Staff Corner

This weekend we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. It is the time in the Church calendar that focuses on Christ yesterday, today and forever. The theme of the Sunday scripture readings overlap. Before the Feast of Christ the King, we heard about the end of time: Christ’s final coming and our eternal life. This theme is repeated in the Sundays of Advent as a reason for Christ to come. Each liturgy we celebrate is Christ’s coming past, present and future. We sing a song during Communion that speaks about His comings: As One Unknown by Timothy Dudley-Smith. Open your heart to the beauty of the poetry.

As One Unknown by Timothy Dudley-Smith

He comes to us as one unknown, as breath unseen unheard; As though within a heart of stone, or shriveled seed in darkness shown,

A pulse of being stirred.

He comes when souls in silence lie and thoughts of day depart; Halfseen upon the inward eye, as falling star across the sky

A night within the heart.

He comes to us in sound of seas the ocean’s fume and foam; Yet small and still upon the breeze, a wind that stirs the tops of trees,

A voice to call us home.

He comes to us as once he came by flesh and blood and birth; To bear within our mortal frame a life, a death, a saving name,

For every child of earth.

He comes in truth when faith is grown; believed, obeyed, adored; The Christ in all the scriptures shown, as yet unseen, but not unknown,

Our Savior and our Lord.

Verses text copyright 1984, Hope Publishing Co. Carol Stream IL. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

We will sing “As One Unknown” on the First Sunday of Advent.

Ruth Fosnaugh

Welcome to our parish community! We are happy to have you! A special welcome to any guests who may be visiting. May your visit be blessed!

Monday, November 23

8:00 AM Holy Communion Service

3:30-7:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration-Vespers-6:30pm

Tuesday, November 24

8:00 AM Mass

Wednesday, November 25

8:00 AM Mass

Thursday, November 26-Thanksgiving

9:00 AM Mass

NO Mass at Lima Convalescent

Friday, November 27

NO Mass

Lord’s Day – The First Sunday of Advent

Saturday, November 28

5:00 PM Mass

Sunday, November 29

8:00 AM Mass

10:30 AM Mass

6:00 PM Mass (NO Life Night)

Scripture Readings for Nov. 29, 2015

Jer 33:14-16, 1 Thes 3:12-4:2, Lk 21:25-28, 34-36

Our 8:00 AM liturgy is on radio station WCIT 940 AM each Sunday morning for our homebound or infirm parishioners. The cost of this service is generously provided to the parish by Chamberlain-Huckeriede Funeral Home.

The Parish Office is closed Friday, November 27th.

For anonymous prayer requests, call Dennie & Judy Horlander at 419-999-5536 or Jerry & Sharon Laurent at 419-331-1763.

Budgeted Amount Needed Weekly………..$21,271.93

Nov. 15, 2015…………………………………$ 15,317.20

Diocesan Assessment……………………..…$1,202.98

Thank you for your generous Stewardship!


Nov. 28/29 5:00 PM- B. Proby

8:00 AM –R. Liston

10:30 AM – N. J. Cain


Nov. 28/29 5:00 PM – Team 5

8:00 AM – Team 6

10:30 AM- Team 7

Linens Nov. 29: E. Ladicks


Please note that for the Feast of Immaculate Conception on Dec. 8, Masses will be as follows:

Dec. 7 – 7:00 PM Vigil Mass at St. Charles

Dec. 8 – 7:30 AM Mass at St. Charles (Note time change)

Dec. 8 – 9:30 AM Mass at LCC for all Catholic Schools


We are in need of a Holy Communion distributor for Wyngate Senior Living on the second Sunday of the month. If you are willing, please contact Ruth Fosnaugh at 419-228-7635.


On Thursday, November 19, 2015, the PSR and St. Charles School 2nd graders attended at ceremony for their First Reconciliation. The Sacrament of Reconciliation (also known as Penance, or Penance and Reconciliation) has three elements: conversion, confession and celebration. I know each of the students experienced all three of these elements. Also in the Sacrament, we find God’s unconditional forgiveness; as a result we are called to forgive others. Congratulations to all 2nd graders that took part in this amazing celebration! Please continue to keep them in your prayers as they now begin to prepare for First Holy Communion. – Erin Burgess

We will be hosting Family Promise guests the week of Nov. 29-Dec. 6. If you would like to either donate time or treasure, please contact Ruth Fosnaugh. Thank you!

Feast of Light

Dec. 6, 2015-3:30 PM in St. Charles Church

The Feast of Light is a celebration of Advent and Christmas with scripture, song, and tableau. We are in need of people for the tableau. We now need 1 King & 1 Angel. Please let me know ASAP so we can get costumes fitted and schedule a walk–through. Contact Ruth Fosnaugh at 419-228-7635 or .


Natalie Frommer, an LCC Student, is doing a service project to benefit The Salvation Army and Toys for Tots by offering baked goods and treats after all Masses the weekend of November 21 & 22.

Please donate what you can for this worthy project!

The Culture Project is an initiative of young people set out to restore culture through the experience of virtue. We proclaim the dignity of the human person and the richness of living sexual integrity, inviting our culture to become fully alive For more information, check out this link: As part of their "tour" of the Diocese of Toledo, The Culture Project will be the guest speakers at Theology on Tap on Monday, November 30th at 7:30 PM. The schedule for the evening will be as follows:

6:00 pm Optional Holy Hour at St. Charles Church
6:30 pm Vespers Service
7:00 pm Simple Benediction (no priest)
7:30 pm Theology on Tap
9:00 pm End of Presentation

This is the ONLY presentation from the Culture Project in the entire Diocese of Toledo that is explicitly for Young Adults. Let's FILL Vino Bellisimo to the doors and show our support for this very important mission!! If you personally can't attend, invite someone you know who will! – Kevin Stetter

From the Director of Religious Education: Are you interested in helping someone grow in the Catholic faith while growing in your own? If you would like to be an RCIA sponsor, please contact Emily in the parish office or email her at . Also-we will be discussing a Matthew Kelly book the parish is giving out this Advent and how we will be using it to follow through Lent. If you would like to be a small group leader or would like to be in a small group, please contact Emily. If you have suggestions of books, topics or authors you would like to have added to the Parish Library, please email Emily. If you have books to donate, we do appreciate it, but please bring them to the office (we can’t inventory them if they are put on a shelf). Emily & Lisa Joseph will be sending out overdue notices for books that have been checked out. If you can return them soon, that would be helpful.