BID #B21-11-12








1. Instructions and Conditions Pages 2 through 16

2. Specifications Page 14 through 137

3. Bid Form Pages 138 through 139

4. Drawings


· Affirmative Action Page 140

· Nondiscrimination by Supplier Page 141

· Bidding Questionnaire Page 142

· Workers Compensation Page 143

· Sub-Contractors List Page 144

· Non-collusion Declaration Page 145

** Also found on SCCOE’s website at:

NOTE: The Table of Contents and all items listed are to be made a part of the above referenced bid.


A.D. Bursch, CPM

Purchasing Manager






NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Santa Clara County Office of Education, San Jose, California, hereinafter referred to as the Owner, will receive up to, but no later than, Tuesday April 24, 2012, at 3:00 p.m., sealed quotes for the award of a contract for: Print Shop Remodeling Work

The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all quotes, to waive any informality in the bidding process, to award on an item-by-item or total basis, and to be the sole judge of whether an item bid is equivalent to the requested item and meets the needs of this office.


Bidding & Admin. - COE Purchasing Manager, A. D. Bursch @408-453-6858 or

COE Purchasing Technician, Kelly Brewer @408-453-6855.

Project Management - COE Facilities Manager, Joe Beretta @408-453-6861.

Architect - Weston/Miles Architects @

Pre-Bid Conference

A pre-bid Conference/Site Walk-Through will be held at the SCCOE ADMINSTRATIVE OFFICES, 1290 RIDDER PARK DRIVE, San Jose, CA 95131 on THURSDAY APRIL 12, 2012 at 3:30 pm. Attendance is strongly recommended.

Bid Security Bond

Each Bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check, or Bid bond duly completed on the form provided herewith by a guaranty company authorized to carry on business in the State of California, in an amount equal to at least ten percent (10%) of the sum of the total amount bid, including any options. Said bond is payable without condition to the Santa Clara County Office of Education as a guaranty that the bidder, if awarded the contract, will promptly execute the contract in accordance with the Bid in manner and form required by these contract documents and will furnish. The Bid Security shall be forfeited to the Santa Clara County Office of Education as liquidated damages in the case of failure or neglect of the bidder to furnish, execute and deliver to the Santa Clara County Office of Education the required performance bond, payment bond and evidences of insurance, and to enter into, execute and deliver to the Santa Clara County Office of Education the contract on the form provided herewith, within ten (10) days after being notified in writing by the Santa Clara County Office of Education that the award has been made and the contract is ready for execution.

Payment Bond. Pursuant to Civil Code 3247, for work involving an expenditure of greater than $25,000 the Successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Payment Bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the total amount of the contract before commencement of work and conforming to the contract documents.

Performance Bond. The Successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the total amount of the contract before commencement of work and conforming to the contract documents.

Contractors License. All Bidders shall be licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9, Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California to do the type of work contemplated in the project. The Successful Bidder shall possess a valid Contractor's License issued by the Contractor's State License Board at the time the contract is awarded. The class of license shall be "X" or other any other classification applicable to the work specified in the contract. Each bidder shall also have no less than three- (3) years' experience in the magnitude and character of the work bid.


ACCESSIBILITY. The Contractor shall fully inform himself regarding any peculiarities and limitations of the spaces available for the performance of work under this contract. He shall exercise due and particular caution to determine that all parts of his work are made quickly and easily accessible.

ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Each bid shall include specific acknowledgment in the space provided of receipt of all addenda issued during the bidding period. Failure to so acknowledge may result in the bid being rejected as not responsive.

AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES. Every bid must be signed by the person or persons legally authorized to bind the Bidder to a contract for the execution of the work. Upon request of the Santa Clara County Office of Education, any agent submitting a bid on behalf of a Bidder shall provide a current power of attorney certifying the agent’s authority to bind the Bidder. If an individual makes the bid, his or her name, signature, and post office address must be shown. If a firm or partnership makes the bid, the name and post office address of the firm or partnership and the signature of at least one of the general partners must be shown. If a corporation makes the bid, the bid shall show the name of the state under the laws of which the corporation is chartered, the name and post office address of the corporation and the title of the person signing on behalf of the corporation. Upon request of the Santa Clara County Office of Education, the corporation shall provide a certified copy of the bylaws or resolution of the board of directors showing the authority of the officer signing the bid to execute contracts on behalf of the corporation.

AWARD OF BID. Bid award will be made to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. The low bidder will be determined by the lowest responsible bid for the Total Base Bid that complies with all the requirements prescribed in the bid/contract documents. In the event the lowest responsive and responsible bid for a construction project exceeds available funds, and such bid does not exceed such funds by more than [five] percent, the Santa Clara County Office of Education reserves the right, when time or economic considerations preclude re-solicitation of work of a reduced scope, to negotiate an adjustment of the bid price with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, in order to bring the bid within the amount of available funds. Any such negotiated adjustment shall be based only upon eliminating independent deductive items specified in the invitation for bids. Additionally, the Santa Clara County Office of Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

BID ACCEPTANCE PERIOD. Unless otherwise specified herein, prices are firm for a period of ninety- (90) days.

BID FORMS. Bids shall be made on the blank forms prepared and provided by the Santa Clara County Office of Education. Bids shall give the prices proposed, both in writing and in figures, shall give all other information requested herein, and shall be signed by the bidder or authorized representative, with the appropriate address. If an individual makes the bid, his or her name, signature, and post office address must be shown. If a firm or partnership makes the bid, the name and post office address of the firm or partnership and the signature of at least one of the general partners must be shown. If a corporation makes the bid, the bid shall show the name of the state under the laws of which the corporation is chartered, the name and post office address of the corporation, and the title of the person who signs on behalf of the corporation. If the corporation makes the bid, a certified copy of the bylaws or resolution of the board of directors of the corporation shall be furnished showing the authority of the officer signing the Bid to execute contracts on behalf of the corporation.

BID RESULTS. It is not the policy of the Santa Clara County Office of Education to provide bid results in response to telephone inquiries. Bids are opened publicly in the Santa Clara County Office of Education Clerk's Office, and interested parties are invited to attend.

BID SUBMITTAL. Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing on the outside the name of the bidder, his address and the project name and bid number for which the bid is submitted. Bidder’s authorized representative must properly initial any erasures or alterations of any kind. Bids that contain omissions or improper erasures or irregularities may be rejected. No oral, electronic, telegraphic, or telephonic bids or modifications will be considered unless otherwise specified herein.

BID WITHDRAWAL. Bidder’s authorized representative may withdraw bids only by written request received before Bid Opening.

BIDDER AGREEMENT TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Submission of a signed bid will be interpreted to mean bidder has agreed to all the terms and conditions set forth in the pages of this bid.

BUSINESS LICENSE. If the scope of work under this bid includes performing services or installation on Santa Clara County Office of Education property, the SUCCESSFUL BIDDER must obtain a Santa Clara County Office of Education Business License upon execution of the contract.

CANCELLATION OF SOLICITATION. The Santa Clara County Office of Education may cancel this solicitation at any time.

CLEANUP COST. Bidder shall include in the bid, all costs for cleanup during performance and upon completion of work on this project. Successful Bidder will remove all unused equipment and instruments of service, all excess or unsuitable material, trash, rubbish and debris, and legally dispose of same, unless otherwise directed by these specifications. Successful Bidder shall leave entire area in a neat, clean, and acceptable condition as approved by the Santa Clara County Office of Education.

