Safeguarding Knowledge Quiz

To help you complete the questions below you will need to make yourself familiar with the following documents:

·  No Secrets 2000

·  Safeguarding Adults Multi-agency Policy, Procedures and Guidance Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth July 2013

·  Making Decisions – Lord Chancellor’s Department 1999

·  Mental Capacity Act 2005

·  Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards April 2009

·  Human Rights Act 1998

Links to these documents can be found within the question text, just click on the blue underlined titles to access.

1.  What is the definition of a “Vulnerable Adult” as defined in ‘No Secrets’2000 (DH)

2.  What is the definition of abuse in “No Secrets”?

3.  What factors inform any assessment of seriousness, according to the Safeguarding Adults Multi-agency Policy, Procedures and Guidance Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth July 2013. ‘’

4.  Hampshire County Council State that “Vulnerable Adults” have the right to:

(tick all that apply)

Be made aware of policies and guidance and organisations which may provide help and support; and their right to support / representation by an independent advocate
Be safe, secure and supported
A safeguarding response under the procedures if they have allegedly caused the harm
An assumption of capacity
Their disclosure not being passed on if they refuse help
Be listened to, informed and included in the investigation process in any situation of abuse
Be taken seriously
Be given information to help them make informed decisions
Make unwise decisions
Be told the outcomes of any investigation
Have investigations conducted by skilled, appropriately trained people
Be given information about, and support to access appropriate specialist support groups / services
Be invited to a case conference to discuss the outcomes of the investigation

5.  Where can abuse occur? Please explain your answer fully.

6.  How many types of abuse are identified in “No Secrets”? Please give examples of each.

7.  What are your responsibilities if you suspect abuse?

8.  If you have a concern about abuse, what immediate action should you take? (tick as many as apply)

Report concerns to appropriate manager or supervisor
Report concerns to the Contact Centre
Attend strategy meeting
Confront the person alleged to have caused the harm
Preserve evidence
Support and reassure the person
Investigate the abuse
Consider a referral to the Disclosure and Barring Service
Log nature of the alleged abuse
Report concerns to the named Social Worker/Care Manager
Do nothing
Ensure the immediate safety of the person
Notify the persons relatives
Interview all witnesses

9.  Which type of abuse might be a criminal offence?

10. Which agencies have a lead responsibility to co-ordinate all investigations

into abuse of vulnerable adults?

11. What is the Department of Health 6 Principles of Safeguarding, which are referred to in the Statement of Government Policy May 2011?

12. Which primary pieces of legislation underpin safeguarding adults work?

(tick four you think are the most important)

Mental Capacity Act 2005
NHS and Community Care Act 1990
Theft Act 1968
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
Protection from Harassment Act 1997
Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998
Human Rights Act 1998
Health and Social Care Act 2008
Mental Health Act 1983
Sexual Offences Act 2003
Protection of Freedoms Act 2012

13. What safeguarding response should take place where a person has a dementia, mental health problem or a learning disability?