Saint Anselm Church

12670 Dunks Ferry Road

Philadelphia, PA 19154

Parish Center School

Phone 215-637-3525 215-632-1133

Fax 215-637-4915 215-632-3264

Parish Website:

School Website:



Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM

Sunday 8:00; 10:00 AM; 12:00 Noon


8:30 AM (Monday thru Friday)

8:00 AM (Saturday)

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

16 February 2014


Monday thru Thursday 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Saturday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Sunday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM


Reverend Thomas J. Dunleavy.……………..Pastor.…………….....ext. #11…………

Reverend David M. Friel.…………………....Parochial Vicar……..ext. #14…………

Reverend John E. Fitzgerald ……………….Resident……………...ext. #23…………

Deacon Gerald J. Whartenby ………………Pastoral Associate......ext. #12…………

Deacon Dennis P. Warner.…………………..Pastoral Associate…..ext. #17…………..deacon.warner@

Mrs. Geraldine Murphy……………………..Principal…………………………………

Mrs. Diane Leonetti..……………………….. Director of Music…...ext. #29…………...dleonetti@

Mr. Dennis Mueller..………………………...Religious Education...ext. #15…………...dmueller@

Mrs. Theresa Grillo..………………………...Business Manager..…ext. #13…………...tgrillo@

Mrs. Kathleen Zaremski..…………………...Parish Secretary…….ext. #16…………

Mrs. Joanne Jackson………………………...Receptionist………….ext. #10.…………..jjackson@

Mrs. Ronnie Harkins ………………………..Receptionist….............ext. #10….………..rharkins@


Baptisms are every Sunday at 1:00 PM. Parents are asked to call the Parish Center and speak with the Priest or Deacon who is on call and who will assist them in registering their child for Baptism. The Church assists the parents by offering instruction on the meaning, importance, and responsibilities of the sacrament of Baptism. A Pre-Jordan Baptismal Program for helping parents prepare for the spiritual birth of their child is held on the fourth Sunday of the month in the Spirituality Center following the Noon Mass.


Couples planning to marry are asked to contact a Parish priest to make arrangements for a wedding.


Saturdays 3:30-4:30 PM


Rosary 8:00 AM Daily

6:30 PM Monday

Divine Mercy 3:00 PM Monday (Chapel)

Eucharistic Exposition 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Monday - Chapel

Benediction 6:50 PM Monday (Chapel)

