NCPC General Membership Meeting Minutes
August 13, 2009
Serving the Communities of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista
Minutes of the General Membership
9:00 a.m. Thursday, August 13, 2009 Community Rooms
North Regional Offices
Aaron Byzak, County Board of Supervisors-Pam Slater-Price’s Office/NCPC Board President
Fred Becker, Becker Institute/NCPC Board Vice President
Ray Machado, RXYM Fashions/NCPC Board Member
Margie O’Hern, Oceanside Resident/NCPC Board Member
Paul Savo, The Fellowship Center/NCPC Board Member
Maria Yanez, VCC/REACH Programs
Erica Leary, VCC/TCPC Program Manager
John Byrom, VCC/TCPC Community Organizing Specialist
Gena Knutson, VCC/Tobacco Control Programs
Liliana Sandoval, VCC/Tobacco Control Programs
Kathy Valdez, City of Vista/Weed & Seed Program
Linda Ledesma, Carlsbad Police Department
Tiffany Wyndham, Music Worx
Loretta Adame, Phoenix House
Ray Pearson, Carlsbad Resident
Kinney Hines, NCPYC
Nancy Logan, San Dieguito Alliance for Drug Free Youth
Dannah Hosford, VCC/Tobacco Control Programs
Leticia Robles, VCC/TCPC
Jovonne Dempster, VCC/TCPC/Youth Coalition Coordinator
Luzmam Vigil, VCC Tobacco Control Program
Carmela Muñoz, VCC/DFC/ENA Programs
Rachel Bruckman, VCC/TCPC Program
Debbie Obregon, VCC/TCPC/NCPC Admin.
I. Welcome and Introductions – Aaron Byzak:
The meeting was brought to order at 9:02 a.m. Self-introductions were made, giving names and organizations represented and new attendees welcomed.
II. Approval Meeting Minutes – July 13, 2009:
Meeting minutes were approved as presented.
III. Treasurer’s Report – Margie O’Hern:
Margie reported a general account balance of $4397.61.
IV. Presentation – Loretta Adame, Program Coordinator, Phoenix House/Carlsbad Teen Recovery Center:
Loretta provided a brief history and background along with an overview of services provided by PH. She noted that PH is the largest non-profit provider of residential treatment in California. There are two outpatient teen recovery centers in SD County, one in Carlsbad and one in Point Loma, and also the Phoenix House Academy of San Diego located in Descanso. This is a 40-bed group home that provides long term residential substance abuse treatment, along with a non-public high school, and family services for up to 65 teens and their families.
Loretta reported on recent grant funding received from the Tri City Healthcare District. These new funds will enable PH to increase outreach with a focus on prevention and intervention in the tri-city region while working in partnership with NCPC. The overall goal is “reach teens and their families in need and to provide access to substance abuse treatment and related health and mental health services through PH’s outpatient and residential treatment programs.” Using a PowerPoint presentation, Loretta detailed program objectives, proposed activities, and outcomes. Following a Q&A session, Loretta invited members to offer input on how best PH can work with NCPC to achieve the program goals as outlined in her presentation.
V. TCPC Program Update – “Mrs. Leary Goes to Washington.”
Erica Leary was invited by CADCA (Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America) to speak about prevention at the Congressional Caucus of Addiction, Treatment and Recovery in Washington, D.C. The briefing, “How and Why Community Based Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Problems Work”, was held July 21 and moderated by Alan Leshner, CEO American Association for the Advancement of Science and Executive Publisher of Science Magazine. Panelists included Diane Eckert, Unified Prevention Coalition of Fairfax County Public Schools, Peter Zollo, CEO Tru-Insight, and Ellen Morehouse, Executive Director, Student Services Corporation, NY.
Erica shared her D.C. PowerPoint presentation, which included NCPC background and history, funding and partnerships, environmental prevention strategies, the role of public policy affecting substance abuse behavior, and tri-city student survey data. Her presentation included information about specific community-wide strategies to prevent underage drinking and marijuana use, and she also highlighted NCPC local prevention efforts, successes, and long-term outcomes.
