Sample Letter to Recruit Volunteer Lawyers


Dear :

The [insert local bar association name] is sponsoring the “There Ought To Be A Law” Essay Contest in celebration of Law Day [year]. The contest asks students in grades 7 through 12 to write an essay identifying what they believe “ought to be a law.” The students will generate an idea for a new law and provide reasons why that particular law should be enacted, taking into account its impact on the community.

As a member of [insert local bar association name], we need your help to make our project a success by visiting a high school classroom or assisting in the local judging. Those who take part in the classroom visits this fall to familiarize students with the lawmaking process will be supplied with appropriate materials and talking points. Student essays will be 1,000 words or less and must be postmarked by [insert deadline]. Local judging must be completed within approximately one month from the contest deadline (exact judging deadline date to be determined).

Please take a moment to indicate that you will participate in this opportunity to explain how the law protects our freedoms by calling me at [insert local phone number] or by returning the enclosed response form.


Sample Volunteer Lawyer Response Form


Firm Name


Phone Fax


Best time of day to contact: [ ] morning [ ] afternoon [ ] evening

[ ] Yes, I would like to participate in the “There Ought To Be A Law” Essay Contest as a classroom volunteer.

[ ] Yes, I would like to participate in the “There Ought To Be A Law” Essay Contest as a judge.

[ ] I will not be able to personally participate in the “There Ought To Be A Law” Essay Contest, but my firm would be willing to donate a prize for local participants.

[ ] I will not be able to participate in the “There Ought To Be A Law” Essay Contest in any way.

Please return this form to: [insert contact name and address or FAX number] by [insert deadline date].