Service / Performance indicator(PI) title / Explanation / Outcome (what are we trying to achieve?)
Adult Care & Support / Delayed transfers of care from hospital attributable to adult social care per 100,000 population / Average number of delayed transfers of care on a particular day taken over the year that are attributable to social care or jointly to social care and the NHS, divided by the size of the adult population in the area (aged 18 and over) multiplied by 100,000 / Adults are supported appropriately - measures efficacy of initiatives to improve patient experience for people who need social care input
Adult Care & Support / Proportion of adults in contact with secondary mental health services living independently / Adults who are receiving secondary mental health services on the Care Programme Approach recorded as living independently, with or without support as a percentage of adults who are receiving secondary mental health services and who are on the Care Programme Approach (aged 18 to 69) / Adults are supported appropriately
Adult Care & Support / Delayed transfers of care from hospital per 100,000 population / Average number of delayed transfers of care on a particular day taken over the year divided by the size of the adult population in the area (aged 18 and over) multiplied by 100,000 / Adults are supported appropriately - this measures all delays, whether the responsibility of health or social care, so read alongside Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework 2C(2) indicates social care's impact on the overall level of delays
Adult Care & Support / No of adults (65+) with ongoing packages of care in the community / This indicator measures the volume of service users aged 65+ years of age receiving community-based Council services. A care package is a combination of services put together to meet a person's assessed needs as part of the care plan after an assessment or review. It defines exactly what that person needs in the way of care, services or equipment to live their life in a dignified and comfortable manner / This measure identifies different community-based services provided or commissioned by councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities that help people to live independently in their own home for as long as possible
Adult Care & Support / Number of adults (18-64) with ongoing packages of care in the community / This indicator measures the volume of service users aged 18-64 years of age receiving community-based Council services. A care package is a combination of services put together to meet a person's assessed needs as part of the care plan after an assessment or review. It defines exactly what that person needs in the way of care, services or equipment to live their life in a dignified and comfortable manner / This measure identifies different community-based services provided or commissioned by councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities that help people to live independently in their own home for as long as possible
Adult Care & Support / % of older people still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital into re-ablement / rehabilitation / This indicator shows the proportion of older people aged 65 and over discharged from hospital to their own home, a residential or nursing care home or extra-care housing for rehabilitation, who are still at home or in extra-care housing or an adult placement scheme setting 91 days after the date of their discharge / There is strong evidence that re-ablement services lead to improved outcomes and value for money across the health and social care sectors
Adult Care & Support / Proportion of adults in contact with secondary mental health services in paid employment / Working-age adults who are receiving secondary mental health services and who are on the Care Programme Approach recorded as being employed as a percentage of working age adults who are receiving secondary mental health services and who were on the Care Programme Approach (aged 18 to 69) / Adults are supported appropriately
Adult Care & Support / Proportion of adults with a learning disability receiving long-term support in paid employment / This measure shows the proportion of adults with a learning disability who are “known to the Council” (so those adults of working age with a primary support reason of learning disability support who received long-term support during the year), who are recorded as being in paid employment / Adults are supported appropriately / improved outcomes for people with learning disabilities.A measure of improving life chances and outcomes for people with learning disabilities
Adult Care & Support / Long-term support needs of people aged 65+ by admission to residential and nursing care homes / This indicator reflects the number of older people (65+ adults) whose long-term support needs are best met by admission to residential and nursing care homes / Adults are supported appropriately / Improve and strengthen the choice of support and accommodation options for people who need it. A lower rate of admission to care homes can indicate efficacy of alternatives such as support in the home
Children & Family Services / % of looked after children having 3+ placements in the year (Short term placement stability) / This is the proportion of Looked after Children who were placed for care three or more times during the year. A child being placed for adoption with their existing foster carer is not included as a change of placement for the purposes of these figures / Help and protection services are effective in helping children and young people who have experienced neglect and abuse to achieve stability in care as the foundation for emotional permanence
