabbatical)
2007 Visiting Researcher, Friday Harbor Laboratory, University of Washington, (Sabbatical)
2006-2010 Associate Professor of Biology University of Alaska Southeast, Jointly appointed to the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Juneau Center for School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences.
1999-2006 Assistant Professor of Biology University of Alaska Southeast, Jointly appointed to the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Juneau Center for School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences.
2004-present Diving Control Board, American Academy of Underwater Science, University of Alaska
1996-99 Lecturer, Sonoma State University; Taught undergraduate courses in Biology, Human Physiology, and Animal Physiology
1993-96 USDA Postdoctoral Researcher, Bodega Marine Laboratory, University
of California, Davis. Research included identification of genes regulated by a crustacean steroid hormone.
1988-1993 California Sea Grant Trainee, Bodega Marine Laboratory, UCD.
PhD. Research dissertation on the regulation of crustacean molting hormones. A biochemical approach to understanding endogenous factors that regulate crustacean ecdysteroids.
1988-present Research SCUBA Diver, American Academy of Underwater Sciences
(AAUS) certification.
1992-93 California Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellowship Award
1991-92 California Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellowship Award
1988-1993 California Sea Grant Traineeship
1992 Aubrey Gorbman Best Student Paper Award, Honorable Mention, Meeting of
the American Society of Zoologists
1991-92 Jastro-Shields Research Scholarship Award, University of California, Davis
1990-91 Jastro-Shields Research Scholarship Award, University of California, Davis
1989-90 Humanities Graduate Research Award, University of California, Davis
1988-89 Humanities Graduate Research Award, University of California, Davis
1988 Sigma Xi Graduate Research Award
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Academy for Underwater Science
The Crustacean Society
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
Phi Sigma Biological Honors Society
Golden Key Honors Society
Funded for a total of more than $2,357,310
2016-2020 Binational Science Foundation ($92,601)
Controlling sexual differentiation: study of a transient hermphroditic model in crustaceans
2016-2018 UAF Biomedical Learning and Science Technology Faculty Pilot Award ($59,888)
2015-2016 UAF Biomedical Learning and Science Technology ($47,312)
Research Equipment Award
2014-2015 US Army Corps of Engineers (74,344)
Yakutat Dungeness crab populations
2014 Alaska Department of Fish and Game ($4, 800) Reproductive Physiology
of the Northern Spot Shrimp (Pandalus platyceros)
2012-2013 Icicle Seafoods ($5,000)
Terminal Molting in Tanner crabs
2010-2013 National Science Foundation ($323,023)
Multiple Co-PIs (Tamone, Hood, Stekoll, Tallmon)
MRI-R2: Acquisition of Instrumentation in Support of Terrestrial,
Nearshore and Marine Ecosystems Collaborative Research at UAS
2011-2012 National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration ($32,000)
Effects of cold exposure on metabolic parameters of snow crabs
2009-2013 National Science Foundation ($308,763)
Co-PI: Dr. Caroline Bergstrom
Research Experiences for Undergraduates: Marine and Coastal Ecology
2009-1010 North Pacific Research Board ($67,831)
Co-PI: Dr Frank Morado
Induction of late stages of Hematodinium in Tanner crabs (Chionoecetes opilio) by hormonal manipulation: a mechanism to study bitter crab syndrome.
2008-2010 North Pacific Research Board ($166,696)
Reproductive indices of male snow crabs, Chionoecetes opilio from the Bering Sea: analysis of hormones, reproductive structures, and behavior
2008-2010 Alaska Sea Grant College Program ($74,362)
Co-PI’s: Sherry Tamone and Ginny Eckert
Alaska Red King Crab Enhancement: Juvenile Growth and Field Habitat Studies
2006-2007 Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation ($124,594)
Co-PI’s: Sherry Tamone and David Tallmon
Comparison of population size and structure of Pacific giant octopus, Enteroctopus dofleini in Alaska.
2004-2006 North Pacific Research Board ($48,420)
Co-PI’s: Sherry Tamone and Lisa Hoferkamp
Identification of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in Sediments and Biota in a Pristine Southeast Alaska Watershed and Near a Municipal Waste Landfill in Juneau, Alaska.
