Science Writing Heuristic Template

Beginning Questions: What are my questions about this experiment?
After reading the lab handout, write questions that can be answered by doing the lab
Safety Precautions: What are the safety issues involved with this experiment?
Variables: What are the variables that will be tested in this experiment? What is the control?
Tests: What tests will I do or what procedure will I follow to help me answer my questions?
This is where you write the steps of the lab. All lab equipment and amounts of chemical used should be incorporated into the procedure.
Observations: What did I observe? What did I find?
This section contains any and all tables and graphs with data you collected. You should also include all observations that occurred during the lab. If you have to perform calculations, they belong after all data tables and graphs
Claim: What can I claim to answer my beginning question(s) or the class beginning question(s)? This is where you answer the beginning questions and you give your results of the experiment. Your claim should be one or two sentences long.
Evidence: This is where you use your data to back up the claim you made. Justify why you made your claim. This involves analyzing your tables and graphs, internal and external sources to back up your claim.
Sources: How did my data compare to other in my class. How does my data compare to a professional source. Use two professional sources (Do not use Wikianswers or Wikipedia)
Errors and Improvement:
What are at least two sources of error, weakness, or limitations in the lab design?
This refers to those aspects that would require a redesign of the lab, rather than simply redoing the lab. Unclean glassware, wrong calculations, and human error DO NOT count! Must include at least two.
How might I improve the lab design to account for the issues addressed above?
Consider better procedures and/or equipment that would enhance the accuracy and precision.
Reflection: How have my ideas changed?
How does this tie in with what you learned in class? How can you connect this lab to something outside of the classroom? Are there any new questions you have about the lab?
Work Cited: Where did I get my information from? Am I giving credit to my source? Use APA style.