Iredell-Statesville Schools
School Improvement Plan
A continuous improvement strategic plan, that communicates the approach
we will use to ensure all our students are career and college ready.
School: LNHS / Year: 2014-15 / Current NCLB Status / Current ABC StatusMission: We believe in a commitment to excellence for all students as we prepare them to become a part of a global society with all of its challenges and opportunities. Through the lens of continuous improvement, we will focus our resources to ensure the highest quality of our instruction and programs.
School Improvement Plan Summary
Our focus area is: The appropriate and routine use of technology within our courses and our school in order to improve
communication and student achievement.
Overall goal (What we want to accomplish by the end of the second year.) By the end of the 2015-16 school year, communication will be clear
and consistent at all levels of our school as measured by the communication being above 80% on the climate survey.
Target goal (What we want to accomplish this year.) By the end of the 2014-15 school year, teachers will utilize the district digital portal and digital tools to personalize learning for students through consistent communication and recognition of student educational needs; progress and effectiveness will be measured by an overall rating above 70% on Climate Survey.
Approaches/Strategies (What we will do to realize our goal.)
- Roles and responsibilities for each area of communication will be clearly established and assigned (Communication of School events, Communication of School Policies and Procedures, Communication between Admin and Staff, Communication between Staff and Parents, Communication between Staff and Students, etc.)
- Clear expectation for teacher use of Digital Portal (Powerschool, Schoolnet, Openclass) and consistent follow-up to ensure that these expectations are being met.
- Continued training in blended learning and research based best practices for classroom management; teachers will implement these personalized learning practices and communicate student progress home on a regular basis through the use of the digital portal and other necessary mediums (phone, email, etc.)
Measures; we will use to monitor our progress toward reaching our goal:
Performance/Impact: TWC and Climate Survey comments and results.
Fidelity of implementation: Documentation of processes (web pages, Google Drive documents, etc) Notes from
During the 90 day cycle time for cycle 1 and 2 we will revisit/monitor our plan every 3 weeks
P / PLAN: Identify the gap and the approach
Performa Performance Data; Formative and/or Summative that is aligned to goal. (Insert data or link to access data here.)
Climate Su Climate Survey and TWC Results
Data Analysis. Answer the following question using any data and/or information you have about performance in this area
1. In order to meet your Overall Goal, what is the most important area that needs improving and why?
The most important area of improvement is in the area of communication between Administration and Staff in regards to procedures, expectations, etc.
2. What approaches/strategies are contributing to your success in this area and what data suggests this?
The IF Weekly Updates are a consistent procedure that ensures that staff receive information relevant to their success.
3. What are opportunities for improvement, gap or barriers are in this area?
All levels of communication need to be improved. There is a lack of consistent communication at all levels, and there is a lack of procedures that would facilitate said communication.
4. What seems to be the root cause of the problem and what data suggests this?
The root cause is the lack of clarity and consistency of communication within LNHS. Data from the Climate Survey supports this data and shows deficiencies in the following areas:
● Teachers and other staff clearly communicate expectations to students and parents: Parents 79.7% Students 62.5%
● Teachers and other staff communicate progress between report cards to both students and parents: Parents 52.6%
● School has specific rules with clear consequences when rules are broken: Parents 75.6% Students 50% Cert. Staff 50%
5. What approaches/strategies could you deploy to address the root cause and support meeting your overall goal?
- Administration creates and upholds specific and clear procedures for the different areas of communication. The adminstration are exemplars in maintaining communication channels and expect the same from their staff. See answers in Approaches/Strategies section above
6. What research did you review to support the use of these strategies/approaches?
The strategies laid out in Michael Fulllan’s Change Leader.
7. What performance measures will you use to monitor impact of your approach/strategy?
The results of the 2014-15 TWC and Climate Survey
8. What measure will you use to monitor fidelity of deployment of your strategy/approach?
- School webpage stays updated at all levels
- Minutes from Teacher Advisory Council
- SIT Team Minutes
- Leadership Team and PL Team minutes
- Communication logs for Admin and Staff
9. What professional development, if any, will be offered in cycle 1 to support the staff in implementing the approach?
- PD on use of digital portal
- PD on digital tools for communication and how to create processes using these tools
- PD on personalized learning strategies
10. If funding is required, what funding source will be used?
- N/A
11. How will you convey intent of this focus area of SIP to stakeholders?
- Lake Norman High School will communicate this focus area to stakeholders through ConnectEds, emails, and various forms of social media (School website, Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
12. How will you communicate progress towards goals or course corrections to stakeholders?
- Lake Norman High School will hold a Community Night at our campus after the first semester in which we invite community stakeholders in to discuss midyear data and the progress of our school’s SIP goals.
