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Cheyenne Weimaraners
Christine Trujillo
Thank you for your interest in our Weimaraners! The purpose of this questionnaire is to provide us, the breeder, with the information we need to match you with the right Weimaraner for your family and lifestyle. This may seem like “overkill”, but we believe it is necessary to ensure a lifelong placement. We hope it will also to help you to determine if the Weimaraner is the right breed for you, and to ensure that you are prepared to make this commitment. The more detailed your answers the better.
Contact information
Street Address:
City, State, and Zip:
Home Phone:
Business Phone:
Email address:
Best time and place to reach you?
Do you own or rent your home?
How did you hear about Cheyenne Weimaraners?
Puppy / Dog Wanted
Why have you decided the Weimaraner is right for you? What were the main factors in determining this?
How long have you been considering or looking for a dog?
Why haven’t you found one yet?
Do you have a preference of male or female?
Reason for preference?
Preferred age range?
If you prefer a puppy or young dog, have you ever raised a puppy?
Do you fully understand the time and effort required to care for a puppy?
What role do you wish this dog play in your life?
Family Information
Family Status: Single/Married/Living with another adult(s)
Do all the adults in this house hold support the decision to add a dog to the family?
If no, please explain.
Are there children in the household?
If you do not currently have children but plan to have children during the lifetime of this dog, how do you plan on socializing this puppy/dog to children?
Who will have the primary responsibility for caring for this dog?
If it is one of the children, are you willing to undertake the care of the dog if the child fails to perform?
Are there other pets currently in the household?
Breed(s) Age(s) Sex(s) Neutered/Spayed?
How will you train your Weimaraner to co-exist with them? (if applicable)
Name and phone # of your vet
Life Style
Your age(s)
How many days a week do you work?
What time do you leave the house?
What time do you usually return home?
Does your work require you to travel?
Do you have other activities that would keep you away from the house on a regular basis?
(ie a bowling league, aerobics classes, clubbing, etc.) Please explain.
Are you able to adjust your work schedule so that you can accommodate house-breaking a new puppy/dog?
How much time do you plan to devote each day, one on one with the dog? What type of activities will you use this time for?
What will the dog be doing the rest of the day? (excluding while you’re at work)
Home Environment
Is your yard fenced? If yes, describe the type and height of fencing.
Do you have an outside run or kennel? If yes, describe.
If your yard is not fenced and you do not have an outside kennel or run, what are your plans for controlling your puppy outside of your house.
How do you plan on giving your Weimaraner exercise? What type of exercise and how often?
Where will the puppy/dog stay while you are away from the home?
Where will the puppy/dog stay at night?
How do you feel about crates? Do you understand how they are used? If yes, explain.
What breeds of dogs have you owned in the past? What was your experience with them? What happened to them?
Have you ever owned a Weimaraner before? If yes, please explain.
Why are you interested in a Weimaraner? What specifically attracted you to this breed and why do you think they are a good match for your family and lifestyle?
Are you familiar with the temperament and idiosyncrasies of the Weimaraner? Are you bothered having a shadow? Do you mind having your daily activities “supervised” by a dog?
What characteristics of the Weimaraners are you concerned about?
Are you committed to this dog for its entire lifetime?
If you are ever unable to continue to care for this dog, will you notify the breeder so that they can assist you in finding a suitable home for the dog?
At what age do you feel training a puppy should begin? Why?
What type of training do you plan for this dog? Please give a name and contact number for the trainer or training facility at which you will take training.
Briefly describe your experience (if any) in training a dog. Include both methods and results.
If you have not had experience training a dog, how do you plan on learning?
Have you ever bred a dog in the past? If yes, please describe (how long ago, situation etc).
Are you interested in breeding your Weimaraner? If yes, what would be your reason for breeding?
What are your feelings on spaying and neutering?
Are you willing to allow the breeder to visit your home and/orkeep in touch by periodic letter or phone call to keep us abreast of how you and the dog are doing?
Would you like information on joining your local and / or National Weimaraner Club?
Would you be interested in learning how to compete with your dog at any of the events listed below? Please indicate which events.
Dog Shows Obedience Agility Tracking
Field Trials Hunt Tests Sport Hunting Watch dog Running partner Companion pet Other
Please use the back of this sheet or an additional sheet to add any other info you wish to be considered in the decision to place a Cheyenne Weimaraner with you. Any insight to your expectations of this new addition will help me to match you with a puppy that can be all that you’vedreamed of, or point you in a direction where you’re likely to find what you’re looking for. Thanks again for your interest in my dogs!