CASE STUDY RESEARCH CRITERIA: Research a major water pollution disaster (or major problem area). Tell us the story…

· Include the specific town, city, village, etc. that was effected by this.

· Describe where it happened (or where it is happening)

· Describe the events leading up to it (or what is leading up to a disaster later)

· What happened and why (what is happening and why)

· What caused or is causing it

· What are or were the short term and long term effects on environment, humans, and wildlife?

· Stats on illnesses, deaths, types of illnesses or conditions, etc.

· What is still happening or what are the ongoing lasting effects of today, etc.

· In retrospect, what could have been done to prevent it, and/or what should be done now to keep it from happening again. What are environmentalists, government agencies, etc. doing to prevent it from happening again or to help?

· Pictures are required: map showing where, pictures from disaster area (maybe before, during, and after). The more pictures, the better.

· Small video clip links will be accepted and useful, but only as part of your visual and not your required info.


· Sandoz chemical spill (polluting the Rhine in 1986)

· Selenium poinsoning of wildlife due to farm runoff used to create Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge (artificial wetland)

· Jiyeh Power Station oil spill in the Mediterranean

· Berkeley Pit in the U S (Montana)

· Ingition and conflagration of the Cuyahoga River in Ohio (13 times from 1868-1969)

· Cheakamus River derailment (polluted river with caustic soda) 2005

· Draining and development of the everglades

· Artificial Osborne Reef off Fort Lauderdale

· Beaufort’s Dyke dumping in sea trench b/w Northern Ireland and Scotland

· Great Pacific Garbage Patch; Pacific Gyre Garbage Patch

· Hinkley, California groundwater contamination; hexavalent chromium

· Shetland Oil Spill of 1993

· Exxon Valdez of 1989; Prince William Sound, Alaska

· Minamata Disaster (mercury dumping/poisoning in Japan) 1932-1968

· Khain Sea Episode (waste dumping)

· Gulf War Oil Spill Jan 1991

· Gulf of Mexico; Dead Zone

· Ixtoc Oil Spill 1979

· Fergana Valley 1992

· 2010 Deep Water Horizon, a Transocean deep sea drilling rig; (BP) oil spill

· TVA Kingston Fossil Plant Coal Fly Ash Slurry Spill

· Jilin Chemical Plant Explosions

· Castle Bravo

· The Three Mile Island Nuclear Explosion

· Amoco Cadiz; 1978; Brittany, France

· The Love Canal; Chemical waste dump, Niagra Falls, NY

· The Seveso Disaster

· E-waste in Guiyu, China

· Baia Mare Cyanide Spill; Romania

· The Shrinking of the Aral Sea

· The Chernobyl Nuclear Explosion

· Tennessee coal ash spill

· Picher lead contamination; Oklahoma

· Toxic Water Spill at Colorado Mine; EPA caused it 2015

· Bhopal Gas Leak; Dec. 1984; India

· The World's Most Polluted River; Citarum River, West Java, Indonesia

· Niger Delta

· Norilsk, Siberia; heavy metals taint the soil and water supply

· Sukinda Valley, India; Mining processes leave toxics in surface and drinking water

· Algae-filled Chaohu Lake in Hefei, Anhui province, China; Power plants use river or lake water as a coolant,

· Electronic Waste: Toxic Technology; in Guadalajara, Mexico.

· Toxic and Contaminant Concerns Generated by Hurricane Katrina