2002-2004 National Institute of Health ($467,000)
Co-PIs: George Happ and Sherry Tamone
Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network (BRIN), Regulation of steroidogenesis in invertebrate models.
2002 Commercial Fisheries Management and Development Division/Alaska
Department of Fish and Game ($8,237)
Tagging Studies of Tanner crab, Chionoecetes bairdi
2001-2004 Commercial Fisheries Management and Development Division/Alaska
Department of Fish and Game ($383,211)
Co-PI’s: Sherry Tamone, Thomas Shirley, Ginny Eckert
Reproductive biology of snow crab Chionoecetes opilio
2001-2004 Commercial Fisheries Management and Development Division/Alaska
Department of Fish and Game ($136,465)
Hormonal regulation of growth of snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio
2000-2001 Commercial Fisheries Management and Development Division/Alaska
Department of Fish and Game ($8,967)
Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) for crustacean growth hormones.
2011-present Lowell Wilson Faculty travel award (Annual)
2010 Chancellor’s Special Project Fund
Marine Field Trip to Sitka ($5000)
2005 EPSCoR
Faculty Travel Award ($1,198.06)
2003 Chancellor’s Special Project Fund
Video microscopy in the Biology Laboratory ($5000)
2002 Chancellor’s Special Project Fund
Seminars in biology ($3100)
2001 Teaching and Learning Technology and Research
Replacement of a multimedia projector ($4800)
2001 President’s Special Project Fund
Biology Field trip to Glacier Bay ($7,950)
2000 Natural Resources Fund
Aquatic invertebrate catalog ($4700)
PUBLICATIONS (Peer reviewed)
1) Tamone, S. L. and J. F. Harrison (2015). Linking Insects with Crustacea: Physiology of the Pancrustacea: An Introduction to the Symposium. Integrative and Comparative Biology
2) Zaleski, M. and Tamone, S. L. (2014). Relationship of molting, gonadosomatic index and methyl farnesoate in male snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) from the eastern Bering Sea. Journal of Crustacean Biology. 34: 764-772
3) Westphal, M. J., Eckert, G. L., and Tamone, S. L. (2014). Comparison of first year growth among field, hatchery- and laboratory-raised juvenile red king crab, Paralithodes camtschaticus (Tilesius, 1815), in Alaska. Journal of Crustacean Biology 34(3), 319-325.
4) Barry, P. D., Tamone, S. L., and Tallmon, D. A. (2013). A complex pattern of population structure in the North Pacific giant octopus Enteroctopus dofleini. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 79 (2): 133-138.
5) Pamuru, R.R., Rosen, O., Manor, R., Chung, S. J., Zmora, N., Glazer, L., Afalo, E. D., Weil, S., Tamone, S. L., Sagi, A. (2012). Stimulation of molt by RNA interference of the molt-inhibiting hormone in the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 178: 227-236.
6) Barry, P. D., D. A. Tallmon, and S. L. Tamone. 2011. A comparison of tagging methodology for North Pacific giant octopus Enteroctopus dofleini. Fisheries Research 109:370‑372. [440KB PDF]
7) Barry, P. Tamone, S.L, and Tallmon, D. A. (2010). Evaluation of the capture efficiency and size selectivity of four pot types for use in a North Pacific giant octopus Enteroctopus dofleini fishery. Fisheries Bulletin 108: 39-44.
8) Chung, J. S. Bembe, S., Tamone, S. L., Andrews, E., and Thomas, H. (2009). Molecular cloning of the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) from the X-organ and identification of the neuropeptides in the sinus glands of the Alaskan Tanner crab, Chionoecetes bairdi. General and Comparative Endocrinology 162: 129-133.
9) Schram, F. R., S. T. Ahyong, K. A. Crandall, F. Gherardi, M. J. Grygier, K. L. Lavalli, G. Poore, D. C. Rogers, G. Scholtz, T. Simon, S. Tamone, and M. Wicksten. 2008. Publication in the Journal of Crustacean Biology. Journal of Crustacean Biology 28:197–202.