Legion of Mary 7:00 PM Monday

Charismatic Prayer Mtg. 7:00 PM Tuesday

Miraculous Medal Novena 8:00 AM Mass Saturday

Mass Schedule

Sunday, February 16

8:00 AM Joan Kubach r/b Bill Fitzgerald

10:00 AM The People of St. Anselm Parish

12:00 PM Jane Kirk r/b The Cunningham Family

Monday, February 17

8:30 AM Joan Kubach r/b Ceil Brown

Tuesday, February 18

8:30 AM Pietro & Anna DiGiuseppe

r/b Pete & Bettina DiGiuseppe

Wednesday, February 19

8:30 AM Paul McCann r/b Jean McCann

Thursday, February 20

8:30 AM William & Claire Nessel

r/b Adele & Frank Nessel

Friday, February 21

8:30 AM Richard Jeral r/b Helen & Bob Jeral

Saturday, February 22

8:00 AM Anthony Barone

r/b Frank & Betty Pasternak

5:00 PM Joan Kubach r/b Mike & Eileen Roller

Sunday, February 23

8:00 AM Francis “Spike” Berk

r/b Donna & Joe DiMarcantonio

10:00 AM The People of St. Anselm Parish

12:00 PM Ronald McClane r/b Linda McClane

Sunday Collection – February 9, 2014

Envelopes $ 9,846.00

Loose $ 246.87

Grade School Students $ 94.00

High School Students $ 35.00

Total $10,221.87

Second Collection – February 23, 2014

Care of Aging & Infirm Priests

Pray For Our Deceased…

Margaret Palermo, mother of John Palermo

Salvador J. Palumbo, III, son of Dolores Gatward

Frank Pecoraio, father of James Pecoraio & Jane Kehl


Pray For Our Sick…

Lorraine Apice, wife of Edward Apice

Dave Baldwin, son-in-law of Chris DiMezzo

Jen Barr, daughter-in-law of Margie & Jerry Barr

Harry Brecker, husband of Peg Brecker

Peggy Ann Brecker, daughter of Harry & Peg Brecker

John Bradley, husband of Doris Bradley

Ian Butterly, friend of Beverly Geist

John Carr, brother of Robert Carr

Margaret & Mark Citrino

Oscar Conway, father of Maureen Strausser

Rachelle Crume, niece of Ann Finocchiaro

Brian & Joseph Daly, nephews of Pat & Jack Owens

Michael Dayton, husband of Chris Dayton

Ruthann DeMarzio, friend of John Doering

Michael DiMauro, brother of Carmella Morris

Freda Dolhansky, wife of Bill Dolhansky

Joey Dougherty, brother of Debbie Peruso

Cassy Giardina, aunt of Melissa Freer & Bob Dougherty

Nicki Goodwin, friend of Bill & Lauren Love

Cathy Grebe, wife of Larry Grebe

Carol Grimes, mother of Melissa Baker Moore

Michelle Hannigan, friend of Maddie Seiger

Amanda Hopkins, friend of John Doering

Joseph Jordan, friend of John Doering

Ed Lafferty, husband of Peg Lafferty

Nicholas Lamina, son of Joseph & Carol Lamina

John Leonetti, husband of Diane Leonetti

Marie Macready, mother of Joyce Macready

Erin Martin, granddaughter of Tom & Anita Murphy

Nora Mastyl, sister of Kathy Nice

Marlene McDermott, mother of Barbara Hoppel

Jeanne McDonough, aunt of Ann Grippo

Bernice & Larry McElwain, friends of Joseph Melnyk

Staci McFadden’s friends & relatives

Eric McKeown, son of Theresa McKeown

Denise McReynolds, daughter of Joan McReynolds

Mickey Melnyk, wife of Joe Melnyk

Dan Nugent, relative of Denise McReynolds

Bonnie Oldham, sister of Mary Ellen Lowery

Maggie Oleszczyk, sister of Kathy Zaremski

Dorothy Pembroke, mother of James Pembroke

Marc Petrasso, friend of Denise McReynolds

Jake Phillips, cousin of Ann Finocchiaro

Relatives of The Tarquin Pirolli Family

Mary Prata, aunt of Gloria & Anita

James Proferes, friend of Marlene Molishus

Art Rausch, husband of Judy Rausch

John Robinson, husband of Patricia Robinson

Tim Robinson, nephew of Bernie & Theresa Cory

Mike Roman, husband of Joan Roman

Pauline Schultz, niece of Eileen Doering

Jean Schwartz, friend of Trudy Fisher

Marion Smith, wife of Arthur Smith

Betty Beck Tierney, sister of Rita Vaxner

Caroline & Daniel Wagner, grandchildren of Carole Wagner

Dorothy Walsh, mother of Marge Walsh

Edward Woehlcke, husband of Donna Woehlcke

Dianne Wrubel, mother of Kimberly Cantagallo

Anna Barta Yurek, aunt of Amelia Sakalowski

Weekly Schedule

Sunday, February 16

9:00 AM SCRIP Sales – Room B

10:00 AM Liturgy of the Word for Children (K-4)

12:00 PM Secular Franciscans – Spirituality Center

5:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B

Monday, February 17

9:00 AM Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament

12:30 PM Blood Drive – OLV

3:00 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet

6:30 PM Rosary & Benediction – Chapel

6:30 PM AA Meeting – Room B

7:00 PM Cub Scouts’ Mtg. – Parish Hall

7:00 PM Blessed Margaret Mtg. – Room A

7:00 PM Legion of Mary – Spirituality Center

Tuesday, February 18

9:15 AM SCRIP Sales – Room B

6:15 PM CCD Level 2 – Singing Practice

6:45 PM CCD Classes

7:00 PM Prayer Group

7:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B

7:00 PM Night at the Races Volunteer Mtg.

