San Luis Obispo High School

Agriculture Department

Course Expectations

Instructor: Mrs. Bates

Cal Poly Agriculture Education & Communication / Bioresource & Ag Engineering students. This unique collaboration has been headed up by Dr. Ben Swan from Cal Poly State University. There will also be skilled guest lecturers from the industry for various units and alumni. Coaches for Farm Power & Ag Welding teams will be from outside instructors.

Course Description: Agricultural Mechanics I/II

This course will cover basic mechanics skills such as electrical, surveying, wood, irrigation, rope work, cold metal, welding, and concrete. Students will be getting introductory units in all areas and will complete a project per unit to both entered into the industrial arts contest at the Mid State Fair and for the Barn Bash in the spring. Students will also be developing an independent project to be working on the second half of the course. In addition, students will also review the FFA program, select an SAE and enter their project into a record book. Future Farmers of America (FFA) will also be an integral part of this course. Students will be introduced to the FFA Program, California Agriculture, Careers in Agriculture, and much more. Students are highly encouraged to attend the monthly FFA meetings and to participate in many educational as well as social activities.

I. Class Policies:

1. Be in your seat and ready to work, when the bell rings. If you are not, you are considered tardy.

2. A three-ring binder is required. The binder is to be used for this class only and will be kept organized and neat.

3. Each student must bring a pencil or pen to class everyday.

4. A calculator is required to have in class and will be used often for science lab write-ups.

5. No food or drink is allowed in the classroom or shop during class.

6. The classroom and Agriculture Department must be kept clean. All clean up activities will be done prior to students being dismissed.

7. Highly recommended: A flash drive to save your computer work on in the library. This will make your life a lot easier for many of your classes!

II. Grading:

Your grade will be based on the following:

65% Participation/Shop Work/Clean-up
*Each day is worth 5 points for work done in the shop and 5 points for clean-up participation

15% Project Completion

10% Tests & Quizzes

5% FFA Participation

5% SAE & Record Book

Letter grades will be assigned using the following guidelines:

94% and above A 67-69% D+

90-93% A- 64-66% D

87-89% B+ 60-63% D-

84-86% B 59% and below F

80-83% B-

77-79% C+

74-76% C

70-73% C-

Note: Excessive absences will hurt your grade. 10 or more unexcused absences will result in an F.

III. Tests

1. Tests will be given at the completion of each unit of study.

2. Quizzes will be given periodically as needed.

3. There will be a Final Exam at the end of each trimester.

4. Make up tests are the responsibility of the student! If you have an excused absence on the day of a test, it is your responsibility to make an appointment to take it within 1 week of returning to school.

IV. Homework and Class Assignments

1. Late assignments will not be accepted (except in emergency situations).

2. Assignments should be neat and complete.

3. For each day you are absent, you have that many days to make it up.

4. Most weekly homework will be assigned Monday of each week.

V. SAE Projects – 5% of grade

1. All students are required to have a project that relates to a career in agriculture and requires 10 hours of labor per trimester. They have the ENTIRE trimester to do this project and will be given library time to work on parts of it.

2. Projects require prior approval of the instructor.

3. An FFA computerized record book will be required for all students.

4. This project is 5% of your grade. NO LATE projects will be accepted. The due date will be set at the beginning of each trimester. If you have more than one Ag class, you only have to do one SAE project. (Ex. Ag Phys. Sci. and Ag Leadership or Ag Mech)

VI. FFA – 5% of grade

1. Your enrollment in this class automatically makes you an FFA member however, your level of participation depends on what you get interested in and your desire to get involved with all the various activities offered. If you are a 4-H member you can definitely be active in both organizations and get a great experience from them!

2. The FFA is an integral part of this class therefore you are required to participate in various activities throughout the trimester. FFA is the club within the Agriculture Department. Each activity will have a given point value based on its importance.

3. You are required to get 4 FFA credits per trimester and you will usually have more than 15 opportunities to do this. This should be the easiest part of your grade!

4. Examples of things you can do to get FFA Credits: Attend the once a month Chapter meeting put on by the Officer Team, participate in leadership conferences, public speaking contests, assist with fundraisers such as our Drive Thru BBQ and much more! There are plenty of opportunities to get these credits!

VII. Class Participation and Attendance- 5% of grade

Students are expected to attend class on a daily basis and to actively participate in classroom discussions and labs. Points will be issued for each day that a student is in their seat and on time. Students who are tardy or who are not on task will not receive participation points for that day. Also, your 5 points per day can be taken away for various things such as cell phone use in class or excessive talking with neighbors. Basically, BE on TIME and BE – HAVE. J

VIII. Classroom Behavior

A classroom set of rules will be posted and discussed the first day of class. If a

student breaks a rule or does not act accordingly, he/she will be issued a detention or

referral depending on the severity of the situation. Detentions will be served during lunchtime or after school depending on the teacher’s schedule. Failure to serve a detention results in an automatic referral.

Print Name _____________________________________________

Ag Physical Science ~ Mrs. Bates

IX. Classroom Behavior

A classroom set of rules will be posted and discussed the first day of school. If a student breaks a rule or does not act accordingly, he/she will be issued a detention or referral depending on the severity of the situation. Detentions will be served during lunchtime or after school depending on the teacher’s schedule. Detentions are served with the teacher unless time permits otherwise; however, failure to serve a detention results in an automatic referral.

Class Rules as Outlined by the Students:

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________________

I have read and understand all the policies and procedures contained herein. Please sign and return to your instructor.

__________________________ ____________________

Student Signature Date

__________________________ ____________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

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