10) Tamone, S. L. (2007). An introduction to coastal monitoring. Proceedings from the Aleutian Life Forum, Unalaska, Alaska. Sea Grant College Program.
11) Webb, J. J., Eckert, G. L., Shirley T. C., Tamone, S. L. (2007). Changes in embryonic development and hatching in the snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio, with variation in incubation temperature. Biological Bulletin 213: 67-75.
12) Tamone, S.L., Taggart, S. J., Andrews, A. G. Mondragon, J. and J. K. Nielsen. (2007). Ecdysteroids in Tanner crabs are compared with claw allometry: Further evidence for a terminal molt in the genus Chionoecetes. Journal of Crustacean Biology 24 (4) 635-642.
13) Thomton, J., Tamone, S. L., Atkinson, S. M. (2006). Circulating ecdysteroid concentrations in Alaskan Dungeness crab (Cancer magister). Journal of Crustacean Biology 26: 176-181.
14) Webb, J., Eckert, G. L., Shirley T. C., Tamone, S. L. (2006). Changes in zoeae of the snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio, with variation in incubation temperature. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 339: 96-103.
15) Tamone, S. L. Andrews, A., Mondragon, J., and Taggart, S. J. (2006). Ecdysteroid levels in Glacier Bay Tanner crab, Evidence for a terminal molt. Proceedings from the Glacier Bay Science Symposium.
16) Moselle, K., Tamone, S. L., Mondragon, J., Taggart, S. J. (2006). Distribution of bitter crab disease in Tanner crabs (Chionoecetes bairdi) in Glacier Bay, Alaska. Proceedings from the Glacier Bay Science Symposium.
17) Tamone, S. L., Adams, M. A., Dutton, J. M. (2005). Effect of eyestalk-ablation on circulating ecdysteroids in hemolymph of snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio: Physiological evidence for a terminal molt. Integrative and Comparative Biology 45. 166-177.
18) El Haj, A. J., Tamone, S. L., Peake, M., Reddy, P. S., Chang, E. S. (1998). An ecdysteroid responsive gene in the crustacean similar to the Manduca MHR3 gene- a crustacean member of the steroid hormone superfamily. Gene 210: 127-135.
19) Tamone, S. L. and Chang, E. S. (1997). Identification and characterization of methyl farnesoate binding proteins in the crab, Cancer magister. General and Comparative Endocrinology 105: 168-175.
20) Chang, E. S. Tamone, S. L., Lin, W. W., Oberbauer, A. M. 1995. Modification to the paradigm of the hormonal control of crustacean molting: Effects of metabolic inhibitors on the ecdysiotropic action of methyl farnesoate and evidence for an insulin-like growth factor. Proc. International Symposium on Biotechnology and Applications in Aquaculture. Asian Fisheries Society Special Publication; No 10. pp 183-195.
21) Chang, E. S., Fitzsimmons, S. L., Bruce, M. J. 1993. Crustacean Growth: stimulatory and inhibitory regulation. In: Short Communications of the 1991 International Marine Biotechnology Conference, vol 2 (W. Fenical, M. Greenberg, H. O. Halvorson, and J. C. Hunter-Cevera, eds.), pp. 514-519. W C. Brown, Dubuque.
22) Tamone, S. L. and Chang, E. S. 1993. Methyl farnesoate regulates ecdysteroid secretion crab Y-organs in vitro. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 89, 425-432.
23) Chang, E. S., Bruce, M. J., Tamone, S. L. 1992. Regulation of Crustacean molting: a multi-hormonal system. American Zoologist. 33, 324-329.
24) Clemons, G. K., de Manincor, D., Fitzsimmons, S. L., Garcia, J. F. 1987. Immunoreactive erythropoietin studies in hypoxic rats and the role of the salivary glands. Experimental Hemotology. 15, 18-23.
25) Clemons, G. K., Fitzsimmons, S. L., DeManincor, D. (1986). Immunoreactive erythropoietin concentrations in fetal and neonatal rats and the effects of hypoxia. Blood 68: 892-299.
