Schulman Gallery General Artist Submission Form

2017 Student Exhibit
Wanda Riley, Curator
570.740.0727 / Form Instructions
1. Please follow all instructions as stated within this form.
2. Remember to include your digital files with your submission.
Submission Deadline is Friday, April 14, 2017
Artist’s Name: / Date:
Phone Number
Mailing Address
Email Address
Artwork 1 Title / Size / Medium
Artwork 2 Title / Size / Medium
Artwork 3 Title / Size / Medium
Artwork 4 Title / Size / Medium
Artwork 5 Title / Size / Medium
By typing your name below, you are agreeing to all terms as outlined within this submission agreement.
Artist’s Signature:
To Submit Your Work
1. To Submit your application to the Schuman Gallery:
a. You may also include a short biography or artist’s statement. Please limit to one or two paragraphs. (Optional)
2. For Email submissions: Download this form then fill in the information.
a. Save and title the SUBMISSION FORM with Your Name and Student Submission Form.
i. It should look like this: “Wanda Riley_Student Submission Form”
b. Please send Submission Form, Images, and Bio to
c. Put in the SUBJECT of the EMAIL: Your Name and Student Exhibit
ii. The subject should look like this: “Wanda Riley_Student Exhibit”
d. Please follow the instructions for titling digital images as explained within this form.
3. For MAIL submissions: please send Submission Form, Images, and Bio to Wanda Riley, Schulman Gallery; c/o Luzerne County Community College; 1333 South Prospect Street; Nanticoke, PA 18634..
a. A hardcopy Submission Form will be accepted when mailing submissions, as is a hard copy biography or artist statement. However, images still must be submitted digitally. Please include a CD with images.
b. Please follow the instructions for titling digital images as explained within this form.
4. For ONLINE submissions: follow the instructions on the online form
a. Make sure to upload your images after filling out the form and title them appropriately, as explained within this form.
Scheduled Exhibitions and Gallery Guidelines
1. If the Artist’s work is selected for an exhibition, the Artist will be expected to make every effort, within reason, to attend the full opening reception.
2. If selected for an exhibition, the Artist will be expected to provide some or all artwork submitted in this application to the Gallery for exhibition.
3. If selected, the artwork submitted may be used for promotional purposes. Additionally, the Artist may be asked for higher resolution images of the works provided for promotional materials. The Artist is expected to provide these in a timely manner.
4. Signing the above verifies the Artist submitting artwork for consideration understands, agrees with, and will meet (within reasonable expectation) the conditions outlined in this document.
Online submissions that do not have correctly titled uploaded images will NOT be accepted. No exceptions.
Make sure to follow the instruction on the submission form carefully. Applications that have been incorrectly submitted (e.g.: photos or digital representations of work not titled correct, required information on the form is not included, etc.) will be rejected immediately. If you have any questions, email the curator.
Submission forms and work samples are submitted directly to the Schulman Gallery curator. All work samples must be digital entries. No original works will be accepted during the submission process. If you have any difficulty obtaining a digital representation of your work please contact the curator.
If your work has been accepted, the curator will contact you with an Exhibition Agreement and directions for drop off. Please read and follow the instructions on the Exhibition Agreement carefully. Your Exhibition Agreement will outline how your work will need to be prepared to display in the gallery. These guidelines are very important. Failure to follow the procedure outlined in the agreement will result in the disqualification of your work. If you have any questions, again, email the curator.
· For email, online, and cd submissions: Please upload your images in jpg or jpeg, with the longest side no larger
than 1,000 pixels.
· Please title each image with your name, 2017-Student Submission, the # of the work, and the Title. It should
look like this: “Your Name_2017-Student Submission_1_Title.jpg”.
· Please match the artwork you have listed as 1, 2, 3… in the submission form with the titles of the images of your
artwork that you submit along with the form. See below for more information on image titling.
· Include up to 3 (three) images of the artworks you would like considered for inclusion in the exhibition.
We do not accept slides or physical photo submissions.
· Please review the information outlined in this document and ensure you can be available on the necessary dates.
· Submit your application to the Schuman Gallery.
· For email submissions: please send to or .
· For online submissions: follow the instructions on the online form
· For mail submissions: please send this completed, printed document and image CD or CD containing completed
document and images to: Wanda Riley, Schulman Gallery
c/o Luzerne County Community College
1333 South Prospect Street
Nanticoke, PA 18634.
Important Dates and Exhibition Information
The Artist acknowledges his or her submission to participate in the fine art exhibition: LCCC 2017 Student Exhibit.. The exhibition runs from Friday, May 12, 2017 to Friday, June 16, 2017.
The Submission deadline is Friday, April 14, 2017. Any submissions received after this date will not be accepted.
The opening reception will be held on Friday, May 12, 2017 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. The Artist will be expected to make every effort, within reason, to attend the opening reception.
If selected, the Artist will be expected to provide some or all artwork submitted in this application to the Gallery for exhibition. Additionally, the Artist will be responsible for participating in the advertisement and promotion of the exhibition through contributing to the distribution of promotional materials for the exhibition and/or a variety of press and media, if applicable, and/or making appearances to support the exhibition.
If chosen, the Artist must be available to drop off selected artworks at The Schulman Gallery on Thursday, April 27, 2017 between 2:00pm and 5:00pm or Saturday, April 29, 2017 between 12:00pm and 4:00pm. Work not dropped off during the designated days/times will not be accepted.
Artwork is also to be picked up at The Schulman Gallery. The artist must pick up his or her work on Saturday, June 17, 2017 between 12:00pm and 4:00pm or Monday, June 19, 2017 between 2:00pm and 6:00pm. PLEASE NOTE THESE DATES. The Schulman Gallery and Luzerne County Community College are not responsible for loss or damage to work not picked up at the designated times. The Artist will have 30 days, post exhibition close, to make arrangements to pick up artwork based on the availability of the Gallery Curator. After 30 days, works not picked up will be considered abandoned and forfeited to the gallery.
Selected Artists will be notified by Gallery Curator, Wanda Riley by email on or before April 15, 2017. Once chosen, you will receive the Gallery’s Artist Agreement. This Agreement must be read, followed, and signed to exhibit. Contact the Curator for an advanced copy of this agreement.