By: Haley S.R. No. 1111
In Memory
Beth Stubblefield
Horace G. Stubblefield, Jr.
WHEREAS, It is with great sorrow that the Texas Senate noted
the passing of Horace G. Stubblefield, Jr., and his wife, Beth,
who died May 15, 1993; and
WHEREAS, Well‑known civic leaders, the esteemed couple had
made their home in Diboll, Texas, for many years and were known
throughout the area for their important contributions to their
community; and
WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Stubblefield tragically lost
their lives in an auto‑train crash at a railroad crossing on
County Road 22 near their home; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Stubblefield was born on May 21, 1925, in
Lufkin, Texas, and attended The University of Texas; he served
his country with valor as a pilot in the Army Air Corps during
World War II; and
WHEREAS, He was a retired corporate Vice‑President
of Temple Inland; as a former president of Sabine Investment
Company, a division of Temple Inland, he supervised the creation
of Crown Colony Country Club and the development of Crown Colony
subdivisions; and
WHEREAS, Expending his time and abilities to benefit
all the residents of Diboll, Mr. Stubblefield led the effort to
eradicate substandard housing by bringing public housing to the
city; and
WHEREAS, Thirty‑three years ago he founded Deep East Texas
Development Association and was a former director of First Bank
and Trust of Diboll; and
WHEREAS, More than anyone else, the outstanding individual
was responsible for the development of Diboll; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Stubblefield was born on December 24, 1928,
in Huntington, Texas, and graduated from Baylor University; she
began her teaching career in Lufkin in 1949 and taught elementary
grades over 40 years in the Diboll School District; and
WHEREAS, At the time of her death, she was teaching science
at Diboll Junior High School; dedicated to her students and to her
profession, Mrs. Stubblefield loved working with underprivileged
children; she was also deeply involved in civic activities; and
WHEREAS, Responsible for molding the lives of countless
students, Mrs. Stubblefield was one of the most highly respected
teachers throughout the district; and
WHEREAS, Horace and Beth Stubblefield leave behind a legacy
of compassion and commitment that will be remembered and cherished
by all those who knew and loved them; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
73rd Legislature, hereby extend sincere condolences to the family
of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Stubblefield: their son and daughter‑in‑law,
Gandy and Lisa Stubblefield; their daughter, Suzanne Stubblefield;
and their grandson, Horace Gandy Stubblefield IV; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for the
members of their family as an expression of deepest sympathy from
the Texas Senate, and that when the Senate adjourns this day, it do
so in memory of Horace and Beth Stubblefield.
President of the Senate
I hereby certify that the
above Resolution was adopted by
the Senate on May 27, 1993,
by a rising vote.
Secretary of the Senate
Member, Texas Senate