AUGUST 12, 2014
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Beck with, Sandquist, Bauerle and Beckman present.
George Zeilinger, Attorney, joined the meeting. Rick Ingwersen joined the meeting as a guest.
Bauerle moved to approve the agenda with the addition of a report from Randy Renquist on the State Line Road project and a report of the Marks Butte Meeting. Sandquist second, carried.
Vouchers were reviewed. Bauerle moved to approve the vouchers. Sandquist second, carried.
Discussion was held on the Oil and Gas Lease submitted for approval by Black Raven. Sandquist moved to approve the sending of a letter drafted by the attorney to Black Raven Energy concerning entering into a five year lease and complying with the provisions of C.R.S. 30-11-301. Bauerle second, carried. Zeilinger left the meeting.
The minutes of the August 5, 2014 meeting were reviewed. Sandquist moved to approve the minutes as amended. Bauerle second, carried.
Bauerle reported that the Marks Butte Board will be changing configuration for the first time in 25 years due to one of the members retiring. Marks Butte reported that the Republican River Board has a project for conservation with a grant from the South Platte River Round Table; they will be going to the Water Conservation Board who will grant matching funds in an effort to extend the life of the Republican River.
Juby Cumming, Assessor, joined the meeting. Cumming presented the Board with documentation concerning off site condo storage legislation coming up. Cumming told the Board that the Assessor’s Association is not supporting this bill and Cumming asked the Board to take the same stand as the association. Cumming then presented the Board with a draft of a permit change adding approval from JID for boring under an irrigation canal/ditch for approval. Discussion was held. Bauerle moved to approve the permit change. Beck second, carried. Discussion was then held on Building Permit #510. Cumming will re-submit the proper permit at the next meeting. Discussion was held on the format of the permits. There will be a work session to discuss this matter. Cumming left the meeting.
Sandquist moved to approve the signing of the Intergovernmental Agreement Between Sedgwick County and Revere School District to coordinate with the county in the 2014 General Election. Bauerle second, carried.
Discussion was held on the county held property. Bauerle moved to approve the transfer of the county held property located at Lot 3, Block 8, Original Town of Sedgwick and Lots 1 & 2, Block 7, Sedgwick Sand Draw Construction to David Rishel. Sandquist second, carried.
Beckman gave a report on the 125th Celebration follow up. With all of the bills being turned in, Beckman reported that the 125th Celebration ended up at$2,010.52 under budget. There was a total of $1,115.80 turned in as donations, memorabilia purchases and meat purchases to help with that savings. Beckman told the Board that there are still memorabilia items for sale and the contribution amount could change in the future.
Rick Ingwersen had a discussion with the Board on the procedure of purchasing county held property. Discussion was held. The Board suggested Ingwersen discuss this matter with the Treasurer.
Dan Pederson, Accountant, was contacted by phone. Discussion was held on the State Line Road project and filing a supplemental budget. Let it be known that the Board will proceed with a supplemental budget and will be approving that at the August 18, 2014 special meeting.
Randy Renquist, Road & Bridge, joined the meeting by phone. The Board told Renquist about the supplemental budget plans. Renquist gave the Board an update on the State Line Project. Renquist told the Board that they will chip seal the road if they can get some oil.
Meeting was adjourned.
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James Beck, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board