(See pages 3 and 4 for Terms & Conditions)

2015 PokerStars Isle of Man International Chess Tournament.

Venue – Villa Marina, Douglas, Isle of Man.

Organised by the Isle of Man International Chess Committee.

Monday 5 October to Sunday 11 October 2015.

Surname ...... Mr c Mrs c Ms c



Country...... Nationality......

Postcode ...... Phone No...... Mobile......

E-mail...... Date of birth......

Current Rating:

FIDE / FIDE Title / ECF / Other / Unrated. / Federation
(if membership differs from residence)

ECF Gold/Platinum memb.number for English/IOM players: ______

FIDE Identification number (FIN):______

Players not from England and the Isle of Man should quote their FIN on the entry form. Those who do not have a FIN must obtain one from their Federation prior to entry.

Return to:

Tournament Director Brian Woodard – Beaconsfield Cottage, Richmond Hill, Braddan, Isle of Man, IM4 1JG. Email (note: you may complete this form and send it as an email attachment to this email address)

Declaration: I wish to enter the Minor Tournament and have read and understood the Terms & Conditions of this event.

Signed: ...... Date: ......

See Terms & Conditions for entry fees.

The entry fee can either be sent by sterling cheque, made payable to the

IOM International Chess Committee, drawn on a UK bank account or by

electronic transfer.

Details for electronic bank transfer are:

Account Name: Isle of Man International Chess Committee.

Account No: 12991082

Sort Code: 55-91-00

IBAN Code: GB20NWBK55910012991082


Please ensure that your full name is quoted in the payment reference details.

PokerStars Isle of Man International Chess Tournament Terms & Conditions


This is a FIDE rated event.


FIDE rating of 1750 and below (equivalent to ECF grade of 140 and below).

Entry fee: £21


1st £700; 2nd £500; 3rd £300

Best relative rating achievement:

1550 - 1649 £100

1450 - 1549 £100

1350 - 1449 £100

1349 and below £100

Best score by an IOM-based player: £100

Prizes (including the first prize) shall be shared where players have the same score.

No player can win more than one complete prize.

Tie-break (for deciding who receives the award of a trophy):

In the event of a tie for first place, the winner will be decided by tie-break, in the following order of priority:

·  The results between the players involved in the tie

·  Sum of progressive score

·  Sum of opponents’ scores (Buchholz)

·  Sonneborn-Berger

·  Number of won games

Playing schedule:

Mon 5 to Sun 11 October 2015

7 rounds, starting 1.30pm daily (12.30pm for round 7), approx. 6 hour sessions

Rate of play:

100 minutes for 40 moves, followed by 50 minutes for the remaining moves, with 30 seconds added per move from the start


Players may take one half-point bye in rounds 1 to 6, provided adequate notice is given.

Information for all competitors in the Minor

Conditions of Entry:

1.  Entries must be made on an official entry form.

2.  Participants are expected to maintain acceptable standards of dress and behaviour.

3.  Prize winners are expected to attend the prize giving to be held at approximately 9.00pm on Sunday 11 October 2015 at the Villa Marina, unless they have good reason and give prior notice to the Tournament Director.

4.  Every effort is made to place entrants in the section of their choice but the right is reserved to transfer an entry to another appropriate section. The right is reserved to refuse an entry. The Isle of Man International Chess Committee may deduct an administration fee from any refund to players who withdraw.

5.  English and Isle of Man players MUST be Gold or Platinum members of the English Chess Federation. Quote your membership number on the entry form.

6.  Minor entrants not from England and the Isle of Man should quote their FIDE Identification Number (FIN) on the entry form. Those who do not have a FIN must obtain one from their Federation prior to entering.

Entry to the Minor is deemed to be acceptance of these conditions.


All players in the Minor tournament must register in advance by 8.00pm Sunday 4 October. If unable to do so in person, they must make personal telephone contact with Brian Woodard (mobile 07624 499758) or by email at the below email address.

Default time:

Players arriving 30 minutes or more after the start of a session shall lose, unless the arbiter decides otherwise.

Payment of prizes:

Players in all events shall be paid by cheque which can be exchanged for cash (GBP) immediately after the prize presentation. Alternatively, an electronic transfer can be arranged, with a cost.


Tournament organised by the Isle of Man International Chess Committee

Tournament Director: Brian Woodard