…Parish Hall

Wednesday, February 19

6:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B

6:30 PM Safe Environment Program - OLV

6:30 PM St. Vincent DePaul Mtg. – Spirituality Ctr.

7:00 PM CYO Outreach – Parish Hall

7:15 PM AA Meeting – Room B

Thursday, February 20

8:30 AM Mass w/school children Grades 5-8

12:00 PM Senior Citizens’ Meeting – OLV

5:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B

6:30 PM SCRIP Sales – Room B

7:00 PM Parent Meeting for Confirmation

… Parish Hall

7:00 PM Charismatic Leaders’ Mtg.– Spirituality Ctr.

7:30 PM Choir Practice – Music Room

Friday, February 21

6:30 PM AA Meeting – Room B

6:30 PM Curia Meeting – Spirituality Ctr.

Saturday, February 22

12:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B

4:30 PM SCRIP Sales – Room B

Please, help us save lives…

Blood Drive

Our Lady of Victory Hall

Monday, February 17th, 12:30 – 6:30 PM

If you have not yet made an appointment, please consider donating. Call 215-637-3525, ext. #16 with your desired appointment time. All presenting donors will receive a “free” pound of Dunkin’ Donuts Coffee.


CYO Ice Skating

This event, originally scheduled for Sunday, February 9th has been rescheduled for Sunday, March 9th from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. If you have purchased tickets and are unable to attend on March 9th, please call Jennifer, 267-980-8237. Tickets will be available until March 5th. The price is $10.00 each (includes skate rental).

Volunteers Needed…

If you are interested in helping with the Night at the Races, a meeting will be held at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, February 18th, in the Parish Hall. We are asking if you could volunteer only an hour of your time. If you would like to help but are unable to make the meeting, please contact Jim Socha at 215-821-2007 or .

Ladies of Saint Anselm…


Sunday, February 23, 11:00 AM

St. Anselm Parish Hall

Tickets are now available in the Parish Center and during SCRIP hours in the SCRIP office. Ticket prices are $6.00 for adults and $4.00 for children ages 4 thru 12. The breakfast includes two sausages, endless pancakes, orange juice, coffee tea or water. Please purchase your tickets by Wednesday, February 19th.


February 9, 2014

Makenna Rose, daughter of Stephen& Maureen Izzi


Vincentian Message…

In the Gospel, Jesus says: “Whoever fulfills and teaches these commands shall be great in the kingdom of God.”

By your gift to the Society of St. Vincent DePaul, you indeed put your faith into action as you fulfill the commands of Jesus.



February 28, 2014

St. Martha Church

Prayer and Praise 6:45 PM

Liturgy 7:15 PM

Celebrant Msgr. Andrew Golias

For information call Bobbie, 215-637-5541

Liturgy for Persons with Disabilities

April 5, 2014

Archdiocesan Pastoral Center

This Mass, originally scheduled for January 25th, has been rescheduled on April 5th. Those who registered will be automatically re-registered for this event. Others not registered may do so by April 1, 2014 at .

“Rachel’s Vineyard is at the Heart of the Church”

March 7, 8 & 9th

Rachel’s Vineyard retreats are for anyone hurting from the spiritual and emotional pain of an abortion. The weekend will help you experience the mercy and compassion of God; grieve your loss; and forgive yourself and others. The retreat is at the Spirituality Center in Frazer, PA. Call 215-906-6337. All contacts are confidential.



St Anselm Church is pleased to offer a preventive health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will host their affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings on 3/21/2014. Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked arteries which is a leading cause of stroke; abdominal aortic aneurysms which can lead to a ruptured aorta; hardening of the arteries in the legs which is a strong predictor of heart disease; atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat which is closely tied to stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and women, used to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member discount). All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. In order to register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please either visit or call 1-888-653-6441.

