Grade Level: Elementary Middle School High School

Content Standards/Skills / 6.RL.1 & 6.RI.1 – Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Assessments / Data Source / Category 2 – Writing Sample using SBAC “Elaboration of Evidence” Rubric
Context/Students / I teach 65 total 6th graders. This is a year-long Language Arts class which involves reading, writing, speaking, and listening. 12 of my students have an IEP. 6 of the students are ELLs. 8 of my students are TAG. This student group includes 29 boys and 36 girls.
In 2013-14, these students scored as follows on OAKS Reading:
5 – Does Not Meet
9 – Nearly Meets
26 – Meets
24 – Exceeds
While the OAKS results will not be used as baseline data, it is informative in general strengths/opportunities.
Baseline Data / All 65 students were assigned a writing prompt pre-assessment, which was scored using the SBAC “Elaboration of Evidence” rubric.
Pre-Assess Score / # of Students / Students Names
1 / 63 / Students 1 thru 63
2 / 2 / Student 64, Student 65
3 / 0 / -
4 / 0 / -
Student Growth Goal (Targets) / Goal Statement / By May 1st, 2015, 100% of students will demonstrate growth on the SBAC writing attribute of “Elaboration of Evidence” as evidence by an increase in rubric score on a writing sample. Growth is tiered as follows:
Pre-Assessment / Target Score
1 / 3
2 / 4
Rationale / Citing evidence is an essential skill for college and career readiness. This standard encompasses all content areas and other standards within the English Language Arts.
Strategies / ·  Informal daily assessments
·  Sentence frames for writing and speaking
·  Color-Coding signal strategy for elaborating writing
·  Common formative assessments
·  Student-to-student academic conversations
·  Marking the text strategies
·  Flexible grouping
·  Rubric (explicitly taught and used with students)
·  Guided reading of texts to evaluate evidence
·  Accommodations and modification contained in IEPs
·  Other SIOP strategies to support English learners
·  Learning Walks
·  District Interim Assessment and District Writing Assessment
Professional Learning and Support / ·  Professional Development
·  PLC Work
·  Instructional Coaching
·  Learning Walks

SAMPLE GOAL – Revised 09/30/15