D / DO: Develop and Implement Deployment Plan
Include the results from Reflection and Messaging section into deployment plan. Approach/Strategies, Impact performance measure, Fidelity measure, Professional development and Messaging.
Step # / List the specific steps your team will complete during this cycle. / Person(s) responsible for completion of the step. / Measure/Indicator
(Used to monitor performance, process improvement or completion) / Start Date / End Date
1. / Delegate responsibilities for maintaining fidelity of implementation in different areas of communication (School to community, admin and staff, staff to students/parents) / Leadership Team / Roles Defined and Assigned and saved in Google Drive / 8/25/14 / 10/31/14
2. / Hold regular Faculty Advisory Council meetings and take accurate minutes to reflect progress / Mr. Gentle / Meeting Minutes and Attendance Logs / 8/25/14 / Ongoing
3. / Regularly Update School’s webpage to communicate current information / Leadership Team/Department Heads/Staff / List of Updates Completed / 8/25/14 / Ongoing
4. / Create and update an Important Events Calendar / Paxton DeRemer / The calendar is available in Google Drive and posted to the school webpage / 8/25/14 / Ongoing
5. / Create and regularly update an Athletic Events Calendar / Athletic Director / The calendar is available in Google Drive and posted to school webpage / 8/25/14 / Ongoing
6. / Revise Student Handbook and create a digital version that is easy to access and is referred to by all staff / Faculty Advisory Council / The handbook is updated on the webpage and it will become an iBook in the future / 8/25/14 / 6/11/14
7. / Review webpage and communication logs of staff to ensure that communication is happening / Department Heads / Communication Logs and Checklist of Minimum Requirements for Webpage / 8/25/14 / 6/11/14
8. / PD on digital tools to improve communication and student achievement / BLC / Attendance Logs of Professional Development / 8/25/14 / 6/11/14
S / Study – Analysis of data after implementing an approach
Insert formative data here from performance and fidelity measures identified in the Reflection section; questions 7 & 8 for this cycle or provide link to appropriate data.
1. What worked and how do you know?
2. What didn’t work and how do you know?
3. Do you need any additional assistance as you look at your results and start planning for the next Cycle?
If Yes in what areas or topics do you need coaching or P.D. in?
4. What improvements could be made to the following areas: approach/strategy/process/support/professional
Reflect on the answers in 1 - 4 above for the previous cycle and place an X in front of which option best describes what you will do in your plan for the next cycle.
Target goal has been met and is changed to a new target goal.
Target goal not met but current plan is effective so we will continue current plan and repeat it for the next cycle.
Target goal not met so we will continue current plan. We will make improvements to the plan based on what didn’t work as
identified in #2 and #4 above.
Target goal not met and information indicates that we need to abandon the current plan and identify a new approach.
A / Act – Revise or continue with implementation plan based on data analysis.
1. For the next cycle are you continuing with the approach from previous cycle ?
If yes continue to deployment plan. If no, address questions #2-5.
2. What improvements could be made to the following areas: approach/strategy/process/support/professional
3. What performance measures will you use to monitor impact of your approach/strategy?
4. What measure will you use to monitor fidelity of deployment of your strategy/approach?
5. What professional development, if any, will be offered in this cycle to support the staff in implementing the approach?
Include Approach/Strategies, Impact performance measure, Fidelity measure, Professional development and Messaging. into deployment plan.
Step # / List the specific steps your team will complete during this cycle. / Person(s) responsible for completion of the step. / Measure/Indicator
(Used to monitor performance, process improvement or completion) / Start Date / End Date
S / Study – Analysis of data after implementing an approach
Insert formative/summative data from performance and fidelity measures identified in the Act section; questions 3 & 4 for this cycle or link to trend data.
A / Act – Continue with the Target Goal or revise the Target Goal for next year.
Reflect on the data analysis for the year so far and place an X in front of the option below that best describes your direction for the 2014-15 SIP.
Overall goal has been met and School Improvement Plan focus will change for next year.
Target goal has been met and is changed to a new target goal.
Target goal not met but current plan is effective so we will continue current plan and repeat it for the 2013-14 SIP to take our work to sustaining.
Target goal not met, so we will continue current plan for 2014-15. We will make improvements to the plan based on what didn’t work
through this year.
Schedule your 2014-15 SIP Coaching Session.