Opportunities this week for Worship, Study, and Service

11/8/15 / Monday
11/9/15 / Tuesday
11/10/15 / Wednesday
11/11/15 / Thursday
11/12/15 / Friday
11/13/15 / Saturday
11/14/15 / Sunday
6:30AM Greensboro Urban Ministries Breakfast
9 AM Worship
9:30-9:45 AM
Coffee in Fellowship Hall
11 AM Worship
Play practice after worship
12 Noon Trustees
2:30PM Administrative Board with Charge Conference to follow
4:30 PM REMIX / 7 PM
Boy Scouts
Henry & Chriss Buckner / 7 PM
Alive in Christ
7 PM
Cub Scouts / Veterans Day
6 PM
Handbell Rehearsal
7 PM
Choir Rehearsal / 2:30-5:30PM
7 PM
Care & Share / 6:30 PM
Children/Youth Families Pathways House / 3rd Sunday Food Drive
Operation Christmas Child Dedication Sunday
9 AM Worship
9:30-9:45 AM
Coffee in Fellowship Hall
11 AM Worship
Play practice after worship
4:30 PM
REMIX With Parents
Worship Assistants for November 8, 2015 / Worship Assistants For November 15, 2015
Acolyte: Samantha Maris
Altar Guild: Chris Orlando
Camera Operator: Bill Whitfield
Counters (Offering) Green Team: Don Blalock & David Teague
Greeters: 9am: Buzz Griggs, Van Moore, Beth Whitfield
11am: Don & Glenda Blalock
Kid’s Own Worship: 9am Diane Jones, 11am Christy Gerringer
Liturgical Color of the Day: Green
Nurseries: 9am - Destiny & Alyssa Bowlsby
10-noon – Paula Lewis & Michelle Rash
Head Usher: Buzz Griggs / Acolyte: Lexie Whitfield
Altar Flowers: Thanksgiving Altar
Altar Guild: Chris Orlando
Camera Operator: Glenn Zimmerman
Counters (Offering) Green Team: Don Blalock & David Teague
Greeters: 9am: Buzz Griggs, Van Moore, Beth Whitfield
11am: Don & Glenda Blalock
Kid’s Own Worship: 9am Diane Jones, 11am Christy Gerringer
Liturgical Color of the Day: Green
Nurseries: 9am - Destiny & Alyssa Bowlsby
10-noon – Jennifer & Kyle Kimbro
Head Usher: Buzz Griggs

Ministers: All Our Members

Pastor: Rev. Sybil Parks - Cell Phone Number (336) 529-3005

Director of Christian Education: Diane Jones – Cell (336) 255-3477/Office (336) 449-4810

Music and Creative Worship Arts Team: Bonita Chrismon & Susan Pyles

Administrative Assistant: Edith Younger –

Custodian: Kibble Davis

November 8, 2015

24th Sunday after Pentecost



Light of Christ Leads Us Into Worship Acolyte


*Hymn of Praise We’ll Understand It Better By and By #525

*Affirmation of Faith The Apostles’ Creed #881

I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen

*The Gloria Patri #71

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.


*Doxology #95

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below: Praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*Prayer of Dedication

*Congregational Greeting Blest Be the Tie That Binds #557

Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love; the fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.

Old Testament Reading Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17

Pastoral Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Children’s Time Diane Jones

Children ages 4 through 2nd grades are invited to follow the leaders to Kid’s Own Worship

Anthem I Believe

A sensitive setting of a poem inspired by words found written on the wall of a cellar in Cologne, Germany, after World War II. It is a credo to Hope; an anthem in support of perseverance when days seems dark. A moving musical portrait of God's enduring love and mercy.

New Testament Reading Hebrews 9:24-28

Message Salvation History and Redemptive Faith Dr. Charles Adams



*Hymn Breathe on Me Breath of God #420


*Congregational Benediction God Be With You Till We Meet Again #673

God be with you till we meet again; by his counsels guide, uphold you, with his sheep securely fold you; God be with you till we meet again.


*Please stand in praise of God as you are able

The flowers placed on the altar are given to the glory of God in honor of Guy Novak, on his birthday, November 10, by Judy Novak.

CHARGE CONFERENCE: Today…Immediately following Administrative Board Meeting at 2:30pm. Once each year, we look forward to the church’s ministry for the coming year at Charge Conference. This meeting is open for every church member to attend. At Charge Conference, we approve the leadership for 2016, the budget for 2016, the pastor’s salary, and receive reports from the Finance Committee, Parsonage Committee and Trustees. A presentation will be given of changes in the church operating structure to align ourselves with our mission statement. If you would like to have a voice in the decisions for the coming year, please take time to attend. Thank you, Pastor Sybil.


