From: / "Sengoz, Cenk (Jay)" <[log in to unmask]>Subject: / DATA FUSION
PennDOT is exploring the best practices of "data fusion" for traffic operations that are being performed by other states. If you could provide answers to some or all of the questions that we have, it is greatly appreciated.
"Data fusion" can be described as "gathering various types of traffic operations related data in one central location; processing it and distributing it to the application where it's needed".
Have any of the Department of Transportations developed or is in the process of developing a data fusion engine as described in the background? If so:
1) What is the status of the effort? (Preliminary Engineering, Design, Implementation, etc.)
2) What type of data is subject to be collected and processed?
3) What is the format of the data that will be collected?
4) What format will the data be stored? Is the format of the data collected changed to a different format prior to storing or fusion?
5) For how long will the data be retained?
6) Are there any documentations (Concept of Operations, Design, etc.) that you can share with PennDOT?
Thank you,
Jay Sengoz
From: / Dhanesh Motiani <[log in to unmask]>Subject: / Re: DATA FUSION
Hello Jay, My response to you questions:
1) What is the status of the effort? (Preliminary Engineering, Design, Implementation, etc.) Implementation.
2) What type of data is subject to be collected and processed? EZPass Tag Readers, Inrix, HERE and Bluetoad. We are working on a new software/platform that would receive data from all of the sources listed above and then more.
3) What is the format of the data that will be collected? Speed and Travel Times, and the format is different for each source.
4) What format will the data be stored? Is the format of the data collected changed to a different format prior to storing or fusion? data is converted in native Navteq linksets
5) For how long will the data be retained? Not sure, I will have to check with Transcom who handles this for us.
6) Are there any documentations (Concept of Operations, Design, etc.) that you can share with PennDOT? Again, I will have to check with Transcom and perhaps you can work with them while they are performing an upgrade.
Dennis Motiani
From: / "Kress, Monica L@DOT" <[log in to unmask]>Subject: / Re: DATA FUSION
Hello, here is the response from Caltrans (California DOT):
"Data fusion" can be described as "gathering various types of traffic operations related data in one central location; processing it and distributing it to the application where it's needed".
We need to expand this definition to illustrate the progression of work for each system.
* Stage 1: The bringing together of multiple sensor data into a single system for a decision support system to make a recommended course of action.
* Stage2: The bringing together of processed data from many different systems into a single decision support system to make a recommended course of action or present a single data element.
* Stage 3: All source data brought into a single data warehouse where multiple data schema use the related data to support specific system outputs yet allow the use of "Big Data" mining for trend analysis and multiple decision support system recommended course of action.
Have any of the Department of Transportation developed or is in the process of developing a data fusion engine as described in the background? If so:
Stage 1 Projects
* Caltrans' Advance Transportation Management System (ATMS) that is a Stage 1 implementation using the Event Management Knowledge Base to provide recommended actions based upon field sensor data inputs.
1) What is the status of the effort? (Preliminary Engineering, Design, Implementation, etc.) The ATMS system is in production and is in a continuous improvement.
2) What type of data is subject to be collected and processed?
Vehicle detection station (vds) data with lane and road closure data are the primary inputs.
3) What is the format of the data that will be collected?
There is no common data format currently in use.
4) What format will the data be stored? Is the format of the data collected changed to a different format prior to storing or fusion?
Data is stored in an Oracle database without conversion.
5) For how long will the data be retained?
The required retention is current year plus 10 years.
6) Are there any documentations (Concept of Operations, Design, etc.) that you can share with PennDOT?
We have complete documentation and are willing to provide upon request. Access to certain documents will require a Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA).
Stage 2 Projects
* Caltrans' Performance Measurement System (PeMS) that is a Stage 2 implementation.
1) What is the status of the effort? (Preliminary Engineering, Design, Implementation, etc.)
PeMS is currently in production performing the tasks of a Historical archive for our transportation data, provides data analysis of traffic closures charts for the determination of closure widows for Transportation Management Plans, provides a webpage that can be used to meet the 23CFR511 requirements, develop travel times for user specified segments or corridors and generates Caltrans' Mobility Performance Report report.
2) What type of data is subject to be collected and processed?
PeMS collects Vehicle detection station data, California Highway Patrol publicly available Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) incident data, Changeable Message Sign data, and Transportation Accident Surveillance and Analysis System (TASAS) data.
3) What is the format of the data that will be collected?
There is no common data format currently in use.
4) What format will the data be stored? Is the format of the data collected changed to a different format prior to storing or fusion?
Data is stored in an Oracle database in its native format.
5) For how long will the data be retained?
Required retention is current year plus 10 years.
6) Are there any documentations (Concept of Operations, Design, etc.) that you can share with PennDOT?
Caltrans has complete documentation. Access to certain documents requires a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
* ICM Demonstration Project Corridor Management System on I-15 San Diego (D11) 1) What is the status of the effort? (Preliminary Engineering, Design, Implementation, etc.) The ICM Demonstration Project is nearing full implementation. The system includes special geometries for transit operations, reversible lanes, special signal timing on arterials and an ICM Decision Support System (DSS) to coordinate operations between the State ATMS, ramp metering and local signal coordination.
2) What type of data is subject to be collected and processed? The ICM Command System receives vehicle detection information, ramp metering timing and signal timing from the ATMS and central Signal timing system. The information is processed and sent to the ATMS and RAMS control systems.
3) What is the format of the data that will be collected? There is no common data format currently in use.
4) What format will the data be stored? Is the format of the data collected changed to a different format prior to storing or fusion? Data is stored in an Oracle database in its native format.
5) For how long will the data be retained? Required retention is permanent retention in electronic format.
6) Are there any documentations (Concept of Operations, Design, etc.) that you can share with PennDOT? Caltrans has complete documentation. Access to certain documents requires a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
* Connected Corridor Management System 1) What is the status of the effort? (Preliminary Engineering, Design, Implementation, etc.) The first Connected Corridors project is at transition from Preliminary Engineering to the System Design Phase.
2) What type of data is subject to be collected and processed? The preliminary data sets are vehicle detection data, signal timing data, ramp meter timing data, Transit demand, capacity and throughput data. 3) What is the format of the data that will be collected? There is no common data format currently being defined.
4) What format will the data be stored? Is the format of the data collected changed to a different format prior to storing or fusion? An Oracle database will be utilized to store data in its native format.
5) For how long will the data be retained? Required retention is permanent retention in electronic format.
6) Are there any documentations (Concept of Operations, Design, etc.) that you can share with PennDOT? Final documents will be available however certain documents may require Nondisclosure Agreements NDAs.
Stage 3 Projects
* Caltrans' Division of Traffic Operations and the Division of Information Technology have been in discussions on conceptual development of how to store, acquire and evaluate data effectively in a single data storage warehouse for "Big Data" mining.
Monica Kress