PUBLICATIONS (Non-Peer Reviewed)
1. Tamone, S. L. and F. Morado (2012). Induction of late stages of Hematodinium in Tanner crabs (Chionoecetes bairdi) by hormonal manipulation: a mechanism to study bitter crab syndrome. Board North Pacific Research Board Final Report.
2. Tamone, S. L. (2012). Reproductive indices of male snow crabs, Chionoecetes opilio from the Bering Sea: analysis of hormones, reproductive structures, and behavior.North Pacific Research Board Final Report.
3. Barry, P., R. Brewer, J. Browning, J. Grund, D. Scheel, D. Tallmon and S. Tamone. March 2007. AFDF Final Report. Investigation of tagging methods and tracking for giant Pacific octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) in Southcentral Alaska. Award Number: COBS: NA04NMF4540379
4. Hoferkamp, L. and Tamone, S. L. (2005). North Pacific Research Board Final Report Identification of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in sediments and biota in a pristine Southeast watershed and near a municipal waste landfill in Juneau Alaska.
5. Tamone, S. L. (2005) Hormonal regulation of growth of snow crabs, Chionoecetes opilio. Final report for Alaska Department of Fish and Game Final report for Alaska Department of Fish and Game. NOAA Cooperative Agreement NA17FW1274
6. Shirley, T. D., Tamone, S. L., Eckert, G. E. (2005). Reproductive biology of snow crabs, Chionoecetes opilio. Final report for Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Final report for Alaska Department of Fish and Game. NOAA Cooperative Agreement NA17FW1274.
7. Tamone, S. L. (2002). Enzyme linked immunosorbant assay for crustacean growth
hormones. Final report for Alaska Department of Fish and Game Final report for
Alaska Department of Fish and Game. NOAA Cooperative Agreement NA06FN0385
2011 Invited Speaker. Workshop on Eastern Bering Sea Snow Crab.
Seattle WA. February 22-24, 2011
2010 Invited Speaker. Workshop on Hematodinium related diseases. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. May 24-27, 2010
2008 Invited Speaker. Workshop on Hematodinium related diseases. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. September 23-26.
2004 Participant: Techniques in Molecular Biology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC August 2-16.
2017 The International Crustacean Society Meeting, Barcelona Spain
2017 Society of Comparative and Integrative Biology, New Orleans, LA
2016 Society of Comparative and Integrative Biology, Portland, OR
2015 Society of Comparative and Integrative Biology, West Palm Beach, FL
2014 Interagency Crab Meeting, Kodiak AK
2014 Society of Comparative and Integrative Biology, Austin, TX
2013 Interagency Crab Meeting, Anchorage AK
2013 International Crustacean Society Meeting, San Jose, Costa Rica
2013 Society of Comparative and Integrative Biology, San Francisco, CA
2012 Interagency Crab Meeting, Anchorage AK
2012 Society of Comparative and Integrative Biology, Charleston, SC.
2011 Interagency Crab Meeting, Anchorage AK
2011 The Crustacean Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI
2011 Society of Comparative and Integrative Biology, Salt Lake City, UT
2010 Interagency Crab Meeting, Anchorage AK
2010 Marine Sciences Symposium, Anchorage, AK
2010 Society of Comparative and Integrative Biology, Seattle, WA
2009 Lowell Wakefield Symposium, Anchorage, AK
2009 Marine Sciences Symposium, Anchorage, AK
2009 Society of Comparative and Integrative Biology, Boston MA
2008 Interagency Crab Meeting, Anchorage AK
2008 Society of Comparative and Integrative Biology, San Antonio TX
2007 Interagency Crab Meeting, Anchorage AK
2007 Society of Comparative and Integrative Biology, Phoenix, AZ
2006 Marine Sciences Symposium, Anchorage AK
2006 Interagency Crab Meeting, Anchorage AK
2006 Summer Meeting for the Crustacean Society, Juneau Alaska
2006 Society of Comparative and Integrative Biology, Orlando, FL
2005 Interagency Crab Meeting, Anchorage AK
2005 Society of Comparative and Integrative Biology, San Diego, CA
2004 Interagency Crab Meeting, Anchorage AK