Nurseries: For children Birth - 3 years old. We offer nurseries during Sunday School and both worship services. Both nurseries are located behind the Sanctuary on the 1st Floor.

Kid’s Own Worship (Children’s Church): A Worship enrichment program is offered for children ages 4 through 2nd grade. Children are invited to leave worship with their leaders before the sermon for their continued worship. They are always welcome to remain in worship. Children may then be picked up immediately after worship in Room 210.

Play Practice Continues…after the 11:00am service. Bring a sack lunch. Drinks will be provided.

Children’s Mission Project: Pathways Party continues in November with a Party of Thankfulness with the children at Pathways House on Friday, November 13. Children, youth and parents will meet at the church at 6:15pm and plan to return by 8:30pm. We need your presence and snacks. Contact Diane Jones if you can provide these things.

REMIX: we will meet at our regular 4:30pm time for dinner and then pack Operation Christmas Child boxes. This week the parents and students will work together on the O.C.C. project.


Sunday School for All Ages: The Wharton Sunday School Class, for senior adults, meets at 9:45am; Classes for children, youth and other adults begin at 10:00am. See a Greeter for directions.

Care & Share: Care & Share will meet Thursday, November 12 at 7:00pm in the church parlor. Please bring or share something pertaining to Thanksgiving.


Fellowship Time Every Sunday: Enjoy some refreshments and fellowship between 9:30-10:00am in the fellowship hall.

United Methodist Women: The Gibsonville United Methodist Women will have their Christmas dinner on Monday, December 8 at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall. All women are invited. Cost of the meal is $12.00. Entertainment will be a GUMC’s Men’s Group. To purchase a ticket please contact Judy Novak at 449-6357 or Denise Little at 447-4002. Our mission this year will again be a contribution to the “Emergency Assistance Fund.” If you would like to make a monetary donation, please make your check payable to GUMW and mark “Emergency Assistance Fund.” This money will be used to help those who come by the church in need of food or help with utility bills, especially during the holidays.


Operation Christmas Child Dedication…Next Sunday, November 15: Remember to take a box or two from the church and pack it according to the directions inside the box. Last Sunday to bring your boxes to be dedicated and taken to drop off: November 15.

Operation Christmas Child Distribution Center: We are excited to announce we are headed to Charlotte to the Operation Christmas Child Distribution Center on November 28th from 9:00-1:00pm. We will leave the church around 7:00am. If you are interested, please contact the church office to sign up and get the details on how to preregister on-line.

Food Drive Next Sunday, November 15: As the economy continues to force people to choose between food and housing or food and medicine, the need for food assistance is in great need. Non-perishable foods can be brought to the church every 3rd Sunday. These donations will be divided between a Gibsonville food pantry AND Book bags of food to go home with children in need.

Say “Thank You” This Thanksgiving...to the saints who helped lay the foundation for GUMC. For the past 80 plus years, the Youth Group has delivered Thanksgiving baskets to the elderly and shut-in members of our congregation. Join this tradition by bringing goodies to help fill the gift baskets. Suggested items include personal hygiene items, fresh fruit, stationary, large print books and healthy snacks. Please bring your donations to the collection basket located in the Welcome Center by Sunday, November 22. Thank you in advance!

Community Children’s Christmas Party: It is time for one of GUMC’s most special missions. Community children identified by the school system and their families are invited to a Christmas Party on December 18. They enjoy a wonderful Christmas Dinner, the Christmas story, a craft, a visit from Santa and opening their stockings. However, much work is required before the party: shopping for children’s Christmas gifts of toys and clothes, shopping for the stocking stuffers, and shopping for food to provide supplies for a Christmas dinner. All of this is done by your generous donations. Financial donations can be dropped in the offering plate or mailed to the church office, PO Box 82, Gibsonville. Please make your check payable to Gibsonville UMC and mark it for Community Christmas Party. Thank you for your generosity!


Board of Trustees: The Trustees will meet in the church parlor today immediately following the 11:00am worship service.

Meals on Wheels Reminder! M.O.W. delivery Monday, November 9 through Friday, November 13.