Children & Family Services / % children adopted or who ended care after the granting of a SGO, RO or CAO (LI11) / This is the proportion of children who ceased to be looked after who were subsequently not looked after due to a special guardianship order, residency order or a child arrangement order. This figure is given as a percentage. Only the last occasion on which a child ceased to be looked after in the year has been counted. Figures exclude children looked after under an agreed series of short term placements / Early Help Services are accessible and timely, helping and supporting a high number of children and young people, their parents and carers
Children & Family Services / Repeat children in need plans within 24 months (safeguarding) / The number of young people subject to a Children In Need (ChIN) plan who have previously been subject to one within the last 24 months / Safeguarding. : The number of young people subject to a Children In Need (ChIN) plan who have previously been subject to one within the last 24 months
Children & Family Services / % repeat requests for early help plans within 24 months / The number of repeat requests as a percentage of cases submitted for early help plans (support) within the last 24 months / Early Help Services are accessible and timely, helping and supporting a high number of children and young people, their parents and carers
Children & Family Services / % of looked after children in same placement for at least 2 years (Stability of Placements) (NI63) / The percentage is obtained from X/Y*100 where X = All who have been living in the same placement for at least two years, i.e. at 31 March they have been in the same placement continuously for more than 729 days inclusive of 31 March. Children who are placed for adoption at 31 March are now only to be included in the numerator if their previous care placement, plus the adoptive placement have together lasted more than 729 days. Y = All children aged under 16 on 31 March of the year of measurement who had been looked after for 2.5 years / Help and protection services are effective in helping children and young people who have experienced neglect and abuse
Children & Family Services / % of children becoming the subject of Child Protection Plan for a second or subsequent time (NI65) / The percentage of children who became subject to a Child Protection Plan at any time during the year, who had previously been the subject of a Child Protection Plan, or on the Child Protection Register of that Council, regardless of how long ago that was / Safeguarding
Children & Family Services / % Repeat referrals to children's social care within 12 Months (Completed During the Month)(LI18) / The percentage of young people referred to children’s social care more than once in a 12 month period / Early Help Services are accessible and timely, helping and supporting a high number of children and young people, their parents and carers. Social Work Plans are effective in resolving concerns
Children & Family Services / Care leavers in university / Number of care leavers who are being supported at university by the Council at the date of reporting / Number of care leavers who are being supported at university by the Council at the date of reporting. This is an important corporate parenting measure whereby a high number indicates effective support and positive aspirations for a potentially vulnerable group
Children & Family Services / Ranking of Cornwall's Children's Services / Ofsted judge by way of inspection how well Cornwall is performing by rating Children’s Services.
The current system ranks authorities as:
Requires Improvement
Cornwall is currently rated as good and puts Cornwall in the top 25% of authorities in the country / It is important to be self-aware and realistic regarding how Cornwall’s Children’s Services is performing, both in its own right and when compared to other Authorities. Results from the Joint Targeted Area Inspection will act as the guide to the current rating. This will be supported by judgements around areas such as fostering and adoption, along with peer reviews and self-assessments / self-evaluations. These supplementary results will be detailed in the narrative
Children & Family Services / Care Leavers in education, training or employment / The percentage of former care leavers aged 19 who were looked after under any legal status on 1 April in their 17th year, who are in education, employment or training / Help and protection services are effective in helping children and young people who have experienced neglect and abuse
Children & Family Services / Care leavers in suitable accommodation / This indicator is the percentage of former care leavers aged 19 who were looked after under any legal status on 1 April in their 17th year, who are in suitable accommodation / Help and protection services are effective in helping children and young people who have experienced neglect and abuse
Commercial Services / % of Total Spend via Local Suppliers / The total percentage of expenditure with suppliers in Cornwall against total expenditure of all suppliers / To ensure that we are spending money locally, in Cornwall with our local suppliers
Commercial Services / % of Total Spend through SME's (Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Businesses) / A small and medium-sized enterprise is defined as having between 10 and 250 employees. This indicator looks at the total spend with small and medium- sized enterprises as a percentage of total expenditure with all suppliers / A financially resilient and sustainable Council
Customer Access & Digital Services / Network Availability / The IT network availability time as a percentage of total available hours (as defined in the Service Level Agreement) / To ensure that the IT network system is efficient and accessible as much as it possibly can be
Customer Access & Digital Services / % of NNDR (business rates) collected (CUMULATIVE MEASURE) / Actual amount of business rates collected as a percentage of the maximum amount of business rates that could be collected / Maximising Council income through efficient and effective performance
