Science and Social Studies at a Glance

3rd Quarter

Grade / Science / Social Studies
K / Physical Science
P1.a-b, P2.a-b, P3.a-c
Describe objects in terms of what they are made of and their physical attributes
o  Compare, sort, classify common materials
Types of motion
o  Sort objects according to motion
o  Push, pull, roll objects
Effects of gravity
o  Observe effects of gravity
o  Stars, moon stay in sky
o  Drop book – it falls
o  Place book on table – it stays
Reading resources that came with our Science series (sets of 6 books):
Independent Readers:
o  Extra Support: How Will It Move?
o  On Level: My Five Senses
o  Challenge: What Is It Made Of? / Being a Good American
H1.e, H1.f, H2.b, H2.c, H3.a-g, E2, E3.a, E3.b
o  MLK Day
o  Presidents’ Day
American symbols
o  Bald Eagle
o  Statue of Liberty
Chronology words and phrases
o  Now, long ago
o  Before, after
o  Morning, afternoon, night
o  Today, tomorrow, yesterday
o  First, last, next
o  Day, week, month, year
o  Past, present, future
o  How people earn income for wages or salaries
o  Goods and services
o  Identify forms of U.S. money (coins and currency)

Science and Social Studies at a Glance

3rd Quarter

Grade / Science / Social Studies
1 / Physical Science
Light and Sound / Magnets
P1.a-e, P2.a-c
Investigate light and sound
o  Sources of light
o  How shadows are made
o  How vibrations make sound
o  Differentiate pitch and volume
o  Identify emergency sounds
o  How magnets attract and repel
o  Identify things attracted to a magnet
o  Identify objects that block magnetic force
Reading resources that came with our Science series (sets of 6 books):
Science Support Reader:
o  Heat, Light, and Sound
o  Magnets
Independent Readers:
o  Extra Support: It’s Too Loud
o  On Level: Shadows
o  Challenge: Night Lights
Harcourt Leveled Readers:
o  Heat, Light, Sound
o  What Are Heat, Light, Sound? / People in America
H1.a, H1.b, G1, CG1
Read about and describe life of historical figures
o  Benjamin Franklin
o  Thomas Jefferson
o  Lewis and Clark with Sacagawea
o  Harriet Tubman
o  Theodore Roosevelt
o  George Washington Carver
Describe how life is different now than it was when the people above lived
Describe cultural and geographic systems associated with the people listed above
Describe how the people listed above displayed positive character traits
American Hero Series Biographies:
o  Benjamin Franklin
o  Benjamin Franklin Big Book
o  Thomas Jefferson
o  Thomas Jefferson Big Book
Meriwether Lewis & William and Clark with Sacagawea
Lewis & Clark with Sacagawea Big Book
o  Harriett Tubman
o  Harriett Tubman Big Book
o  Theodore Roosevelt
o  Theodore Roosevelt Big Book
o  George Washington Carver
o  George Washington Carver Big Book