Remember In Prayer / Requested By: / Prayer Request
The Family of Sandra Brown
(June Allison’s sister) / Friends / Peace and love
The Family of Gene Johnson / Carol Kirkman / Prayers for their healing and his passing
Kathleen Neill / Charles & Lorraine Learned
(Dad & Mom) / Healing and peace
Ragan Riddle / Bonita & Dennis Chrismon / Peace and healing

Long Term Prayer Needs

Randy Apple, Eddie Brown, Pam Fagan, Janis Hawk, John Learned, Rev. Genie Martin, Matt McIntyre, Pastor Sybil Parks, Howard Ray, Sylvia Whitfield, Matt Younger

Extended Care Facilities, Retirement Facilities and Homebound

Lorraine Apple, Etta Brown, Bookie Gates, Nell Gerringer, Betsy Greeson, Beatrice Jadlocki, Margaret Shepherd, Dot Tickle, Margie Underwood, Evelyn Wall, Amy Whitesell

Military Personnel

Alan Bowlsby, Jeremy Cobb, James Dahl, Jeremey Gerringer, Mike Gidcumb, Jimmy Hawks, Steven Johnson, Jay Lawler, Jerry Moize, Jr., Rick Moor, Tommy Pollard, Jeffrey Shepherd, Aaron Traywick, Chuck Walker, Joshua Webster

CHARGE CONFERENCE: TODAY…Immediately following Administrative Board Meeting at 2:30pm. Once each year, we look forward to the church’s ministry for the coming year at Charge Conference. This meeting is open for every church member to attend. At Charge Conference, we approve the leadership for 2016, the budget for 2016, the pastor’s salary, and receive reports from the Finance Committee, Parsonage Committee and Trustees. A presentation will be given of changes in the church operating structure to align ourselves with our mission statement. If you would like to have a voice in the decisions for the coming year, please take time to attend. Thank you, Pastor Sybil.

Opportunities this week for Worship, Study, and Service

11/8/15 / Monday
11/9/15 / Tuesday
11/10/15 / Wednesday
11/11/15 / Thursday
11/12/15 / Friday
11/13/15 / Saturday
11/14/15 / Sunday
6:30AM Greensboro Urban Ministries Breakfast
9 AM Worship
9:30-9:45 AM
Coffee in Fellowship Hall
11 AM Worship
Play practice after worship
12 Noon Trustees
2:30PM Administrative Board with Charge Conference to follow
4:30 PM REMIX / 7 PM
Boy Scouts
Henry & Chriss Buckner / 7 PM
Alive in Christ
7 PM
Cub Scouts / Veterans Day
6 PM
Handbell Rehearsal
7 PM
Choir Rehearsal / 2:30-5:30PM
7 PM
Care & Share / 6:30 PM
Youth Families Pathways House / 3rd Sunday Food Drive
Operation Christmas Child Dedication Sunday
9 AM Worship
9:30-9:45 AM
Coffee in Fellowship Hall
11 AM Worship
Play practice after worship
4:30 PM
REMIX With Parents
Worship Assistants for November 8, 2015 / Worship Assistants for November 15, 2015
Acolyte: Samantha Maris
Altar Guild: Chris Orlando
Camera Operator: Bill Whitfield
Counters (Offering) Green Team: Don Blalock & David Teague
Greeters: 9am: Buzz Griggs, Van Moore, Beth Whitfield
11am: Don & Glenda Blalock
Kid’s Own Worship: 9am Diane Jones, 11am Christy Gerringer
Liturgical Color of the Day: Green
Nurseries: 9am - Destiny & Alyssa Bowlsby
10-noon – Paula Lewis & Michelle Rash
Head Usher: Buzz Griggs / Acolyte: Lexie Whitfield
Altar Flowers: Thanksgiving Altar
Altar Guild: Chris Orlando
Camera Operator: Glenn Zimmerman
Counters (Offering) Green Team: Don Blalock & David Teague
Greeters: 9am: Buzz Griggs, Van Moore, Beth Whitfield
11am: Don & Glenda Blalock
Kid’s Own Worship: 9am Diane Jones, 11am Christy Gerringer
Liturgical Color of the Day: Green
Nurseries: 9am - Destiny & Alyssa Bowlsby
10-noon – Jennifer & Kyle Kimbro
Head Usher: Buzz Griggs

Ministers: All Our Members

Pastor: Rev. Sybil Parks Cell Phone Number (336) 529-3005

Director of Christian Education: Diane Jones – Cell (336) 255-3477/Office (336) 449-4810

Music and Creative Worship Arts Team: Bonita Chrismon & Susan Pyles

Administrative Assistant: Edith Younger –

Custodian: Kibble Davis

Gibsonville United Methodist Church!

Welcome to Worship!

We are pleased that you have joined in worship today as we seek God’s guidance for our lives and the life of this church.

We have two services on Sunday mornings: ACTS29@9 (Contemporary) and 11:00am Traditional