Developed by Stefanie Nieto Johnson
Auxiliary facilitators are those that have other full time jobs, yet generously volunteer to assist the full time facilitators when needs arise.
Those interested in becoming trained TDM facilitators must commit to shadowing a full time facilitator a minimum of two times. They will then be given the opportunity to facilitate two times with an experienced facilitator observing in the meeting to provide assistance if needed and feedback after the TDM meeting. They should then be prepared to facilitate on their own.
Auxiliary facilitators commit to facilitating a TDM meeting, at minimum, twice a month in order to have the opportunity to practice their facilitation skills as well as to familiarize themselves with the model. Leadership must allocate the time needed for them to accomplish this. For example, one county made a calendar and auxiliary facilitators signed up for the two times that month they could facilitate. Their supervisors and managers ensured that those days were protected for the facilitator.
Quarterly Facilitator Luncheons/Meeting should be provided where auxiliary facilitators meet with full time facilitators and questions are answered, debriefing is possible, and new information presented. All trained facilitators are invited, even if they have not yet facilitated, in the hopes that they will become engaged in the process.
A TDM Facilitators Annual Recognition Luncheon is a celebration for those that have actively facilitated in the past year. The TDM Unit provides the lunch (potluck), certificates stating the number of TDM meetings they have facilitated in the year, and a gift to the auxiliary facilitator that has facilitated the most TDM meetings in the past year.
Monthly TDM facilitator brown bag lunches are an opportunity for any TDM facilitator to come and debrief and have a chance to spend time with other facilitators.
The TDM Supervisor is responsible for being aware of training or workshops that would benefit TDM auxiliary facilitators and extending invitations to them.
Team Decision Making (TDM) Toolkit, Version 1, May 2010
For information about toolkits, contact CalSWEC
For more information about training or practice, contact RCFFP, 530-757-8579.