COMPLIANCE OR DEVIATION TO SPECIFICATIONS. Bidder hereby agrees that the material, equipment or service offered will meet all the requirements of the specifications in this solicitation unless deviations from them are clearly indicated in the bidder’s response. Bidder may submit an attachment entitled “Exceptions to Specifications”, which must be signed by bidder’s authorized representative. An explanation must be made for each item in which an exception is taken, giving in detail the extent of the exception and the reason for which it is taken. Bids failing to comply with this requirement will be considered non-responsive. Submittal of brochure or other manufacturer literature is desirable but may not be a substitution for this requirement.

COMPLIANCE WITH FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICE ACT. Contractor agrees in accordance with Section 1735 and 1777.6 of California Labor Code, and the California Fair Employment Practice Act (Sections 1410-1433) that in the hiring of common or skilled labor for the performance of any work under this contract, or any subcontract hereunder, no Contractor, material supplier or vendor shall, by reason of race, color, national origin or ancestry, or religion, discriminate against any person who is qualified and available to perform the work to which such employment relates.

COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. All bids shall comply with current federal, state, local and other laws relative thereto.

CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, EXAMINATION OF. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to carefully thoroughly examine and be familiar with legal and procedural documents, general conditions, all bid forms, specifications, drawings, plans, and addenda (if any), hereinafter referred to as Contract Documents. Bidder shall satisfy himself as to the character, quantity, and quality of work to be performed and materials, labor, supervision, equipment and appurtenances necessary to perform the work as specified by the Contract Documents. The failure or neglect of the Bidder to examine the Contract Documents shall in no way relieve him from any obligations with respect to the bid or contract. The submission of a bid shall constitute an acknowledgment upon which the Santa Clara County Office of Education may rely that the bidder has thoroughly examined and is familiar with the contract documents. The failure or neglect of a bidder to receive or examine any of the contract documents shall in no way relieve the bidder from any obligations with respect to the bid. No claim will be allowed for additional compensation that is based upon a lack of knowledge of any bid document.

DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDER. If there is reason to believe that collusion exists among the bidders, the Santa Clara County Office of Education may refuse to consider bids from participants in such collusion. No person, firm, or corporation under the same or different name, shall make, file, or be interested in more than one bid for the same work unless alternate bids are called for. A person, firm, or corporation who has submitted a sub-Bid to a bidder, or who has quoted prices on materials to a bidder, is not thereby disqualified from submitting a sub-Bid or quoting prices to other bidders. Reasonable ground for believing that any bidder is interested in more than one Bid for the same work will cause the rejection of all Bids for the work in which a bidder is interested. If there is reason to believe that collusion exists among the bidders, the Santa Clara County Office of Education may refuse to consider Bids from participants in such collusion. Bidders shall submit as part of their Bid documents the completed Non-Collusion Affidavit provided herein.

DOCUMENTS TO BE RETURNED WITH BID. Failure to completely execute and submit the required documents before the date and time set for bid opening, may render a bid non‑responsive.

ESCROW IN LIEU OF RETENTION. In the event the Contractor wishes to choose this option, the Contractor shall enter into an escrow agreement with the Santa Clara County Office of Education. The escrow agent shall be a qualified bank approved by the Santa Clara County Office of Education. The costs of such escrow account shall be equivalent in fair market value to the amount to be withheld as performance retention. The securities shall be held in accordance with the provisions of Public Contract Code Section 22300, and the implementing agreement. The Contractor is obligated to ensure that such securities deposited are sufficient to maintain, in total fair market value, an amount equal to the cash amount of the sums to be withheld under the contract. If the Santa Clara County Office of Education Finance Director, or the appropriate escrow agent, gives written notice to the Contractor indicating that the fair market value of the securities has dropped below the dollar amount of monies to be withheld by the Santa Clara County Office of Education to ensure performance, Contractor shall within five days of the date of such notice post all such securities held by the Santa Clara County Office of Education, or in escrow, equivalent to the amount of money to be withheld by the Santa Clara County Office of Education under the contract. Any Contractor wishing to exercise this option shall give notice in writing to the Santa Clara County Office of Education.