California Public Utilities Commission Daily Calendar Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Public Utilities Commission of the State of California

Paul Clanon, Executive Director

Headquarters / Southern California Office
505 Van Ness Avenue / 320 West 4th Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94102 / Los Angeles, CA 90013
(415) 703-2782 / (213) 576-7000

Calendar Archive:

Daily Calendar

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

·  Commission Meetings

·  Notices

·  Public Meetings and Workshops

·  Notice of Draft Resolutions (PU Code § 311(g))

·  New Filings

·  Petitions for Modification and Applications for Rehearing

·  Proposed Decisions/Alternates/Presiding Officer’s Decisions/Arbitrator’s Reports

·  Advice Letter Filings

·  Miscellaneous Transportation Items

·  Miscellaneous Communications Matters

·  Table of Submission Dates for the Preceding Two Weeks

·  Changes to Hearing Calendar

·  Hearings

·  Notice of All-Party Meetings (PU Code §1701.3(c))

/ The Commission’s policy is to schedule hearings (meetings, workshops, etc.) in locations that are accessible to people with disabilities.
The CPUC encourages all Californians to participate in its meetings, hearings, workshops, and proceedings. We try to hold our public meetings only in places that are wheelchair accessible and which can accommodate specialized equipment and other services useful to people with disabilities. Please see the notice of the meeting you wish to attend for more specifics.
If you plan to attend and need specialized accommodations for a particular meeting that are not listed in the notice, request them from the Public Advisor’s Office at least three business days in advance of the meeting. Contact the Public Advisor’s Office by any one of the following:
toll-free: 1-866-849-8390
Voice: 415-703-2074 / FAX: 415-355-5404 (Attn.: Public Advisor)
TTY: 1-866-836-7825 (toll-free)


August 2, 2012 / 9:00 am / San Francisco
August 23, 2012 / 9:00 am / San Francisco
September 13, 2012 / 9:00 am / San Francisco


Ratesetting Deliberative Meeting dates are reserved as noted but will only be held if there are ratesetting matters to be considered.

July 30, 2012 / 1:30 pm / San Francisco
August 20, 2012 / 1:30 pm / San Francisco
September 10, 2012 / 1:30 pm / San Francisco


Notice of Public Participation Hearing: A.12-02-013 - In the Matter of the Application of Golden State Water Company, on Behalf of its Bear Valley Electric Service Division (U913E), for Approval of Costs and Authority to Increase General Rates and Other Charges for Electric Service by Its Bear Valley Electric Service Division

August 13, 2012
2 pm
7 pm / Northwoods Resort & Conference Center
40650 Village Drive
Big Bear Lake

The public participation hearing in the above entitled matter will be held at the date and time above. Administrative Law Judge Seaneen M. Wilson will preside. There may be a quorum of Commissioners present; however, no voting will occur.
Questions about the hearing date, time, or place, call the Calendar Clerk at (415) 703-1203 or .
If you require special accommodations, please notify Mary Evans at 415-703-2074 or at , at least 3-5 business days before the hearing.


Charge for Commission Documents

To purchase Commission documents, there is a charge of 20 cents a printed page (postage prepaid) with a minimum purchase of $2.00.

Commission Resources Available for Rental

The auditorium, hearing rooms, and training room at the headquarters of the California Public Utilities Commission, located at 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, California, are available for rent. Further information about requirements and fees can be obtained by contacting Scott Finger (415) 703-1641.


Workshop Notice: A.12-04-001 - Application of Southern California Edison Company (U338E) for a Commission Finding that its Procurement-Related and Other Operations for the Record Period January 1 Through December 31, 2011 Complied with its Adopted Procurement Plan; for Verification of its Entries in the Energy Resource Recovery Account and Other Regulatory Accounts; and for Refund of $26.810 Million Recorded in Six Memorandum Accounts

July 19, 2012
10 am – 4 pm / California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue, Commission Courtroom
(Corner of Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street)
San Francisco

The workshop in the above-entitled matter will be held before Administrative Law Judge Richard W. Clark.
If you have questions about the workshop date, time, or place, call the Calendar Clerk at (415) 703-1203.