Customer Access & Digital Services / % of Council tax collected (CUMULATIVE MEASURE) / Actual amount of Council tax collected as a percentage of the maximum amount of Council tax that could be collected / Maximising Council income through efficient and effective performance
Customer Access & Digital Services / Average no. days taken to process Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit claims / The average number of calendar days taken to process Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit claim forms / Continuation of Welfare Reform Programme to ensure that proposals for future legislative and policy changes are evaluated and implications for services understood / communicated and successfully implemented
Customer Access & Digital Services / At least 75% of residents will be satisfied with library services(Residents’ Survey 2016) / Total percentage of residents that are fairly satisfied and very satisfied with library services, as part of the Residents’ Survey / To ensure and increase resident satisfaction with our libraries
Customer Access & Digital Services / Increase the percentage of residents who agree that the Council is campaigning and standing up for Cornwall (Residents’ Survey 2016) / Total percentage of residents that tend to agree and agree strongly that the Council is campaigning and standing up for Cornwall, as part of the Residents’ Survey / To improve our communications to ensure that more of our residents agree that we are campaigning and standing up for Cornwall
Customer Access & Digital Services / Increase the percentage of residents agreeing that we keep them informed about the Council services and benefits provided (Residents’ Survey 2016) / Total percentage of residents that tend to agree and agree strongly that the Council is keeping them informed about the services and benefits that it provides, as part of the Residents Survey / Promoting, protecting and improving the reputation of the Council through effective communications and civic engagement
Customer Access & Digital Services / At least 60% of residents will be satisfied with the cleanliness of pavements (Residents’ Survey 2016) / Total percentage of residents that are fairly satisfied and very satisfied with the cleanliness of pavements, as part of the Residents’ Survey / Improved safety of individuals, families and communities & Improved health and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities
Customer Access & Digital Services / Increase the number of residents that think that the Council provides value for money (Residents’ Survey 2016) / Total percentage of residents that tend to agree and agree strongly that the Council is providing value for money, as part of the Residents’ Survey / Promoting, protecting and improving the reputation of the Council through effective communications and civic engagement
Economic Growth / % of people (16-64 year olds) with a qualification equivalent to an NVQ Level 4 and above / This shows the proportion of the population aged 16-64 qualified to NVQ level 4+. This covers people holding qualifications equivalent to National Qualifications Framework levels 4-8. Level 4-6 qualifications include foundation or first degrees, recognised degree-level professional qualifications, teaching or nursing qualifications, diploma in higher education, HNC/HND or equivalent vocational qualification. Qualifications at level 7-8 include higher degrees, and postgraduate-level professional qualifications / Improve employment and skills across Cornwall
Economic Growth / Annual average earnings in Cornwall (including part-time and full-time) / This is the average annual basic pay for full-time and part-time employees. The data is presented for a full-time equivalent post (multiplied up to a full-time equivalent post if part-time). The pay figures exclude any additional payments such as overtime and bonus payments / Sustainable economic growth through targeted investment, through partnership working with the Local Enterprise Partnership
Education & Early Years / No of permanent exclusions in primary schools (academic year to date) / This is the number of permanent exclusions at state-funded primary schools. A permanent exclusion refers to a pupil who is excluded and their name removed from the school register. Such a pupil would then be educated at another school or via some other form of provision / Permanent exclusions for primary pupils remain low in Cornwall and compare well with national rates. 2015/16 academic year-end figure was 14. The target for 2016/17 academic year is set at 11, with the assumption of a reduction of, on average, 1.5 each year until 2020/21. This would represent outstanding performance
Education & Early Years / No of permanent exclusions in secondary schools (academic year to date) / This is the number of permanent exclusions at state-funded secondary schools. A permanent exclusion refers to a pupil who is excluded and their name removed from the school register. Such a pupil would then be educated at another school or via some other form of provision / To ensure that the Local Authority’s duty is met in respect of children permanently excluded from school and children without a school place by ensuring that all schools comply with School Exclusions Regulations (January 2015) and that suitable alternative education provision is in place
Education & Early Years / Keystage 4: 5 A* to C GCSEs (academic year 2015/16) / Keystage 4 is the legal term for the two years of school education which incorporate GCSEs, and other exams, in maintained schools in England, when pupils are aged between 14 and 16. This is then the number of pupils achieving 5 or more A* to C or equivalent at Keystage 4 as a percentage of the number of pupils at the end of Keystage 4 / Learning and Achievement Outcomes against key Performance Indicators move to top quartile performance band A by 2020