Science and Social Studies at a Glance

3rd Quarter

Science / Social Studies
2 / Physical Science
Properties of Matter / Sources of Energy / Force and Motion
P1.a-b / P2.a-b / P3.a-b
Investigate properties of matter
o  Solid, liquid, gas
o  How object change by tearing, dissolving, melting, squeezing, etc.
Sources of energy
o  Identify sources of light energy, heat energy, energy of motion
o  How different types of energy are used
Demonstrate changes in speed and direction
o  How pushing and pulling affects the motion of an object
o  How change in speed affects an object
Reading resources that came with our Science series (sets of 6 books):
Science Support Reader:
o  Objects in Motion
o  Comparing Matter
o  Heat and Light
Independent Readers:
o  Extra Support: What’s This Matter?
o  On Level: It Must be Clay
o  Challenge: Push or Pull
Harcourt Leveled Readers:
o  Observing and Classifying
o  Matter Matters
o  Too Small To See
o  Changes in Matter
o  A Matter of Change
o  Forms of Water
o  Light and Heat
o  What are Light and Heat
o  The Hidden Energy in Plants
o  Motion
o  On the Move
o  Easy Does It / Georgians and Civil Rights / Economics
H1.a, H1.b, CG3, G2.a-e, E1, E2, E4
Contributions of historical figures in Georgia history
o  Jackie Robinson
o  Martin Luther King, Jr.
Describe how life is different now than it was when the people above lived
Describe cultural and geographic systems associated with the people listed above
Describe how the people listed above displayed positive character traits
o  Choices and opportunity costs
Ways goods and services are allocated
o  Price; majority rule; contest; command; force; sharing; lottery; first-come, first-served; personal characteristics; etc
Saving and spending
o  Costs of saving and spending
o  Benefits of saving and spending
American Hero Series Biographies:
o  Jackie Robinson
o  Jackie Robinson Big Book
o  Martin Luther King, Jr.
o  Martin Luther King, Jr. Big Book
Grade / Science / Social Studies
3 / Physical Science
Heat / Magnets
P1.a-d / P2.a-b
·  Magnets
·  Ways to produce heat energy
·  Transfer of heat energy
·  Thermometers – temperature / Franklin Roosevelt / Eleanor Roosevelt / Thurgood Marshall / Government / Lyndon Johnson / Cesar Chavez
H2.a-b CG2.a-b G2.a-e / CG1.a-c
·  Franklin D. Roosevelt
·  Eleanor Roosevelt
·  Thurgood Marshall
·  3 branches of government (national, state, local), 3 levels of each (executive, legislative, judicial), names of legislative branch (Congress, General Assemble, county commission, city council)
·  Separation of power between branches and levels of government
·  Lyndon B. Johnson
·  Cesar Chavez
4 / Physical Science
Light / Heat / Force and Motion
P1.a-c/ P2.a--b / P3.a-d
·  Light- transparent, opaque, translucent
·  Reflection of light
·  Convex and concave lens, prism
·  Sound – how it is produced and what causes change in pitch
·  Simple machines
·  Force- affects of speed and motion
·  Gravity / A New Nation/Westward Expansion/ Reform Movements
H5.b.c.d.e CG1.b.c. CG3 CG3.a-e CG5 / H6.a-c G2,e G1.b E1.f / H7.a-b CG4.a-b CG5
·  Constitutional Convention (James Madison & Benjamin Franklin)
·  3 branches of government, separation of power
·  Bill of Rights
·  War of 1812
·  Burning of the White House
·  Preamble
·  First Amendment
·  Functions of government
·  Westward Expansion – including Alamo, Oregon Trail, Gold Rush
·  Impact of steamboat, locomotive, telegraph
·  Abolitionist Movement
·  Suffrage Movement
·  Harriet Tubman
·  Elizabeth Cady Stanton
·  Sojourner Truth
·  Rights / responsibilities
·  How trade promotes economic activity
Grade / Science / Social Studies
5 / Physical Science
Conservation of Matter / Physical and Chemical Changes / Electricity and Magnetism
P1.a-b / P2.a-c / P3.a-d
·  Mass
·  Physical change
·  Chemical change
·  Changes in states of water
·  Static electricity
·  Electricity - electrical circuit, insulators, conductors / Cold War / 1950-1975 / 1975 to Present
H7.a-c / H8.a-d G1.b CG3.b / H9.a-b E1.f E4
·  World War II (Pearl Harbor, Iwo Jima, Day, VE and VJ Days, Holocaust, Rosie the Riveter, Tuskegee Airmen)
·  Cold War
·  Berlin airlift, the Korean War, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
·  Cuban Missile Crisis
·  Vietnam War
·  Collapse of Soviet Union
·  Persian Gulf War
·  War on Terrorism (9/11/01)
·  Joseph McCarthy
·  Nikita Khrushchev
·  Brown v Board of Education,(1954)
·  Montgomery Bus Boycott
·  Civil Rights Act
·  Voting Rights Act
·  Thurgood Marshall
·  Rosa Parks
·  Martin Luther King, Jr.
·  Impact of the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr.
·  Impact of invention of television, computer, internet, and space exploration
·  Locate: Pearl Harbor, HI; Montgomery, AL

SS/Sci At a Glance 2