50th Anniversary

Saint Anselm School

1963-64 --- 2013/14

You are cordially invited to a

50th Birthday Party!

Saint Anselm Catholic School has been educating the minds and hearts of children since 1963. We have been blessed by so many who support Catholic education. As we celebrate our Golden Jubilee, we invite all present and former students, parents, teachers, administrators, parishioners, friends, religious, and clergy to join us for the 12 PM Mass on Sunday, March 2, 2014 followed by a family-friendly luncheon in the parish hall. Our school will be open for visits also. If you plan to join us for lunch, please call 215-632-1133 between 9 AM and 2 PM weekdays and give the secretary the number of persons who will be attending. We need this information to provide the appropriate amount of food for our guests. We look forward to your joining us as we give thanks to the Lord for His goodness to us over these many years.

On The Road Again…

Niagara Falls 2014!

October 5th thru October 9th

Join Ray Blum and friends for this five day trip. The bus departs Heathergate (Langhorne) at 9:00 AM on Sunday, October 5th. The price is $579.95 per person for double occupancy and includes 3 Dine around Dinners, 4 Deluxe Continental Breakfasts, an escorted sightseeing tour of Niagara Falls, a sightseeing in Toronto and a day of leisure to further explore the beautiful Niagara Falls region. Deposits are being accepted and insurance is available. A Passport is required. Ray may be contacted at 215-741-1028 or 215-470-8533.

You are invited…

St. Katharine Drexel NOVENA TEA

Thursday, February 20, 2014

2:00-4:00 PM

(purpose is to get ready for the Feast Day)

Cost is $10.00 plus a non-perishable food item!

Sunday, March 2, 2014 @ 9:30 AM

National Justice Award presented to

National Franciscan Volunteer Ministry.

Please RSVP, 215-244-9900, ext. 380 or email

St. John Neumann Adult Day Services

St. John Neumann extends their ministry to the elderly and their caregivers with their community adult day services. The program provides a secure, caring, home-like setting, with an array of leisure and home activities, dementia care, personal hygiene care, nursing and rehab services plus spiritual support with daily Mass. Call Diane Barton, 215-698-5655 for a tour and free lunch.


Host Families Needed!

…for several international students who would like to attend Archbishop Ryan Catholic High School for the upcoming semester. These F-1 visa students speak English, have medical insurance, and have their own pocket money for personal expenses. Host families provide room and board and receive a generous monthly hosting stipend. For more information, please contact Lydia Colarusso, 610-428-7824.


Following the example of Mother Teresa, it will enable us, as a Parish, to continue its work of “Reaching Out” to those forgotten “next door neighbors”. And, like Mother Teresa, it enables us as a Parish to show our love toward the seemingly unlovable, the poorest of the poor.

Can you help replenish our meals by occasionally preparing a little extra? We are low on meals and need your support. Containers for meals may be picked up in the SCRIP Office next to the freezer. When you fill the container, please return it to the freezer. God bless you for your kindness.

Volunteers Needed!

Immaculate Mary Home

Would you consider sharing the gift of your time and presence to assist our residents? We are flexible with days and hours. If you can afford a few hours a week to assist our residents, please contact the volunteer office, 215-992-1870.


Physical Science 1st Place: Miranda Abrams Grade 3

2nd Place: Samantha McCurry Grade 6

3rd Place: Brittany Bradley Grade 8

Earth Science: 1st Place: Corey Hecdivert Grade 4

2nd Place: Rebecca Moroz Grade 6,

3rd Place Jianna Rondeau Grade 3

Consumer Science: 1st Place: Corinne Mundy Grade 6

2nd Place Tie: Casey Mundy Grade 8

Alana Verello Grade 3

3rd Place Team: Caitlin Field Grade 7

Hailey McDonnell Grade 7

Isabella Trinacria Grade 7