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iF design awards: igus awarded once again for innovative product design
R4.1 light, drylin SLT and readychain rack convince jury with their outstanding combination of form and function
By winning a number of awards in recent years, igus GmbH shows how important it is for the company to combine advanced design and user-oriented function of its novelties simultaneously. Now, the company has been awarded the iF product design award three times once again. In addition to the energy tube R4.1 light and the mounting frame readychain rack, igus also won the iF product design award for the linear axis drylin SLT. With it, since 1987, 31 company products have won this award that distinguishes the high degree of innovation, design quality, material, ergonomics, functionality and environmental compatibility of the products.
Chip-proof energy tube R4.1 light
The lid of the enclosed energy tube R4.1 light can be flipped open on both sides. At the same time, they are designed in such a way that virtually no chips can pass into the interior. In the leakage test, after 250,000 motion cycles, only 2.7 grams of chips were found inside the energy tube. The weight is 25 percent lower than comparable types, but at the same time it delivers high stability, which allows filling of up to 26 kilograms per metre thanks to the load being optimally distributed over the surface by a double stop system with large contact surfaces.
drylin linear axis SLT: Innovative design for small installation space
Due to the lateral arrangement of the lead screw next to the linear guide system, a minimum structural height of the linear axis of just 20 mm and a structural width of 45 mm can be achieved. The compact design achieved a weight of only 0.15 kg. The drive is possible manually or by motor. A quick, but simple and smooth operation can take place at a maximum rotary speed of 1000 min-1 and a maximum speed of 1.5 m/min. The lead screw mounted on ball bearings is available with trapezoidal or high helix thread. Different thread pitches are available from stock. Due to the high efficiency, small overall size and the lubricant-free operation, the drylin linear axis is ideal for automation tasks in beverage and food processing equipment as well as vending machines.
readychain rack: Mounting/transport frame that reduces process costs
For about 20 years, igus has been providing assembled readychain energy chain systems, thus reducing process costs in various industrial sectors. In order to install this even faster and easier to the customer, the readychain rack was developed: a transport and mounting frame of modular design, which consists of modular supports and braces that fit perfectly together. In addition, these are telescopic so that a length adjustment is possible any time. Various latching mechanisms ensure that components can also be mounted subsequently. The appropriate system can be put together in this way at the site within a day in cooperation with the customer. If modifications to the machine are necessary through alterations, they can be undertaken any time and in a smooth manner due to the variability of the system. If the machine series is discontinued by the customer, the transport and mounting frame is dismantled into its component parts and the individual components are reused. Thus the new rack also improves the environment-friendly feature and provides a more sustainable use of resources, because earlier the transport rack had to be disposed of after the end of the series.
About the iF design awards
The iF design awards rank today among the largest and most important international design competitions. In the meantime, three prizes of the iF Industrie Forum Design eV association are awarded: the iF product design award, the iF communications design award and the iF packaging design award. For these three categories, over 4,600 products, communication tools and packaging from 55 countries were submitted for the competition in 2014. Technical innovations that are honoured with the iF product design award, testify to functionality combined with sophisticated style.
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The energy tubes of the R4.1 light family provide ideal protection from chips and excellent stability with low weight. (Source: igus GmbH)
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The "drylin SLT" from the "Slim Line" generation of flat lubricant-free linear axes. The lateral arrangement of the lead screw allows for a very low structural height. In addition to the illustrated high helix thread, the version with trapezoidal thread is also available. (Source: igus GmbH)
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The telescoping transport and mounting frame for completely pre-assembled and tested energy chain systems from igus. (Source: igus GmbH)
CONTACT:igus® GmbH
Spicher Str. 1a
D-51147 Köln
Phone +49-22 03 / 96 49-0
Fax +49-22 03 / 96 49-222 / ABOUT IGUS:
The igus GmbH is a world`s leading manufacturer in the field of energy chain systems and polymer plain bearings. The family-run company is based in Cologne, represented in 29 countries and contracts 2,200 employees worldwide. In 2012 igus generated a turnover of 399 million Euro. igus operates the largest test laboratories and factories in its industry to offer customers innovative and tailor-made products and solutions within the shortest time.
Oliver Cyrus
Head of PR & Advertising
igus GmbH
Spicher Str. 1a
D-51147 Köln
Phone +49 (0) 22 03 / 96 49 - 459
Fax +49 (0) 22 03 / 96 49 - 631 / The terms “igus, chainflex, readycable, easychain, e-chain, e-chainsystems, energy chain, energy chain system, flizz, readychain, triflex, twisterchain, invis, drylin, iglidur, igubal, xiros, xirodur, plastics for longer life, manus, vector“ are legally protected trademarks in the Federal Republic of Germany and, where applicable, in some foreign countries.