Public Workshop Notice: R.11-10-023 - Workshop- Resource Adequacy 2013 Templates and Guides

July 23, 2012
9:30 am - 12 pm / California Public Utilities Commission
Via WebEx

This workshop is to go over the 2013 Resource Adequacy (RA) compliance templates (both System and Local templates) and RA Guide. This review will demonstrate the new features of the template which include any features related to the recent RA decision (linked below). This workshop will be broken into two sections. The first section will be a demonstration of the features of the RA templates and guides that are new for 2013 compliance year. Once the new features and procedures are demonstrated, those that are familiar with the process can drop off the WebEx and the rest of the time will be a general demonstration of the RA templates and guides for those that seek further clarification or for those representing new LSEs that are new to the process. This is an ideal time for those representing new LSEs to gain an understanding of filing procedures and rules. Representatives from LSEs are encouraged to develop questions or functions that Energy Division staff can clarify or demonstrate during the workshop, and they are encouraged to email Energy Division staff before the workshop with those questions. Draft templates and guides, as well as WebEx information, will be sent to the service list in advance of the workshop. For LSEs that need more one-on-one training, Energy Division RA staff will gladly set up these trainings offline to go through the templates in finer detail.
Link to 2013 RA decision:
2013 templates and guides, as well as other compliance materials, will be posted to the RA compliance materials page here:
For questions about the workshop or to notify Energy Division staff of particular functions of the templates and guides that may need clarification, please contact Donald Brooks (415 703-2626, ) or Jaime Rose Gannon (415 703-2818, ).

Public Workshop Notice: Demand Response Measurement and Evaluation Committee (DRMEC) Workshop on Baseline Evaluations and Load Impact Evaluations

Baseline Evaluation
July 25, 2012
1 pm – 4 pm
Load Impact Evaluation
July 26, 2012
9:30 am – 4 pm / Pacific Energy Center, The Green Room
851 Howard Street
San Francisco
Teleconference Information:
Please dial: 1-866-339-1399
Passcode: * 2305537 *

CPUC decision (D.)09-08-027 directs the DRMEC to conduct an annual public workshop presenting the results of demand response evaluations conducted under the DRMEC’s oversight. As part of the annual Load Impact workshop, ordering paragraph 12 of D.12-04-045 also directs the Utilities to address the baseline comparison analysis.
The Utilities filed and served the Year 2011 expost load impact report on April 2, 2012 and the ex ante load impact reports on June 1, 2012. These reports can be accessed at the following link:

· (click on “Regulatory Information”, select “CPUC Open Proceedings”, enter “A.11-03-001” in search box and click “GO”) – SCE local program including Residential Summer Discount Plan, Commercial Summer Discount Plan, Real-Time Pricing Program and Agriculture and Pumping Interruptible Program.

· – PG&E local program including Peak Choice, Residential Time Base Pricing, and Smart AC.

· - SDG&E local program including Summer Saver and Peak Time Rebate Pilot Program. IOUs statewide program including Aggregator, BIP, CPP and DBP.

On June 1, 2012, the Utilities filed and served the baseline analysis for the Aggregator Managed Portfolio (AMP), the Capacity Bidding Program (CBP) and the Demand Bidding Program (DBP), as required by ordering paragraph 11 of D. 12-04-045. The baseline analysis for AMP and CBP is in Volume 2 of the 2011 Load Impact Evaluation of California's Aggregator Demand Response Programs. The baseline analysis for DBP is contained in the report of the 2011 Load Impact Evaluation of California Statewide Demand Bidding Programs. These reports can be accessed at

For questions about this workshop, please contact Dorris Chow; email: .

Public Meeting Notice: Thought Leaders Session on the Internet of Things

August 2, 2012
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm / California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue, Auditorium
(Corner of Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street)
San Francisco

The next topic in the ongoing Thought Leaders Speaker Series will be: the Internet of Things. This discussion will introduce the Internet of Things – the expanding network of physical objects automatically collecting and transmitting data – and will address questions such as the current, future, and futurist applications of the Internet of Things; the potential for both consumer benefits and consumer perils; and the possible impact of the Internet of Things on California’s communications and energy infrastructure. The session is free, open to the public and will be webcast.
Panelists include: Jeff Campbell, Senior Director of Technology Policy, Cisco; Richard Adler, Principal, People & Technology/Institute for the Future; and Gabriel Broner, Head of Innovation, Ericsson. Rachelle Chong, Vice President for Government Affairs at Comcast, will moderate the discussion.