Erica briefly discussed with members what’s next for NCPC? She noted that the President has proposed zeroing out the State Grants portion of the Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Program (impact on local school-based drug prevention programs); NCPC’s Drug-Free Communities funding ended in June 2009; fundraising efforts need to be stepped up to continue annual 420 Remix efforts; STOP Act funding to prevent underage drinking was renewed for next year (scheduled to continue until 2012); and SD County will be issuing RFP’s for prevention services sometime this year, though only six regional contracts will be awarded.
VI. Update – Paul Savo, The Fellowship Center - Rally on August 29:
Paul reported that TFC has been working through the process of gaining approval to develop a residential alcohol and drug rehab facility in Oceanside. This effort has faced community opposition mainly from the people living or working near the area of the proposed facility. TFC is planning a rally on Saturday, August 29, as an opportunity for those who have offered support for this effort to learn more about the development and to garner additional support as this process hopefully continues to move forward. The rally will be held at the North County Alano Club, 4198 Mission Avenue in Oceanside, 4 to 6 p.m. Please contact Paul for additional information.
VII. Announcements:
· Aaron Byzak noted that program staff is working with a consultant to re-design the NCPC website; goal is to improve the site, make it easier to navigate, and get more NCPC info out. Staff will make an announcement when new site is up and running.
· Aaron reported that he is the Co-Chair for a new county-wide OxyContin Task Force. There are plans to publicly launch and inform the community about this task force thru a national media event in September. The task force includes reps from many county agencies (currently 70 members), and committees have been formed to address education, enforcement, prevention and treatment, media, and policy/legislation. Aaron will report back as this effort moves ahead.
· Erica Leary announced that August 15 will be Jovonne Dempster’s last day with the TCPC program. Jovonne has been a wonderful employee, a great team member, and instrumental to the success of NCPC’s youth group. Erica extended special thanks to Jovonne for all her hard work and wished her continued success.
· Gena Knutson added that she is also losing a valued staff member on August 15, Charlene Guillergan. Charlene was an outstanding employee and a tremendous asset to the VCC Tobacco Programs.
· John Byrom reported that the City of Escondido passed a full ban on marijuana dispensaries with a 5/0 vote. YEA!
· Jovonne Dempster reported that with funding help from the San Diego Prevention Coalition to cover transportation costs, she was able to take two youth, Kinney Hines and Chris Hernandez, to a Sacramento Youth Conference Aug. 1 & 2. It was an amazing conference; the boys had a great time, learned a lot, and made a very good impression. Congratulations guys!!
· Carmela Muñoz reported that the Eastside Neighborhood Association, in collaboration with the City of Oceanside and Oceanside Police Department, hosted the National Night Out Against Crime/Community Movie Night on August 4 at Balderamma Park. About 150 community residents attended and enjoyed a safe and free movie night. Carmela said she received positive feedback from those in attendance and considered this first time event an overall success. Also, the association will be conducting a community survey on Saturday, August 29 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Eastside neighborhood to gather information and identify community problems and concerns. There has been a recent increase in gang activity in and around the park area, specifically at the handball court. Carmela will report back with survey results at a later meeting.
· Loretta Adame noted that September is Recovery Month; Phoenix House will hold a health fair and open house event at the Carlsbad location on September 11. More details to follow.
· Dannah Hosford, VCC Tobacco Control, reported that Escondido passed the first reading of a smoke-free parks ordinance with 3/1 vote. She added that the City of Vista is also working to pass a similar ordinance and could beat Escondido to the punch!!
· Kathy Valdez, City of Vista Weed & Seed Program, reported that Vista residents also participated in National Night Out Against Crime event (health fair and community walk) on August 4. About 200 walkers and other supporters attended. She thanked John Byrom and others who attended and helped out.
· Nancy Logan reminded everyone regarding October’s Red Ribbon Week Luncheon on October 23. Contact Nancy for details and/or to submit nominations for annual awards.
· Erica noted that the TCPC Program now has two full-time Prevention Specialist positions open. Please contact her for more information; she will also send out an email blast to the NCPC roster with the information. Thank you.
VIII. Adjourn:
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m. The next general membership meeting date is Thursday, September 10, 2009, 9-10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Debbie Obregon on behalf of
Ray Thomson, Secretary Ray Thomson, Secretary
For information contact NCPC office at (760) 407-1220 ext. 174 or email