LOEX 2012 Conference
Designing Winning Recipes:
Librarians Working with Faculty to Create Meaningful Online Instruction for First-Year Programs"
Scholarly and popular article comparison (2010)
Find one popular and one scholarly article following the directions in the PPT show.
The articles should be on the jobs or careers for one of the following:
Olga Hart (), Barb Macke () Research Café https://sites.google.com/site/uclresearchcafe/
LOEX 2012 Conference
Designing Winning Recipes:
Librarians Working with Faculty to Create Meaningful Online Instruction for First-Year Programs"
· audiologists
· dietitians
· nutritionists
· medical technologists
· physical therapists
· radiologic technologists
· sonographers
· speech pathologists
Olga Hart (), Barb Macke () Research Café https://sites.google.com/site/uclresearchcafe/
LOEX 2012 Conference
Designing Winning Recipes:
Librarians Working with Faculty to Create Meaningful Online Instruction for First-Year Programs"
Popular Article (use proper APA citation format):
Scholarly Article (use proper APA citation format): ______
Popular Article / Scholarly ArticleWho is the intended audience?
Does the article have an author (s)? How many?
Are the author’s affiliations stated?
How long is the article?
Is there an abstract?
Are there any illustrations, graphs, or charts? Specify.
Are there any footnotes?
Is there a bibliography of sources?
Does the author use specialized vocabulary? Give one example.
· Use AND between words and phrases.
· Think of synonyms and related terms. Use OR between them.
· Use * to find forms of the word (use it sparingly!)
· Use NOT to exclude terms that bring irrelevant results.
Library Assignment (2011)
Book Evaluation Form
Author(s) Last Name(s), First Name(s): Click here to enter text.
Title of Book: Click here to enter text.
Chapter Title (if applicable): Click here to enter text.
Publisher’s City: Publisher’s Name: Click here to enter text.
Date Book was Published: Click here to enter text.
Score 1 for every “YES” answer and 0 for every “No” or “Unclear” answer. Scoring: 8-10=Use it; 5-7=Be Careful; 0-4=Beware
Evaluation Questions / Yes / No / UnclearDoes the source contain useful information that directly relates to my topic?
How long is this source - will I be able to finish reading it?
Can I understand the information in this source? Read the first few paragraphs – do I understand every word?
Is this source reputable? Did I find this source (or a reference to it) in an academic environment – a university library, database, course readings, lecture?
If current information is important for my topic, was this information published within the last one to three years?
Is the information in this source reliable – can it be verified by checking other sources, e.g. newspaper accounts, encyclopedias, textbooks?
Does this source contain any specialized types of information that might be useful – e.g. maps, charts, statistical tables, links, lists of references, bibliographies?
Can I find the author’s/creator’s credentials?
What are they?
Click here to enter text.
Does the author/creator offer evidence to support his/her claim(s)?
Is this source appropriate for my topic? ( for example, if I am researching sports-related brain injuries, would Home & Garden magazine be an appropriate source?)
Total Score
Library Assignment
Article Evaluation Form
Author(s) Last Name(s), First Name(s): Click here to enter text.
Title of Article: Click here to enter text.
Journal/Magazine Title (in italics): Click here to enter text.
Volume #: Click here to enter text. Issue #: Click here to enter text. Date of Publication: Click here to enter text.
Page Numbers: Click here to enter text. Include at least ONE of the following:
DOI: Click here to enter text. URL: Click here to enter text. URL of the journal homepage: Click here to enter text.
Score 1 for every “YES” answer and 0 for every “No” or “Unclear” answer. Scoring: 8-10=Use it; 5-7=Be Careful; 0-4=Beware
Evaluation Questions / Yes / No / UnclearDoes the source contain useful information that directly relates to my topic?
How long is this source - will I be able to finish reading it?
Can I understand the information in this source? Read the first few paragraphs – do I understand every word?
Is this source reputable? Did I find this source (or a reference to it) in an academic environment – a university library, database, course readings, lecture?
If current information is important for my topic, was this information published within the last one to three years?
Is the information in this source reliable – can it be verified by checking other sources, e.g. newspaper accounts, encyclopedias, textbooks?
Does this source contain any specialized types of information that might be useful – e.g. maps, charts, statistical tables, links, lists of references, bibliographies?
Can I find the author’s/creator’s credentials?
What are they?
Does the author/creator offer evidence to support his/her claim(s)?
Is this source appropriate for my topic? (For example, if I am researching sports-related brain injuries, would Home & Garden magazine be an appropriate source?)
Total Score
Library Assignment
Web Site Evaluation Form
Author(s)- Last Name, First Name (if available): Click here to enter text.
Web Site Title or Site Publisher (e.g. Sierra Club): Click here to enter text.
Page Title (hint - look in the browser title bar): Click here to enter text.
Date of Web Site: Click here to enter text. Date Retrieved: Click here to enter text.
URL: Click here to enter text.
Score 1 for every “YES” answer and 0 for every “No” or “Unclear” answer. Scoring: 8-10=Use it; 5-7=Be Careful; 0-4=Beware
Evaluation Questions / Yes / No / UnclearDoes the source contain useful information that directly relates to my topic?
Can I identify the author or the producer of this web site?
Does the author or producer of this web site have enough expertise and
do they offer proof of their expertise?
Is this site produced by an educational entity(.edu) or by the US government (.gov)? Is it produced by a well-known & respected organization (e.g. American Cancer Assn.)?
Is the information on the web site recently updated and does the site appear to be maintained? When was it last updated?
Can the information on this web site be verified by checking other sources – e.g. newspaper accounts, encyclopedias, textbooks?
Does this source contain any specialized types of information that might be useful – e.g. maps, charts, statistical tables, links, lists of references, bibliographies?
Can I find the author’s/creator’s credentials?
What are they?
Click here to enter text.
Does the author/creator offer evidence to support his/her claim(s)?
Is this web site primarily free of advertisements, pop-ups, and requests to
purchase materials? Is this web site interested in providing information rather than selling goods or memberships?
Total Score
Olga Hart (), Barb Macke () Research Café https://sites.google.com/site/uclresearchcafe/