To register for this event (appreciated but not required) and for more information on the Thought Leaders Speaker Series, please visit:
For questions, please contact April Mulqueen at or 415.703.1112.

Public Workshop Notice: IOU Workshop – Virtual Net Energy Metering - Public Workshop to Discuss Data to be Provided to Generation Account Owners to Verify Benefitting Account Holders are Properly Credited (R.10-05-004)

August 9, 2012
1 pm – 4 pm / California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue, Golden Gate Room
(Corner of Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street)
San Francisco
Call-in Number: 1-866-741-9705, Code: 6691236 #

Decision 11-07-031 issued on July 20, 2011, required Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), Southern California Edison Company (SCE) and San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E), (collectively, the Utilities), to each submit a new tariff for virtual net energy metering (VNM) to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). On December 12, 2011, the CPUC held a Public Workshop to discuss the expansion of Virtual Net Metering. On April 25, 2012, the CPUC issued Resolution E-4481 based on comments received on tariffs filed and discussion at the workshop. Ordering Paragraph (OP) 8 of the resolution specifically requires the three Utilities to initiate discussions with the CPUC, VNM Generating Account Owners and the Joint Solar Parties to identify data that can be provided to the Generating Account Owners to enable them to verify that their VNM Benefitting Account holders are properly credited. These discussions should consider potentially relevant outcomes of the Smart Grid Rulemaking (R.08-12-009).
To address OP 8 and facilitate discussions, the Utilities are scheduling this joint workshop, although it was not explicitly directed by the Commission. We will discuss benefitting account data that can be provided to the Generating Account Owners to satisfy OP 8. In preparation for the workshop, the Utilities have identified the data fields below that can be provided to the Generating Account Owners without requiring Benefitting Account Owner authorization. To accommodate this, the Utilities would need to modify their billing systems to provide the specified data.
Data fields that would not require written authorization for release from a Benefitting Account Owner:

• Generator Account o Measured Generation (kWh)
• Benefitting Account o Service Address (normally not released, but in this case Generating Account Owner has the information and supplies it to Utility)
o Allocation Percentage
o Allocated kWh

In preparation for the workshop, Generation Account Owners and Joint Solar Parties can provide questions, topic suggestions, and RSVP for the workshop to Harold Hirsch email: or to Gabe Petlin email: by July 16, 2012. After input is received an agenda will be circulated.
If you plan to attend in person or via phone, please RSVP, so that we can prepare to accommodate the number of attendees. Conference call information and an agenda will be made available closer to the August 3, 2012 workshop

Public Meeting Notice: Universal Lifeline Telephone Service Administrative Committee Meeting

August 9, 2012
1 pm – 4 pm / California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue, Golden Gate Room
(Corner of Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street)
San Francisco
Call-in Number: 1-866-741-9705, Code: 6691236 #

1. Introduction; 2. Approval of minutes; 3. Fiscal Report; 4. Contract Reports; 5. CAB Report; 6. Legal Liaison Report; 7. Public comments; 8. Communications Division Liaison Report; 9. ULTS-AC Report; 10. ULTS-AC vacancy update; 11. Future meeting date and location; and 12. Adjournment.

NOTICE OF DRAFT RESOLUTIONS(Pursuant to PU Code § 311(g))

The Energy Division has prepared Resolution E-4465 for the August 2, 2012 Commission Meeting. This Resolution approves San Diego Gas & Electric Company’s (SDG&E) purchase price of the El Dorado Power Plant (now named the Desert Star Energy Center) and the proposed revenue requirement for non-fuel costs beginning October 1, 2011 through December 1, 2015. Revenues will be tracked through SDG&E’s Non-Fuel Generation Balancing Account. Notice of this draft has been sent to parties in the service list. Any questions or comments should be directed to Felix Robles .

The web link is

The Energy Division has prepared a draft Resolution E-4492 for the August 2, 2012 Commission Meeting. This draft resolution is about California Pacific Electric Company, LLC (CalPeco) Advice Letter 9-E. Any questions or comments should be directed to and .

The link is

The Energy Division has prepared Resolution E-4493 for the August 2, 2012 Commission Meeting. This Resolution approves IOUs’ Advice Letters listed as filed. Notice of this draft has been sent to parties in the service list. Any questions or comments should be directed to Werner Blumer; email: .