Greater opportunities are availed at KAKAMEGA SCHOOL.It is upon every player here to choose between success and failure. Here at KAKAMEGA SCHOOL is indeed environmental determinism at play. That is why the concept of fencing the mind is imperative for our students to succeed. One may ask; why fence a mind? There is the most appetizing town situation that can derail a student from the good course; the school is too large without proper physical fence and the tantalizing adolescence peer influence.

No body for sure can take on the stairs of success in a costume of failure. Every time we think of succeeding and planning on how to succeed but in costume of failure. Think of an instrument that measures the amount of noise, how commonly it will be in use to register you the amount of noise produced by one single mouth in a term. What about a thousand plus mouths? Think of lesson attendance think of missed exam and assignments and you will soon discover how heavy the jacket of failure is jump out of it.

It is not enough to do our best, sometime we have to do what is required of us. The society requires of us. The society requires ‘Peak performance’ of us. And this is a demand not a request. To achieve peak results we must engage extraordinary programs. If we don’t then we shall stagnate and remain a man gets most tired while standing still. We must get moving! We must jump out of wishy washy results. To do this we require a stronger fence of the mind to combat voices of discouragement. Imagine when you want to wake up for 4.00 a.m exam and going for group work during entertainment time complied with booming disco music from town on Saturday night, what a fence do you require to hold your senses on course?-Mind fence.

One greatest fence of mind is interest. Nothing great was achieved without enthusiasm. a kakamega school student must develop interest in leaning in order to collect the gems in books. There could be hot amber in a ball of ice which may never be discovered without interest the fence of interest is the fuel to getting knowledge

It is a fence of endurance diligence and sacrifice interest gives you attitude, attitude determines your altitude in life

We are talking about fencing the mind it prudent for every kakamega school student to develop his fence n the mind. The fence will determine your boundary when there isn’t a physical one this school provides a diverse environment from which to pick your character traits. You need a strong fence against negative peer influence, mischief, being a sneak and bad grooming. In the trust sense of the kakamega warriors’ spirit let us begin fencing our minds for a better kakamega school we know and love.